Chapter 73

"I don't need a chaperone, Jim I'm a grown ass woman" Pearl said as Jim drove her back to the apartment.

He didn't say a word and she was still obviously drunk. "I don't understand why all this is happening anyway." She mumbled to herself. They got to the apartment and she opened the door to see Rhys standing in the kitchen. Jim closed the door and stood outside. Rhys walked to Pearl and forcefully grabbed her by the arms and pushed her up against the wall, kissing her. He took her clothes off and her bra and panties. He kissed her mouth and her neck, moving his hands up and down her body. He pulled his shirt off and his pants down. He lifted her up against the wall and entered her, thrusting in and out of her. "Do you see what you do to me? Do you see how beautiful you are? How much I want you? How no woman will ever even compare to a fraction of you?" He said as lifted her higher in the air, thrusting harder. "Yes" she gasped.

"Say it. Say you're enough. I flew here tonight to show you you're enough." He said.

"I'm enough." She said.

He moved her the floor and looked at her while he slowly entered her again. "You aren't just enough. You're more than enough. Don't ever compare yourself to anyone else. You're Pearl. And you're the most incredible human I've ever met. You're everything. You're perfect." He said as he let out a moan and she felt him cum. He laid beside her and looked at her. "I love you. I felt awful about your call. I got a flight as soon as you hung up. And I'm not leaving until after Christmas. I never want to leave you again. I want you to come with me to Ontario. It's not about control. I just want to be with you. Near you, always." He said, moving her hair out of her face.

"I love you, too. I'm sorry. I was drunk and feeling insecure. I'm so sorry."

"Don't ever be sorry." He said and he kissed her and took her to bed.

The next morning, she woke up to Rhys and Jim arguing in the kitchen. "Well find her! I don't understand why it's so difficult. She's not stable and I don't want anything to happen to Pearl or myself or anyone else. Find her, now Jim!" Pearl walked downstairs and grabbed coffee. "Good morning, poo poo face." She said. "Good morning." Rhys answered. "I was talking to Jim. But good morning to you, too, my love."

The men looked at each other and Rhys shook his head.

"So what's on the agenda today?", Pearl asked sarcastically, "You two know I have a gig tonight at Bowery's Electric, right?"

"Yes. I do. And we are going." Rhys said.

"Ooo like a date? You two are so cute." She joked. Jim was about to his eyeballs with her bullshit.

"I'm meeting with the guys at the hotel at noon. We are going over the show tonight and having a late lunch. Then we are interviewing two guitar players. You're coming with, right?"

"Of course" Rhys said. He looked adorable. His hair was growing out again and he had pulled back into a man bun. He left his contacts in Ontario so he had to wear his glasses. He was wearing a Kerouac t-shirt and cardigan and a pair of tight jeans with moccasins on. He was sex on legs looking all nerdy like that.

"What?" Rhys asked. "What seriously? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Can I see you in the bathroom for a minute?" Pearl asked.

A minute turned into 25.

Jim was very tired of her bullshit.

They got to the hotel and the guys were in the lobby area sitting on couches, hashing things out. Iris was there, too, sitting on Blake's lap. "Hey guys."

"Don't yell", Blake said. They were all looking pretty rough.

"So I'm playing the gig tonight because we haven't hired anyone yet. And unless the people we are interviewing today have done their homework, I'll be playing tomorrow, too. Here's the set list." He handed the copies out.

"These are all of our original songs." Dylan said.

"Yes, we are promoting our album. This is our album. Sort of. A raw version of it anyway." John said.

"But you have my acoustic song on here. And I'm not ready for that." Dylan was becoming agitated.

"You got this. I know you can do it. I'll sit on stage with you and do some harmonies. You got this." Pearl said. He smiled and her grabbed her hand. "Thank you." He said.

Rhys looked a little uncomfortable. Pearl broke the moment and pulled on his man bun. "I love you." She said. He slapped at her hand and pushed her to the side and kissed her cheek. "Get a room you two." Blake said.

"I think we will." Rhys said and sent Jim over. "What are you doing, Rhys?" Pearl asked. "I just remembered how much you like hotels with me." He said with a wink. "Plus you'll be closer to your band. Win/win."

They all had lunch and Pearl and Rhys checked into their room. It was a huge suite and Pearl loved the enormous balcony. "We can some back here before and after your show tonight. I'll have Jim get our things. Plus he will have a room next to us and we can have more privacy." Sounded like a win to Pearl.

They met the guys at Epic for the guitar player interviews. Jason and Jax were also there. Jason and Rhys caught up outside over a smoke and the band went in. Jason had managed to schedule 4 auditions. They were only expecting two. The first one was already there. Jason and Rhys came into the booth with the rest of them and the first audition began. He was very clean cut and right out of school. He was classically trained and phenomenal. They all hated him.

The next one was decent. He was obviously intoxicated and said "fuckin A" more than any other thing. Blake liked him, obviously. No one else did.

The third was an older man, with longhair and long beard, not really fitting the look of the band at all. He played well and knew three of their songs. They weren't able to agree on him.

They were losing hope a little when the last one walked in.

Holy shit. He was the epitome of a rock god. He had long, wavy brown hair and wore leather pants and snakeskin boots. He had sleeve tattoos on both arms and an open silk button down shirt. It took a moment, but they all recognized him. It was Ian Foxxe. He had played guitar in several popular bands. He was already known and established and he was gorgeous. "Pick your jaw up off the floor, Pearl." Tony whispered.

"Stop. You know who he is, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Fuck man. Is he legit trying out for our band?" Dylan asked Jason.

"Yes. He's between bands right now. The Chili Peppers just got their previous guitar player back and let him go. He was only contracted for two records with them, anyway. Jax ran into him a week ago played him your demo. He dug it and asked to try out. We told him we'd match what you offer him as a sweetener, if you offer him the job."

"I like the old dude." Rhys said. "He has my vote." Blake laughed. "I bet you do, man."

"What? He was good!" Rhys defended himself.

Ian played all of their songs. Well. Then he sat in with the band. He fit in perfectly. And he played their songs accurately enough to play their gig that evening.

They all met in the meeting room and offered him the job. Jason and John gave him the contract to sign and it was done. He was signed for three albums and all appearances pertaining to them. He got a profit percentage from the albums and 300,000 dollars up front. John invited Ian to the hotel bar for a drink before their gig.

They were all walking to the cars when Ian caught up with Pearl. "This band has a lot of potential. YOU have a lot of potential. I'm really looking forward to this. Thanks." And he walked away. Dylan saw the exchange and felt there was trouble brewing.