Chapter 135

"Fi." Pearl, whispered as she tapped Fi's arm, trying to be discreet. Fi was talking to the handsome Italian man again. "Fi... FI!" Pearl said.

"What?!" Fi asked, not happy with the interruption.

"Look who it is. Don't look now. Don't say anything. Follow me to the ladies room right away. I have to talk to you." Pearl whispered.

"So what is it? Do you want me to look or not look?" Fi said sarcastically

"It's him. Erik. From the Chateau." Pearl was whispering so quietly Fi had to have her repeat it twice.

"Oh fuck! It is! That's cool, though! We know him! He was a blast that night. We should say hello." Fi began to motion over to him.

"No! Fuck no. Come with me now." Pearl grabbed her arm and led her to the bathroom, keeping her head down.

"What's the problem, Pearl? Oh shit. Did you fuck him?" Fi put her hand over her mouth, as she closed the door behind them.

"No! But I did spend a night with him. I'll explain." Pearl said, putting her head down. She proceeded to tell Fi the entire story.

"Oh. My. God. Pearl! This is crazy!! The prince of FUCKING ENGLAND! And you are wondering what to do with Rhys? Are you insane? This man is not even in the same league as Rhys and Rhys is disrespecting you and not appreciating what he has. What are you waiting for? Go say hi to that man and spend another night with him! Two nights! Ten! He's gorgeous and built like a Roman god and when in Rome.. plus he's FUCKING ROYALTY." Fi wasn't helping. Pearl wanted to crawl in a hole and die after the embarrassing night she spent with him and the last thing she wanted or needed to do was see him or talk to him.

"Fi, promise me we will go back out there and get our things, pay our bill and leave. We have to." Pearl pleaded.

"Ok, ok. If that's what you want. I will respect it. I don't agree with it and I think you're making a huge mistake." Fi's face changed and she looked directly into Pearl's eyes. "In all sincerity, Pearl. You have this one life. One. And you'll have plenty of moments in this life that you'll regret, chances you didn't take and memories you could have made, I'm certain. But passing up a moment like this when you know you'll regret it later is just... foolish."

Fi said to her.

"Cheating on my husband would be foolish." Pearl said, "Especially with a man that can't give me anything. He can't ever marry me or have children with me. I'm not suitable for him. It's a dead end. Why risk it?"

"I'm not telling you to marry the man. I'm telling you to make sure you won't regret not speaking to him tonight. And potentially more." Fi said and then paused. "There's something I haven't told you." Fi said, putting her head down.

"What? Tell me." Pearl said, starting to feel panic course through her. "Fi! Tell me!"

"I want you to know I didn't come here to tell you this. I came here to enjoy a couple of days with my friend that I have grown to love. I didn't want you to be alone here. I wanted to support you." Fi began. Pearl nodded. "Rhys gave Carys a large sum of money, to pay off her taxes and her attorneys. Matt told me the day before I flew out here and made me promise not to tell you." All Pearl saw was red. Her heart pounded on her chest like a drum. She thought she might have a heart attack. The heat from her anger and hurt moved up from her toes all the way to the top of her head, pumping blood quickly and forcefully throughout her body. She stood back and looked at Fi, seeing the sympathy in her face. "And there's more..." Fi said.

"More.." Pearl said in an almost whisper.

"He's letting her stay at his house in the hills. The other part of the condo, until she gets on her feet again. I'm so sorry, Pearl." Fi said. Pearl walked over to the sink and mirror. She looked at herself, looking into the eyes of a woman twice thrown away for other women. Twice promised the world and twice had it ripped away, after she gave her heart and soul. Never again. She would never be thrown away again. This wasn't even about revenge anymore. This was about empowerment. Her empowerment. She reached in her purse and took out her lipstick and fixed her makeup and hair. Fi stood there helpless, watching and wanting to help. "Pearl..." Fi started to say.

"Life is too short to have regrets, Fi. And beginning tonight, I'm going to start treating men the way they treat me, beginning with Rhys feeling what it feels like to be disposed of. This is a lesson I had to learn. From now on, if a man wants my time, he will have to earn it." She put the lid on her lipstick and walked out of the bathroom and back into the bar.