Chapter 173

"I love you." Erik said.

Pearl opened her eyes and saw Erik laying next to her, facing her, watching her sleep. He ran his hand along the curve of her side and up her arm, then down again.

Their suite at the Four Seasons in Seattle was darkly lit at that time of the morning, with just a slight amount of light peeking in. She looked at his bright turquoise eyes, the little wrinkles between his them that crinkled when he concentrated. His thick, wavy brown hair, a mess from their night of love making, his full lips and square, strong jaw. He was so beautiful.

He looked into her eyes and leaned in to kiss her. She curled into him and he put his hands on her back, pulling her closer. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"I've been searching my entire life for you. In empty eyes, in empty beds. In everyone I met and everywhere I traveled. I needed someone to understand me. To want to." He said.

Pearl looked up at him. "I will always want to." She said.

Room service knocked on the door and Erik let them wheel the breakfast cart in. Pearl poured herself some coffee and sat down.

"What are your plans for today?" Erik asked, making a cup of tea.

"I'm meeting with a realtor to look at some properties in the area." Pearl said.

"You want to purchase a home in Seattle?" He asked.

"I want I purchase a home somewhere at least. I am currently homeless." She said.

"Move in to my house in Los Angeles." Erik said without a second thought.

"Erik. I can't do that. I don't want to move into another man's house again just to feel like I could have to leave again at any time. Not that I think you would do that to me." Pearl said.

"Fine. I will sign it over to you, then." He said.

"What? No. I can't accept that." Pearl said.

"Why not? It will make you more comfortable and you will never have to leave." He said.

"Are you crazy. No. That's not going to happen." Pearl said.

"People keep asking me that lately. The answer is, yes. I do believe I am absolutely bonkers. This love mess is really something." He said, smiling.

"I want a house of my own. I've never owned my own home and I want to have a place that I can call mine." Pearl said.

Erik looked at her disapprovingly but reluctantly agreed. "I understand. I want that for you, too. I support you completely. So, when do we meet her?" Erik asked.

"We?" Pearl asked.

"Of course. I'm not going to let you go alone. You'll need a man there to look at structural issues and furnaces and other manly things. And I just happen to be up for the job. I'll get dressed." He said, getting up and kissing her head.

Pearl's mouth was still open to protest but nothing came out.

They pulled up in front of a cafe in the city where Pearl was set to meet with the realtor. Charles opened the door and they stepped out and walked in. Erik looked formal and incredibly sexy in his dark blue Armani suit.

They walked in and a woman greeted them. "Pearl, hello. I am Annabelle, the realtor Ian referred. It's nice to meet you." She said.

"Yes, I am Pearl. Thank you for coming."

She went to shake Erik's hand. "And you are..holy shit. You are, hello. Is there a special greeting or something I should say? Your highness?" Pearl smiled, watching her realize who was standing there.

"Please. Never mind the formalities. Call me Erik. What do you have in store for us today? We are excited to see some properties." He said, shaking her hand.

She led them to a table and after she shook off the shock, she began to ask Pearl some questions.

"So, we want to be outside of the city and the price range is under five hundred thousand, correct?" She asked.

"Yes. I could probably go a little higher but I am trying to avoid taking out a mortgage if at all possible." Pearl said.

"Mortgage? Nonsense. You're not taking out a mortgage." Erik said.

Pearl looked at him.

"Listen, I support you not wanting to move into the house in LA but I will be damned if I let you finance a house for fuck's sake." He looked at Annabelle and said "We will pay cash for whatever she chooses."

"Erik! That isn't letting me buy my own home." Pearl said.

"Fine. We will go halves then."

"No." Pearl said.

"We will go halves and you can pay me back. You're not taking out a bloody mortgage." Erik said, sternly.

"Fine." Pearl said, folding her arms and smiling at him.