Chapter 108

Rhys woke her up when they landed. "Good morning, my love. We are home."

Jim was waiting with the car when they exited the airport. Rhys and Jim talked on the ride about Rhys purchasing a private jet. "I've avoided it but I think it's time. We need to start aligning our life so we can be safe and enjoy it as much as possible without having to deal with these things. I'm also going to call my attorney and get a confidentiality agreement typed up for all of the house staff." Rhys seemed irritated and edgy.

They arrived home and Martha greeted them at the door. "Congratulations, Mrs. Tomlinson, welcome home." Pearl smiled, enjoying the sound of that. She took her luggage to the bedroom and unpacked.

Rhys walked up to her and kissed the back of her neck.

"My wife. It's so much better being home, knowing you are my wife now." He said.

She turned and kissed him. "It definitely is."

Her phone rang. "Hello, John."

"Pearl, we are blowing up. Jason wants us in New York next week." She sighed. The insanity of her new life was exhausting. They had the golden globe nominations in two weeks, and then the party in LA. Rhys' parents were coming the week after Valentine's Day and Rhys resumed filming in March. And sometime in between all of this, there was a Fortune 500 company to take over and a bookshop to run. "I will be there. Just let me know the plan", she said to John.

"And make sure you put on your people face. We are doing The Today Show while we are in town."

Pearl didn't respond. She was in total shock.

"Pearl, our single is out and it's blowing up. You are with one of the biggest movie stars under the age of 30 and our guitar player had played with several popular bands. This band is known now. We made it, Pearly Pearl."

She thanked him and hung up.

"Well, what was that all about?" Rhys asked.

"I have to go to New York next week."

"You mean WE have to go to New York next week?" He smiled and hugged her.

"Yes. If you'd like to come. We have to meet with Jason. Also, we are booked on The Today Show."

"Pearl! That's awesome! Congratulations! I've done the show a couple of times. It's intimidating as hell. I'll be there with you. I'll help however I can." He got on the phone and made some calls. He came back in to the bedroom and said, "I have to work a little. I'm proud of you, Pearl. You're amazing."

She met with Iris and filled her in. Iris said she was aware and had been making arrangements with John. She also told her and she and Blake had found a place and were doing well. She said she would be moving out within the month, depending on when they were able to close on the condo. It was in the city and about an hour from Pearl and Rhys' house, Pearl congratulated her and said she would help in any way she could.

After a long day of catching up on the functional tasks in her life, she finally settled down into the library with a book and a glass of wine. Rhys came in and sat next to her and kissed her, "what a crazy day." He said. "It's nice to sit down finally."

"Yes. It is. I don't know how you've done this your entire life." She said, looking at him with a new understanding.

"I shut out real feelings for a long time. It's easier to be robotic when you're always having demands put on you. So many faces and words and motions. No substance. Do you see now why I was waiting for you?" Rhys said, putting his arm around her.

Pearl knew exactly what he meant. And she agreed.

Pearl's text dinged. It was John again. There was a link to an article. She clicked it. "Holden Tomlinson married 'Poems for Wolves' singer Pearl Clarke in a private ceremony in Oahu this week."

She showed Rhys and he stood up and got on his phone, calling his attorney and manager.

Pearl texted John back. "This is bad, isn't it? Will affect our band?"

"No Pearl. It's good. And it will affect our band. We just got real famous, real fast. Also, congratulations"

Rhys came back and looked down. "It's out. Someone outed us. There are pictures, too. Someone was hiding not far away and taking pics. I'm sorry. I thought it would be discreet. I'm sorry if I ruined the wedding you planned in June."

"No! Don't worry about it. We can still have it. It's ok. It would have been out then anyway. It's a few months earlier. It's fine."

"So much for keeping a low profile as long as you can." Rhys said.

"I knew what I was taking on. It's ok. I love you." She said, kissing his forehead.

"I love you, too." Rhys said.

***************AUTHOR'S NOTE!!***************

If you're enjoying this book, please let me know! Also, check out my new novel, "Remembering Winter" and add it to your collection!