Pearl was getting ready upstairs when Erik found Jim in the sun room, eating lunch. "Good afternoon, sir. I mean, your highness." Jim said, standing up.
"Jim is it? Yes? Please sit. Skip the formalities. We are all friends here. I'm Erik." He said, giving Jim a firm handshake. "You and Pearl are close, yes?" He asked.
"I would like to think I know her pretty well, so, yes." Jim said.
"I have a question for you." Erik said.
"Shoot." Jim said.
"I'm not very good at romantic displays of affection, I usually detest them and find them incredibly tedious, but I want to do something nice for Pearl while she's here, something special. I was wondering if you had any ideas to offer?" Erik asked. Jim chuckled a little.
"I'm not laughing at you. It's just that having the prince of England come to me, an old hardened Veteran, for romantic advice, isn't exactly how I thought I'd be spending my afternoon. Or any afternoon, for that matter." Jim said.
"Have you ever been in love?" Erik asked.
"You're damn straight I was in love. Still am. I was married once. She was the love of my life. Twenty two years we had. She was my best friend. I lost her to cancer."
"Then this the best kind of advice I could ask for." Erik said. "I'm so sorry for your loss."
Jim nodded. "With Pearl, nothing over the top. She's had enough of that crap. These idiots go all out and have no substance. The poor woman has had so much bullshit thrown at her and so many knives stuck into her back, you hand her a flower and she don't know what it is. It takes time." Jim explained. "Just be yourself. Show her things that you love and she will love them, too. She just wants to know that someone gives a shit, simple, real and kind." Jim said.
"Got it. Simple, real and kind. And give a shit." Erik said. "Thank you. I'm glad she has a man like you in her corner."
"And I hope you're the man that will appreciate why I feel so honored to be in that corner." Jim said.
"I already do." Erik replied. Jim nodded.
"Ok, I am heading to the airport to meet the guys. Are you sure it's ok to bring them here?" Pearl asked.
"Yes. Dinner for ten, then?" He asked.
"Yes. Thank you. I will see you soon." She said, kissing him.
She and Jim walked out the door, and left Erik standing in the foyer. He felt his stomach turn and his nerves spike. What if they don't like me? He thought. "I'm nervous. I'm bloody terrified to meet her friends. How ridiculous." He said out loud, laughing to himself.
"Pearl! What's up?" Blake said. Iris gave her a hug. John and Dylan weren't far behind. And Tony was coming in a little later on another flight.
"So, change of plans?" Dylan asked.
"Yes. Ok to have dinner at Erik's house?" She asked the guys.
"Yeah, of course. Let's meet the man that ruined pretty boys face." Ian said, walking up behind them.
"Ian!" Pearl said. "You're on time. For once." She said, hugging him.
"You told me to meet at the airport lounge at 5. I'm here." He said.
They sat and had a drink before they left. Pearl needed it. She was a nervous wreck. Erik was royalty and these guys were locker room talk kind of friends. She was terrified. What if he doesn't like them? What if they don't like him? She thought. John looked at her. "Still sure about this?" He asked, referring to their talk in New York. "I am, John. I really am." She said.
"Welcome. Come in, I'm Erik." He said as he invited them in. Blake attempted to curtsy and Iris did. John shook his hand and Dylan paused behind them. He looked at Erik for a long moment. "Erik." he said, extending his hand to Dylan. Dylan shook his hand. "Dylan." He said, looking him straight in the eyes.
Erik closed the door behind them. Dylan is going to be the one to win over, he thought. And it isn't going to be easy.
He led them out onto the back patio and offered then a drink. "What are you having, Erik?" Dylan asked.
"Scotch." He replied, winking at Pearl. "I hear it's how the Midwesterners do 'refined'" he jested. Dylan laughed. "You shouldn't believe everything Pearl tells you." Dylan said.
"I can't imagine a reason why I wouldn't." Erik said. Dylan held his glass up to him and nodded.
"So, Erik, how did you and Pearl meet?" John asked. Erik looked at Pearl and smiled.
"I first heard her speak at a charity event of mine her company was involved with a year ago. It was the most incredibly honest and raw speech I had ever heard. After that, I stalked her like a completely creepy bastard. I found out who she was. Where she worked. That she had signed a record deal and that she was about to marry an absolutely gormless wanker who didn't know what he had." Erik said.
"You let him know, I hear. In his face." Ian said, smiling. Erik smiled and put his head down. "He had it bloody coming." He said. "All bants aside, she is a part of the reason I bought this house, believe it or not. I found out the plonker had a house near here and I had been looking in LA for a base for my photography. One night, the opportunity presented itself and I walked right onto her lawn and introduced myself. I've barely been able to keep any distance between us since. And I can't tell how thankful I am to you all for allowing me to share your time with her." Erik said.
They were all speechless.
"Cheers." Erik said. They all lifted their glasses.
Pearl looked at Erik. She was falling for him, hard. And the thought of it made her very, very happy.
"Dinner is served." Abigail said.