Chapter 141

I feel like this is the most dressed up I have ever been in my life, Pearl thought to herself, looking in the mirror. The Valentine red Badgely Mischka scuba gown with a pleated and side gathered bodice and ruffled high slit skirt looked elegant and beautiful on her body. It had a strapless, sweetheart neckline and the slit made her appear taller. That and the 4 inch Louboutin heels. The stylist did her thick, dark hair in a half up do, gathered and teased to create volume in the back with two tendrils left down, framing her face. "I have a necklace to match but you must take very good care of it and make sure to return it after the event. Erik insisted I bring it."The stylist said. She opened a velvet box to reveal a stunning Victorian style Burmese ruby and diamond chandelier choker necklace. Pearl gasped. "I don't think I would feel comfortable wearing that. It's worth more than anything I currently own." Pearl said.

"It's worth more than some people's lives." The stylist said dryly. "But, Erik insists. You're wearing it. It's more than a hundred years old. Do be careful." She said, fastening it around her neck. "Now, a little more red lipstick and the matching gloves and you are finished."

Pearl stepped out of the bedroom to find Erik and Auggie looking like the royalty they were in their perfectly fitted tuxedos. Erik had a red pocket scarf to match her dress. "My god." Erik swallowed loudly. "You are a vision. I am... speechless." He said, looking stunned and smiling.

"Thank you." Pearl blushed.

Auggie smiled. "I told you I had a crush on her for good reason."

"Indeed, brother. I never doubted you. Shall we?" Erik said, extending his bent arm.

"Yes." Pearl said.

They arrived at the Westin "Excelsior" Hotel to a red carpet and dozens of photographers lined up along the entryway. Erik stepped out of the limousine and extended his hand to Pearl. She looked at him and he smiled, guiding her onto the red carpet and offering her his arm again. He smiled at the photographers and waved. "Give them a wave, darling." He whispered. She waved and saw he was looking down at her with pride. She blushed and nudged him to keep walking.

"That was a bit overwhelming." She said as they walked into the elaborately decorated lobby.

"Oh that's nothing. You'll see." He said. Auggie came up behind them. "Let's have at it, then" he said as they walked into a giant room, filled with elaborate hanging lights and flowers, and a sea of people.

"This is truly like a fantasy." Pearl said under her breath. She looked around and instantly felt small. There were gowns and tuxes on women and men of such importance, Pearl felt like a complete outcast and that she was definitely in over her head.

"Hello Friederike. Lovely to see you. I am looking forward to your speech tonight. And who is this enchanting woman?" A older man said, greeting them and offering to kiss Pearl's hand.

"Hello, Andrew. This is Pearl. Pearl Clarke. She is the president and owner of Trigon Incorporated, a wonderful vocalist in an American band who just had their first number one song, and also a dear friend of mine. Pearl, this is Prince Andrew, of Monaco."

He smiled and kissed her hand. "Charmed." He said.

"Mutually charmed. Nice to meet you." Pearl said. Erik smiled and led her around, introducing her to others and explaining who she was and asking what charities they were fond of to educate her. It was so kind of him to open this door for her and her company. This was taking networking to the next level. He was focused on her company and not her music as much. Not that it was a bad thing, it just made Pearl think he saw so much more in her, more potential for greatness, if she wasn't being foolish to think that about him. They walked over to a protected group of people and Pearl's eyes widened.

"Pearl, this is the Vice President of the United States." Pearl reached out to shake his hand. "It is an honor to meet you." She said.

"Thank you. What charity are you here representing?" He asked. Erik spoke for her.

"Pearl is the owner and primary shareholder of Trigon incorporated. She is here to learn about some of these charities and possibly contribute to them."

"Wonderful. Trigon? Yes. I'm familiar. Big tech marketing. If you're ever interested in discussing government contracts, please contact Tom Pfifer, our National secretary of technology. He'd love to hear from you." He said.

"Yes. I will do that. Thank you, sir." Pearl said.

"You're welcome. Tell him I sent you. Nice to see you, Erik. I hope your family is well. Thank you for introducing me to this lovely woman. You both have a wonderful evening." He said before being pulled elsewhere.

"I need a drink. Would you like a glass of champagne?" Erik asked.

"Yes. Two or three would be better." She said. Her nerves were tightly wound.

He left her there for a moment and she looked around, taking a breath.

"Having a good time?" A voice asked. She turned and saw Andrew. "Yes. It is quite the event." She said.

"Are you and Erik here together just in a professional capacity?" He asked. She must have looked stunned. "I know it's a personal question. I apologize. I just know how Erik is and you seem like the kind of woman that would not like the kind of man he is." Pearl wasn't sure how to respond. She got the impression there was some kind of underlying issue between he and Erik.

"I appreciate your concern but I assure you, I'm very capable of taking care of myself." She said.

"Being around him in any capacity, you would have to be." He said. "Ah Erik. No champagne for me?" He said, seeing Erik approaching them.

"Keeping my date company for me? Thank you, Andrew." He handed Pearl her drink and put his arm around her low back, walking her forward.

"Drink fast. We are dancing in a a few minutes." Erik said.

"What? No. Not going to happen. I'm already being gossiped about all over this place. I'm not publicly dancing with you." She said.

"Oh yes. You are most definitely dancing with me. And please at least try to pretend that you enjoy it." He smiled and then gave her a defiant look. "I'm the prince of Wales and heir to the throne of England and I will be dancing with the most beautiful woman in this room. And you, my dear, just happen to be that." He said and turned to her, holding out his hand. She slammed her champagne. "Pulling the birthright card on me? This is your one time to use it. No more." She smiled and took his hand and he led her to the center of the room. She heard whispers and snickering. People were definitely staring. "Look at me. Just look at me." He said to her. She looked up at him and took her into his arms. The symphony began playing and he moved her along the dance floor. Others joined them and many just watched. He was an incredible dancer.

"You have turned every man's head in this place without even noticing. You really don't know how beautiful you are, do you?" He said, looking into her eyes. "And it's not just your pretty face or your body. It's so much more. You aren't ashamed of being who you are. That's my favorite thing about you, you know? Well, so far anyway. I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself. I'm a lucky bastard convincing you to come here with me tonight. Thank you."

Pearl smiled. "Wow. Thank you. For inviting me and for saying that. My favorite thing about you so far is your honesty and desire to just know me. Without any kind of false pretense. You don't feel I need saving. You just enjoy me. And I'm happy to have met a friend like that." She said as she looked up at him. His face changed and he leaned in closer.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I'd love nothing more than to pull you into a side room here and rip that beautiful dress from your bosom, taking your flesh between my teeth and tasting the sweat on your skin while putting my hands over every square inch of your body." He bit his full lower lip and moved away from her neck. "But, you have things to figure out with the current state of your life and we are civilized creatures currently. I'm in no rush for that, if it is supposed to happen. I enjoy the delicious suspense. I'll take being around you in whatever capacity I am able, dear Pearl." He said, spinning her around and dipping her backwards to finish the song. She was sure her chest and cheeks were flushed from his words.

"Darling, your body is a red as your dress." He said, and he ran his hand along her collar bone. "And as hot." He smiled and led her off the floor.