Chapter 115

"That took forever I was just about to go looking for you." Rhys said as he greeted her at the door. She was still pissed at him for being a pussy about Carys. She walked past him and into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of wine, walked to the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She ran a bath and had just gotten settled when Rhys came in.

"You've got to see this." He said, showing Pearl his phone. David was on Entertainment Tonight, blasting Carys and calling her out on her scheme to lie and set Pearl up as gold digger. He apologized for it, stating he was a mess about his horrible relationship with his father. He said he felt awful that Pearl had to be a pawn in his game and that Carys had taken advantage of the situation to get closer to Rhys and Pearl out of the picture. It was huge. Pearl handed him back his phone and drank the wine directly from the bottle.

"I can't believe he came clean." He said

"I can." Pearl said, standing up and putting on a robe.

"You can?" He asked.

"Yes. And isn't because of anything you did to help." She said, walking out the bathroom.

She walked into the kitchen to see that Dylan and Blake had arrived and were waiting to talk to her.

"Hey Pearl." Blake said.

"Hey." She said back.

"Did you see the interview with Dav.." Dylan started to say.

"What's is that supposed to mean?" Rhys asked, stomping into the kitchen, interrupting him. "I'm still talking to you, Pearl!"

"I don't know why don't you install some more cameras?" She was furious. He just looked at her. Blake and Dylan stood there, looking down, knowing their timing sucked.

"If this marriage is going to work, you are going have to grow a sack when it comes to your Hollywood elitist buddies, including the ones you've put your dick in." She didn't wait for him to respond. "I took care of the situation with my big 'ole lady brain because my husband is a pussy when it comes to his fellow celebtards and just accepts their toxic ass bullshit because 'it's just the way it is, there's nothing we can do about it' Get the fuck out of here with that shit". She said marching to the refrigerator and grabbing the vodka from the freezer.

"Excuse me? You think I didn't want to do anything about this? I wanted to keep you safe." Rhys said.

"Oh yeah? We knew Carys was a conniving bitch a month ago. What did you do about it then? Coddle her? Ask her nicely to be a good girl and not pout anymore? I've been though too much shit to let some privileged, spoiled rotten child throw a temper tantrum at the expense of my life just because she doesn't want to lose the chance to have your money and you don't want to fuck her anymore. Fuck that. I'm not weak, despite what everyone here seems to think of me." She looked at Dylan and Blake and they looked away.

"I took care of this. I had someone steal his laptop because I'm intelligent enough to know what a camera is. He was recording us without our permission and he was going to blackmail me with it. But not anymore." She slammed a shot.

"What?" Dylan asked

"Yeah. I went to his office and confronted him today. That's why he's singing like goddamn canary. I got the only copies, too. They're in a safe deposit box so don't ask. I can take care of myself. Thanks heroes." She said and she took her phone out and played her confrontation with David earlier that day that she recorded, while she drank another glass of vodka. When it was over, Blake put his hand over his mouth and Dylan looked at her, smiling and proud as hell. Rhys put his head down. "I'm coming for Carys, too. So if you decide to have another round of 'Let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya' with her, let her know" she said to Rhys before she grabbed her phone and marched back to the bedroom with the vodka and locked the door.

"Grow a sack" Blake said under his breath, trying to stifle his laughter.