Chapter 148

"What is this?" Pearl said as they pulled into a small, private airstrip.

"It's a jet. We are flying to Vienna." He said. She hugged him and thanked him.

The jet was not like the jet she was on with Rhys. This one had an actual hotel suite on it. It was massive. "Your highness" a woman said, greeting them as they boarded. She was one of the two fight attendants on the flight. Erik's security was there as well.

Pearl clumsily fumbled with her seat belt. "Allow me to help you." Erik said. He moved his hand over her hand and then to her waist, taking each end of the seatbelt and pulling it tight to her body and bucking it. He looked up into her eyes and smiled. She was completely turned on and it was not the appropriate time. He went back to his seat and buckled in. The flight attendant handed him a drink and asked Pearl what she wanted. "I'll have a mimosa." she said. They got the clear to take their seat belts off and Erik took her hand and led her to the back, closing the door to the bedroom behind them.

"What are we doi..." she started to ask and he pulled her to him, kissing her.

"I'm sorry. I'm just finding it incredibly difficult to keep my hands off of you. You're like a drug. I want you again the moment after I've had you. I can't explain it. It making me bonkers." He said, kissing her again. She undid his pants and dropped to her knees.

"Pearl..." he whispered. She took him into her mouth and gagged almost immediately. She had to work on how to do this with his size. She got into a good rhythm and he was groaning with pleasure. He pulled her off of him and turned her over the bed, pulling her panties down and entering her as she was bent over. She gasped. "Shhhh" he whispered, putting his hand on her mouth. She bit down on his fingers which caused him to pump even harder. "Oh god." He groaned as he came. "Erik, shhhh" Pearl said, giggling.

"Bugger I can't help it." He said, falling onto her.

They got themselves together and walked out, knowing they were busted. After they got back to their seat, Erik helped her her her seatbelt on again.

"That was my first mile high club experience." he whispered.

Pearl laughed. "Shhhhh you are so loud." She said.

He mouthed the word "sorry."

She looked over at him. "Mine, too." She said. He smiled a big smile as they announced they were landing soon.

Vienna was incredible. The first place he took her was The Hofburg. He walked her around the massive grounds. "For more than six centuries it was the seat of the Habsburgs and the official residence of every Austrian ruler since 1275, the Hofburg is perhaps the most historically significant place to see while we are are. The Austrian President is seated here now. There are numerous buildings on the grounds, reflecting various periods, including architectural flourishes from the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo movements" Pearl listened to him talk. He was educated and refined and the epitome of a gentleman. Well, in public anyway. She watched his hands when he spoke. How his eyes lit up telling her things he knew. She caught herself doing this and stopped. She was not going to fall for this man. She hasn't even addressed the gaping wound in her heart that Rhys left because the anger was still there coursing through her. She had to deal with that when this vacation was over. This was a fling with no hope for a future. She wasn't acceptable for royalty. She was a divorced woman with a chance she could not produce an heir. Nothing could come of this. She had to keep her head in the right place. Enjoy yourself, Pearl. Keep it at that.

They spent the day visiting museums and the Belvedere Palace which also housed a museum and Klimt's "The Kiss."

"It's my favorite painting." Erik said.

"Mine too. I've never seen it real life." She said. It was so beautiful. The bright gold and reds and violets and blues were so much better in person.

"I'm glad I am with you the first time you are seeing it. I love it. It represents the male, female dynamic so well. He's holding her, protecting her, yet letting her beauty and strength bloom beneath him. As it should be." He said. Pearl looked at him and felt her heart begin to feel like something was tightening around it.

"Are you alright?" Erik asked her.

"Yes. I'm fine. Sorry." She said.

"Let's get some dinner." He said, putting his arm around her.

They had the Royal suite at the Hotel Imperial. It had it's own butler service and was beyond elegant. Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Strauss once lived there, Erik told her. And the Vienna waltz originated there.

"I was thinking we could stay in the room tonight. Relax, Eat in. What do you think?" Pearl asked as they entered the suite.

"Really?" Erik seemed surprised.

"Yeah. I am exhausted. I'm a homebody kind of girl. This is my jam." Pearl said, throwing on a tank and some yoga pants, and walking to the kitchen. She grabbed some food and walked to the enormous television.

"So you're fine with not going out?" Erik asked.

"Yes. Why do you keep asking me that?" She wasn't sure what he was getting at.

"It's just that I'm not used to women not wanting to go out and eat or drink or be somewhere with me." He said.

"Are you kidding me? We could do this the rest of the week and I would be just fine. Plus, I'm really looking forward to seeing what your "around the house" sweatpants look like." She said, laughing.

"Come here and sit down. I found like, every single snack ever made here in the kitchen." He looked like he was off put.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine." He said. But he still looked freaked out for some reason.

He came and sat next to her. She found a movie for them to watch and she stuffed her face with fruit and sandwiches and chocolate, feeding him grapes and finally convincing him to take his pants off and relax. "Take your pants off, you have to be uncomfortable as shit all put together still." Pearl said.

"I'm not sitting here naked with you on the couch." Erik said, laughing.

"Oh yea that's right. Take your trousers off. Not your undies." She said, smiling and loosening his belt and pulling his pants off of his legs. "There, isn't that better?" She asked. He still had his formal shirt on. She laughed. He looked a bit ridiculous. She unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He was now in a white t shirt and boxers after she took off his shoes. As she was unlacing them and pulling them off, he looked down at her lovingly and smiled. She smiled back and stood up, putting her hands on her hips. "There. You look relaxed. In this giant gold trimmed and perfectly pretentious suite, we managed to get you relaxed." She grabbed a blanket and curled up with him. He laid back a pulled her into his arms. They laughed and watched "Some Like it Hot." Commenting on Marilyn Monroe's dress and laughing like crazy at Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis.

Erik looked at Pearl while she was laughing and eating chocolate covered raisins. He felt a pain in his chest the was like someone was taking hold of it and squeezing with all their might. This beautiful woman that was all light and goodness was enjoying being on the couch with him. And she could care less about making appearances with him. She didn't even see him as a Royal. He could renounce it all tomorrow and nothing, not one thing at all would change between them. He smiled. I'm a lucky bastard, indeed, he thought.

They went to bed that night, still in their clothes, curling into each other's arms and falling asleep almost as soon as their eyes closed.