Chapter 112

Pearl met Ian in the hotel bar a half hour later. She found him at a booth in the back. "Hey. What's up?" Pearl asked. A waitress came and she ordered a drink.

"Have you heard from Rhys?" Ian asked.

"No, actually. I haven't heard from him all day. Do you know where he is?"

"I have an idea." Ian said. "But we have to keep it between us until I can prove it."

"Prove what?" Pearl was not happy with the drama that was filling her life now. She was over it.

"I talked to Carys. She still thinks I'm spying on you guys but she's apprehensive after she was accused of being behind the photos with you and I." He said.

Pearl nodded and motioned Ian to continue.

"When I talked to her, I asked if she had watched the interview from Good Morning America. She said she had and laughed. She then told me that she was glad it happened the way it did and made it sound like she had something to do with tipping them off." He said and continued. "She also said that David was easy to find and when she talked with him, she made him an offer that he was willing to do anything for."

"And what is that? What did she offer him?" Pearl asked.

"You. She offered him you." Ian said, looking around.

"Me? I don't understand." Pearl said.

"I don't either really. Not the details anyway. She wouldn't tell me anything else so this cannot get back to her anytime soon if we want to find out more information. I haven't even told Rhys. He found out from Martha's sister that Carys had met with David in town. I don't know what her plan is specifically, but my guess is she means that if she ruins you, they will both get what they want. You will resent Rhys and the lifestyle, lose everything and go running back to David's arms and she will get another chance with Rhys. It's just a hunch but it makes sense." Ian flagged the waitress for another drink.

"So you're saying that she's so in love with Rhys that she is risking his career and possibly hers to get him back? That sounds insane and desperate for an actress with so much going for her." Pearl wasn't buying it.

"First of all, Rhys has money now. A lot of it. So he doesn't need a career. And it isn't about being in love with him. It's about losing. And Carys has never lost in her entire life, and not to someone like you." Ian said.

"So where is Rhys?" Pearl asked, still not putting it together.

"If he's smart, he's in LA, making an appearance away from you and hiring someone to watch every movement Carys makes from now on." Ian said.

"Why wouldn't he tell me where he was going? I'm his wife." Pearl was seething with anger.

"There wasn't time, most likely."

"Ok. Say he's not there, where else could be?" Pearl asked, genuinely worried.

"I pray for David if I'm wrong. I haven't seen Dylan since we left Epic, either. Let's hope they aren't together." Ian looked concerned but he knew his involvement ended with this conversation.

Pearl thanked him and made her way to their suite. She knocked on Dylan's door. No answer. She texted and called both of them. No response. Another hour went by and thought she might go mad when there was a knock on her door.

"Dylan. Where the hell have you been?" She hugged him.

"I went out for awhile. Had a few drinks, stopped at a bookshop. I needed to clear my head. How are you? How's Rhys?" He asked, she could tell he was slightly intoxicated.

"Rhys isn't here. I haven't heard from him since this morning." Pearl said.

"What? Where the fuck is he? He's supposed to be taking care of you. I made him promise he would take care of you." Dylan was angry but Pearl knew promises meant little in this world she now lived.

"I didn't know that. Thank you for looking out for me." Pearl said.

"Always." Dylan answered and walked to the couch in the room and promptly passed out.

It was 3 am when Rhys finally texted Pearl. "Hey. I'm ok. Sorry I didn't answer until now. I'm at home in Michigan. I'll see you tomorrow when you get back. I've been busy. I love you. Be safe and see you soon."

She was half awake and fully furious. She was glad he was there when he finally texted her back because if he would have shown up in person, she might have murdered him.