Chapter 158

Pearl's phone rang as she was walking into the hotel.

"Erik," She said, seeing his number light up on her phone.

"Mmm nightingale" His sleepy voice was absolutely adorable. "Sorry I didn't answer the phone, some of us are still asleep at four am. I was hoping you were calling me to tell me you were in London and that you just couldn't stay away."

Pearl smiled. "I am so sorry. I am going to have to get used to the time difference between us. I wanted you to know I plugged your charity on the tonight show. I was asked an awkward question about us and I was able to make it about the charity," She said.

"Awkward question?" He asked

"Yes. He asked about me being spotted in Italy with a certain royal," she said. She knew the questions would come and continue but she would try to handle them the best she could.

"Why not tell them we are together?" Erik said.

Silence. Pearl wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

"Why would I say that?" Pearl asked. He had mentioned long distance but she knew that was his way of saying he wanted to keep seeing her as they were able. They hadn't talked about being together, making a commitment or what that entailed.

"You heard me. Handle the questions as you feel you should. But if I'm asked, which I will be, I'm going to tell the entire world how smitten I am with you. Also, I'm not asking for anything from you, yet. But I want you to know, I am not interested in other women. Just you," He said. Pearl sat down on the couch in the lobby of the hotel, stunned.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "Meaning us being exclusive?"

"Well, I was hoping to discuss this in person, but yes. We don't have to be formal about it if you still want to see other men. I won't like it, but I will respect it. For now."

She bit her lip. "I have no desire at all to see other men. I can't even imagine another man touching me unless it's you."

"Good. Then it's settled. Now, I'm going to drink seven cups of coffee to start this day with no sleep and you have an amazing time in New York. Oh, and before you leave, do stop by Tiffany and company. Ask for Angelica, she will tell you the rest. I'll see you in a few days. Goodbye nightingale," He said. She put her phone down and smiled. Iris was walking in when Pearl stood up.

"Great job handling the interview. You are so solid, Pearl. I'm proud of you," Iris said, busily scrolling through her phone.

"Thank you. Hey want to ride with me to Tiffany's?" She asked.

"Of course. But Rhys called and told me he cancelled his credit cards if that's what you're up to again." Iris stifled a laugh.

"No. But that's hilarious! How dare he ruin our fun?"

Once they arrived at Tiffany and Co., Pearl nervously walked to the counter. "Hello. I'm looking for Angelica." The woman smiled and told her she would be right back.

In a few minutes, a beautiful woman, older than Pearl, appeared. "Pearl?" She asked.

"Yes, that's me," Pearl said.

"I'm Angelica. I handle the account of the royal family for Tiffany and company. I received a special request Friday and I do hope you like it,"

She said, handing Pearl a box.

She opened it to find a charm bracelet inside. There were four charms attached. A palm tree, a bird, the Italian flag and a heart with the words "honestati semper" on one side and the word "Austria" on the other. Pearl smiled and held it up to her heart.

"Do you like it?" Angelica asked.

"More than anything," Pearl said. Angelica handed Pearl a card with her name in it, it was typed and said, "I wanted you to have something physical to remind you that the places we have been, were real. Sometimes I have a hard time believing it myself. The palm tree is for the first night we met, symbolizing the one in the yard not far from where I introduced myself and California is the place I first held you and learned about the extraordinary woman in my arms. The others speak for themselves. There are many links left that we will need to fill with more wonderful memories together. I miss you, dreadfully. Yours, Erik."

She sighed. Angelica helped her put on the bracelet and Pearl smiled.

"Wow, Pearl. It's beautiful," Iris said. "Have lunch with me. I think we need to talk."

Boy do we ever, Pearl thought.

They were seated at the Blue Box Cafe. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" Pearl said. "Well, brunch anyway."

They ordered and Iris cut right to it.

"Pearl, do you know what you're doing?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Pearl asked.

"I know I am your assistant and it really isn't my place but I consider you a friend, too. We've been through a lot together. I care about you, very much." Iris began. "And you're such a good and kind person. Borderline what I would call naive, not to offend you in any way. What you need to know is that naïveté gets you hurt. I've seen what these men do to you. They chew you up and spit you out after they've revived themselves on you light and energy. And they take the pain of your past, your desperate hope to be loved, truly loved and valued and to feel safe in that love, and use it to their advantage." Iris said. Pearl put her head down and listened, even though it was painful to hear, she knew she needed to.

"I haven't met Erik yet, and I truly hope he isn't the same as these others. That aside, he's not your average man. This isn't a normal romantic fling or relationship. This is something that will change your entire life of it gets serious. Your entire world will no longer be what it used to be. You're already becoming one of the most famous women in the world. John asked me to hire you a personal bodyguard and we are now having security twenty four seven when we travel. Pearl, look at me. If this is what you're going to do, you can't go back once you commit. And if this man hurts you, I fear it will be the last time you ever trust anyone again. I'm worried about you. I want you to make sure you know what you're doing." She said. "I will always be here for you and I love my job. I just don't know if I will be the assistant to a rock star and company owner or the assistant to a future Queen." Iris said. Hearing the words out loud made Pearl shudder with anxiety. She hadn't thought about it that way. Hearing it scared her. Terrified her.

"Thank you, Iris. I needed this talk. I needed to hear that. I appreciate your care for me. You are my friend. And I love you, very much."

Iris smiled and nodded. They finished their food and headed back to meet the guys.