Chapter 76

Pearl woke up with a start. She looked around the dark hotel room, remembering where she was. She reached over to find Rhys wasn't there. She got up and walked around the room, and didn't see him anywhere. She checked her phone, nothing. It was 4 am.

She texted him, asking where he was. No reply. She tried to call him, no answer. She threw some clothes on and went down into the lobby. It was almost completely empty. Heading back to her room, she heard voices when she walked past Jim's room.

"You were supposed to stay at the hospital. That was the agreement." She heard Rhys say. "Jim is driving you back to Ohio right now. You aren't stable." Was Rhys on the phone?

"I know, I'm sorry." She heard a female voice reply. She was in the room with him!

"I didn't press charges because I didn't want or need the press. We all had an agreement."

"Why are you with her? She heard her ask "You've never been with anyone! You told me you'd never really be with anyone and that's why you couldn't be with me! You lied to me!" Briana sounded so desperate, so sad. "You said you didn't do serious relationships!"

"Briana, that was 6 years ago. I was young. Focused on my career. People I met were vapid, fake. Selfish. I met Pearl and I changed my mind. She changed my mind. I don't expect you to understand that but I expect you to understand that if you don't stay at the hospital until they feel you are ready to go, I'm going to call the cop that arrested you and tell him I changed my mind about the agreement. Do you understand that?"

"Yes" Pearl heard her say.

"And I never want you anywhere near Pearl again. Understand that, too."

She heard some moving around and them coming toward the door. She ran and hid in the dark ice machine room a few doors down. Rhys, Jim and Briana walked down the hall and to the elevator. She quickly ran back to her room and got into bed, she saw a light on Rhys' phone on the bedside table and realized Rhys hadn't had his phone with him, so he never got her text or call.

Twenty minutes went by and Rhys returned to the room. He slid into bed, and put his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"Where were you?" Pearl asked.

"You're awake? I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up, I knew you were exhausted."

"I'm fine. Where were you?" She asked again.

"Jim found Briana. We talked to her. She won't bother you again. He's taking her back home, to the hospital."

"Were you going to tell me?"

"Of course. Tomorrow. I wanted you to get rest."

"Is there anything else you want to tell me, now that I'm awake?" Pearl was giving him the open door to tell her anything she didn't know.

"That I love you and I want to set a date for the wedding." He said, squeezing her harder.

"Ok. That's all?" She asked.

"Isn't that enough? I'm glad you said ok to setting a date." He said, kissing her again.

"Ok" she said. And she drifted back to sleep.

"Pearl, John called the room, the band is having lunch in the hotel in a half hour. I need to make a couple of calls and run some errands. I'll see you back in the room after your lunch?" He kissed her and gathered his things.

She nodded. She was still tired. And grouchy. Really grouchy. She didn't like drama and she thought she finally getting away from it. But now Rhys might be lying to her about himself, the paparazzi are onto her, her guitar player is a dick and his ex is a stalker.

She threw on Rhys' warm up pants, a pair of sunglasses and a hoodie and went downstairs. They were all already there. Even Ian. Why was he there?

"Mornin' sunshine face!" Blake said as she walked in. "Bloody Mary" she said as she flagged the waitress.

"What's wrong with you?" Dylan asked.

"Long night" Pearl said as she slammed the first drink. "Another one" she said, flagging the waitress again.

"Ah newly engaged. Must be exhausting." Ian said as he smiled.

"You have no idea." Pearl said.

"Ok so let's chat a little about tonight. I talked to the manager of the club and he said they are expecting a full house tonight. Apparently he's had several calls and they have stocked up on things." John said.

"Told you" Ian said, he looked a Pearl and winked.

"He wants to know if we have our own security." John said. They all looked at Pearl.

"What? Why are you looking at me?" She asked. "I asked for a second Bloody Mary" she waved at the waitress again.

"Can Rhys ask Jim and maybe get another?" John asked. "No. Jim's...out of town and it's on us to get it taken care of." Pearl looked at all of them and shrugged her shoulders.

"I know someone that can help. Let me make a few calls." Ian said and left the table.

They were all quiet and avoiding eye contact with Pearl.

"You ok?" Dylan asked her.

"Yes! I'm fine. Why?" She asked.

"Just checking." Dylan said.

"Let's order for fuck's sake." Pearl waved at the waitress again.

After lunch was over, Ian came up to Pearl in the lobby. "I got us two security guards. For tonight. Best I could do. And don't worry, it's taken care of. We don't have to pay them." He smiled, proud of himself. "Who are they? Some bikers that owe you favors?" She sneered. "Not exactly. But they will get the job done. So what's going on? Why the power bitch mode today?" He asked.

"First of all, even if something was wrong, I wouldn't discuss it with you. Second, I'm just tired. It's been a rough few months." She said as she started to the elevator.

"Must be exhausting banging the boss and trying to figure out what billionaire to pick." He laughed.

"Wait, how do you kno..." she started to ask. She was interrupted by Iris waving some god awful fabric in her face. She turned to figure out what the hell it was.

"Pearl! Guess what? Iris has a gift for you!" Blake said. When she looked back at Ian, he was gone.

"I hope you like it. All the big names have them." She said as she handed Pearl three silk scarves. "They're for your mic stand. Cool right?" Blake said, proud of his girl.

"Yes. Wow. Thank you so much." Pearl said and hugged her.

Rhys was already back in the room when Pearl got there. "How was lunch?" He asked.

"Fine." Pearl still felt uneasy about what Ian said. "I'm going to make a call. It's about the gig tonight. I'll be right back." She said. She stepped out into the hall and called Jason. "Hey Pearl! Excited about tonight?"

"Yes definitely. Hey. I have a question. What do you know about Ian? Just me being curious so I know more about our new member." She lied.

"Not much. Jax knows him pretty well. They worked on some movie soundtrack together awhile back. It's how they met. He's played for several artists. That's all I know really."

"Ok. Thanks. I appreciate it." Pearl said, hanging up. Something was up and she hadn't come this far to let some smug musician screw with her head.