Chapter 126

Pearl woke up with a startle. She looked at her phone. 6 am. She looked around the room. No Rhys. She checked her messages and calls. Nothing. There were about 25 people meeting them in less than two hours to get prepared for the shoot that day and the hub of it all was no where to be found. He left her and berated her for defending herself. It was such crap and she knew it. She was furious, not hurt by it, and if he bailed on this video, she was going to be even more angry.

She got up, put on a robe and made coffee. She heard the lock jingle and Rhys walked in, with sunglasses on and the previous night's clothes. She wanted to punch him in the face but she kept her restraint and chose to ignore him instead. She pretended he didn't exist as he walked into the bedroom, turning on the shower. She walked to the patio to take in the morning sun. She looked down and saw the two glasses still there from the prince's visit. She decided she would leave it and smiled. She opened her robe to expose her boy shorts and tank, putting her legs up on the table in front of her. She could play dirty, too.

"Are you, um, are you going to be ready when they get here for hair and makeup in a hour?" Rhys asked as he opened the patio door, his hair still wet ringlets and a towel wrapped around his waist. She didn't acknowledge him, looking still at the beautiful morning sky. He wasn't going to acknowledge anything, why should she? No apology. No explanation as to where he was. And she was damn sure not going to ask. He walked around and stood directly in front of her view, looked down at her, moving his eyes up and down her body while she noticed his jaw muscles clench. She looked sexy as hell with her tousled hair and body glowing in the sunrise and she knew it. Then she saw his eyes move to the two glasses on the table. One with lipstick one without. She saw his face go from desire to anxiety.

"Yes. I'll be ready." She said, standing up. Her view was gone and she had no reason to be on the patio anymore.

"Who was here?" Rhys asked, following her into the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Pearl asked, avoiding eye contact.

"There are two glasses. One with your lipstick on it and one without. Who was here? One of the guys? Ian? Dylan?" She could see him getting more and more frantic as he spoke. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Her lack of a response was making his stress more evident.

"Pearl. I'm asking you a question, dammit. Answer me." He demanded. She looked at him, took off her robe and her clothes, standing completely naked in front of him. She walked to him until she was inches from his face. "If you want to know who was here, why don't you use some of that money and fame you have to buy a time machine so that you can leave the party without being a dick, come home with your wife, and KNOW for YOURSELF who the fuck was here." She said, looking directly into his eyes, she leaned in even closer. "Until then, you can wonder all goddamn day about it because I don't owe an explanation to a man that won't give me the same respect he is currently demanding of me." And she turned to the shower and closed the door. He started after her but stopped. She knew she was right and he knew it, too. And as far as she was concerned, if this was how their marriage was going to be, so be it. She was over trying to make him understand.

Everyone was there and things were moving along well. Pearl was happy for the distraction so she didn't have to deal with Rhys alone. Her anger was still just as strong and she couldn't see past it, especially after the way he came home and refused to acknowledge his behavior, only focusing on hers because of his insecurity.

The day of shooting at the house was a success. She and Rhys maintained a professional attitude toward each other for the video's sake and no one caught on to their issues because they were all working. At the end of the day, Fi came over to Pearl as they were taking off their costumes. "Hey love, how about a night out tonight. Just us girls?" She asked. Pearl was wondering if Fi was aware of Rhys' anger the night before and this was her way of reaching out to offer help. Pearl looked over at Rhys, talking with Matt and others and laughing, acting like nothing happened. She looked back at Fi, "Yes. I think a night out is exactly what I need." She said with a smirk.

She put on the skimpiest dress they could find on the wardrobe that was brought in for the shoot and she turned around in front of the mirror. "Damn. This dress is..."

"Perfect for what it's purpose is tonight." Fi said, sipping her wine.

"Yep!" Pearl said, grinning. After they were dressed and had put on even more makeup than what they already had on from the shoot, they walked out to the living room where the others were. Dylan, Ian, John and Tony were still there along with Rhys and Matt and a few others.

"Whoa." Dylan said, his jaw on the floor. Everyone else just kind of stood silently, gawking at the two of them.

"What the fuck is going on?" Rhys asked, looking angry.

"We are having a few drinks out. Just us girls." Fi said. "I need to have some girl talk."

Pearl was thankful for Fi's understanding and defense of her. Rhys looked at Pearl and his face changed. He now looked at her with an almost pleading look in his eyes. His pride was still there but he looked worried. Fi grabbed her hand and out the door they went.