Chapter 164

"That was completely unexpected." Pearl said said they drove back to the house. "Thank you." She said. She knew he did that so she wouldn't have to be alone in dealing with answering for them. It was literally the most stand up thing anyone had ever done for her. She grabbed his hand and kissed it. He looked at her curiously and smiled. They arrived back at his house and he helped her out of the car, taking her hand and leading her into the house.

They had an early dinner and Erik watched her adoringly as she helped Abigail clean up. She walked over to Erik, slammed her glass of wine and wiped off her chin with her hand after some it spilled. She smiled sheepishly and put her hands on her hips, looking at him. "You look awfully pensive sitting here, beautiful man." She said. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. "Just wondering how in the world I managed to bag such a classy dame like you." He joked, tickling her.

"I'd like to say it's because of your beautiful soul, which it mostly is, but also, you got a fantastic penis.", She said, dead pan. He let out a big belly laugh and stood up, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her inside and up to the bedroom.

"Jesus, Pearl, you are unbelievable." He said, panting and catching his breath. She was still tied up to the bed by all four limbs, blindfolded. She felt her heart pounding out of her chest. He went to kiss her and she bit his lip, tasting blood. "Don't you dare untie me." She said.

"What?" He panted.

"Fuck me again." She commanded. Desire consumed him and he grew hard just hearing her words. He moved down to the foot ends of the bed and tightened the ropes, opening her legs wider. He moved onto her, lowering himself between her legs and drove himself into her again. "Fuck!" He cried out, pounding into her. He slowed and untied her arms. He wanted her hands on his body. "Touch me." He said as he quickened his pace. She grabbed his ass and pulled him deeper into her, feeling her climax come. She felt herself throbbing and clenching around him, milking his cock and drawing his second orgasm. He emptied himself into her again and nearly passed out from the sheer pleasure of how the second climax felt. He pulled her up into his arms and held her tightly. "Woman. My god, woman. You are incredible. I've never came twice like that so quickly." He said.

"I'm..glad...I'm your first." She said breathlessly. He looked at her and kissed her, their bodies covered in sweat and exhausted. "Pearl, you are my entire world, do you understand that?" He said. She nodded and kissed him, holding and clinging to the man that had rescued her from herself.

"You look a mess. A complete wreck" Erik said as they shared a bottle of water in the kitchen. Her hair and makeup was completely terrible while she walked around the kitchen in her robe. "I would love a cigarette right now." She said. He chuckled and grinned at her.

"How about a cigar?" He asked.

"Sure!" She smiled.

He took her hand and led into his study. He offered her a glass of cognac and lit a Cohiba. "Take a drink of the cognac and then take a drag of the cigar, rolling the smoke in your mouth." He said. She did as she was told. The flavor of the liquor complemented the taste of the cigar. It was really a pleasurable pairing. Erik watched her, as she closed her eyes, tasting the expensive cognac and then putting the cigar in her mouth. Her messy, knotted hair and mascara smeared under her eyes, she was completely unaware of how beautiful she was. She was utterly and unapologetically herself. She didn't need to be saved, or completed by a man. She was whole, all on her own. And he was going to spend the rest of his life walking beside her, reminding her of this. Looking at her like this, he knew he was madly and irrevocably in love with her. And he would make damn sure that when he told her, she would believe him. And he was not going to tell her until he knew she would.

"I'm taking you on a date tomorrow." He said.

"Oh really?" She asked.

"Yes. I have something special planned for you. An all day date. You'll need stamina. Time for bed, then." He said, picking her up over his shoulder and carrying her to the bedroom.

"I can walk, dammit!" She yelled, laughing and kicking.