Chapter 67

"Ok, that's the last box." Pearl said, thankful the move was over. "Ha! It's final! You live here! Come here, Pearl with the pretty eyes." Rhys said, giving her a big kiss.

It had been two weeks since he proposed. He stayed for her show that night, and made a huge announcement about their engagement to the crowd, but he left right after their show to get back to filming. They moved her in the day he got back into town and she hadn't had a moment alone with him since she said yes.

She remembered the last time she moved, the fear and anxiety that went along with it. This time it was full of love and laughter.

"You can put all that in the library, it's where I'll be living." She said to the moving men. They all stopped and looked at her.

"Oh're not living there, I'm taking you to the bedroom and locking the door." Rhys said, picking her up over his shoulder and carrying her to the main floor master suite.

"You think you own me now?" Pearl joked, slapping his back.

"Nope. No way. You're not a woman anyone can own. That's what I love most about you. You aren't mine. You aren't anyone's. You are yours. And you just happen to love me. So fuck yes, I'm keeping you right next to me as much as possible." He said, laying her down on the bed.

"The house is so big and empty. We need furniture. We need more than just a bed and a rug and a chandelier." She said, looking around. "We will get there. It's all ours now to do what we want now. I don't need much more than a bed, though." He said as he started kissing her. He moved her shirt up and kissed her stomach and then pulled her yoga pants and panties down. He took off his clothes and kissed her thighs, moving up to between her legs. She looked at him, running her hands through his dark hair. "I love you", she said.

He moved up and over her until he was facing her.

"I love you, Pearl." He whispered as he entered her. She bit her lip and he thrust forward harder. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face to his as he continued to move in and out of her. "This. This is what I love the most. Being this close to you." He said and he quickened the pace.

Hearing his words, she immediately felt her orgasm taking over and she wanted to hold it off. She flipped him onto his back and began to ride him. She held on to the back of headboard and grinded herself down into him, pushing her body down, forcing him to be as deep and close as possible.

"Fuck, god." He moaned. She was making the entire bed shift and hit the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing to me. I'm going to cum so hard. Oh my god." Rhys said.

"Don't hold back. Cum. I want you to." And just as she said that, her own orgasm finally came and she grabbed his shoulders and sat him upright, wrapping her legs around him, still riding him. "Look at me. Look at me and cum." She said to him.

And she could feel him tighten as he wrapped his arms around her and laid her back, her legs still wrapped around his sides. He cried out and filled her, on top of her now, pumping himself harder and harder into her.

They fell onto the bed and caught their breath.

"Jesus Christ woman what the fuck was that?"

"That was ME loving YOU." She said, kissing him as she got up to use the bathroom.

"It sure the hell was." He laughed and got dressed. "Let's have a smoke."

The next morning, her and Rhys were eating cereal out of the box, sitting on the kitchen counter and laughing about how sore they were from all the celebrating in bed the entire night before, when her phone rang. It was Jason.

"Hello. I didn't think I'd ever hear from you again. I'm assuming all this time is not a good sign." She said as soon as she answered. Rhys stood in front of her, eager to know what was going on. "Well? Is he signing you? What is he saying?" Rhys mouthed to her as she swatted him away.

"First of all, congrats to you and Rhys. I knew it was going to happen, and you guys are great together. I hear Dylan is great and healing well. Also....They want you all to come back to New York in two weeks. Pearl, they want to sign you."

Holy shit. "But there's one catch. They don't want John. They think you need a different rhythm guitar player. And they want to hire some studio musicians, too."

"What? No.John is not only a part of this band, he is the band. No way." She said, disgusted at the thought.

"I figured you'd say that. And that's why I have a plan b. I'm going to approach him to be your manager. I'm going to tell him we need him in that role more. Which really isn't a lie. It would be a life changing thing for him as well. He could manage other bands as well the more experience he got. It's a good opportunity for him. Think about it. Let me know what you decide and if you want to talk to him about it or if you want me to."

"Ok. Give me few days and I'll get back to you." She said as she hung up.

"That didn't sound as good as I hoped it would sound." Rhys said, rubbing her arms.

"They don't want John as our rhythm guitar player." She dropped her head. This was awful. "They think he could be our manager, though."

"That's great news! I have worked with a few entertainment managers in my career. Mostly not good guys. They make a lot of money and there needs to be more good guys doing it. I don't know John that well but what I do know is that he is a great guy and he would be a damn good manager." Rhys hugged her.

"I need to talk to him. Can we go and talk to him tonight? Or invite him here?" Pearl asked

"First of all, you never have to ask me if you can invite someone here or if we can go somewhere. Second, you want me to go? I figured you'd want to be on your own. I'm kinda... really...happy you want to include me." He smiled shyly.

"Of course I do! We are together now. You're my partner. And my buddy." She kissed him.

"I've never had anything like that. It's really...wonderful." He said and picked her up off the counter, spinning her around.