Chapter 175

Pearl made it back to Dylan's house before dark. "Jim, I am giving you the night off. Have a relaxing, much deserved evening." Pearl said as she grabbed her luggage and walked to the house.

"Thanks Pearl. I'm happy for you." He said. Pearl smiled and waved goodbye.

She got to her room and checked her phone. She saw a text from Erik.

"I made it to France. If you are not too long, I will wait for you all my life."

She smiled. And texted back that she made it safe back to Michigan.

He texted back immediately

"I love you, nightingale."

"I love you, Prince Charming."

She smiled and put her phone down and laid on the bed. There was such a peace with Erik. Such calm. It transpired quickly but it felt solid. Not like a whirlwind. Not shaky and no anxiety. Just peace.

She drifted off to sleep.

New York was ridiculous and terrible. They had 3 talk shows and a podcast interview scheduled in the 3 days they were there. Pearl felt like her head was going to explode if she had to answer one more question about her personal life.

New Orleans, on the other hand, was going to be an absolute blast. It was Mardi Gras and the band was performing at a big concert there as well as at a charity masquerade ball the governor puts on annually during Mardi Gras, to raise money for jazz and art preservation in the city. The band was offered payment for the event but Pearl insisted on doing it for free.

They checked in to the Audubon Cottages in the French quarter. They were free standing cottages that had one to two bedrooms in each and shared a courtyard with a pool. It was the coolest little place Pearl and the guys had ever stayed at. Way better than a hotel. They were going to be there for three days and it was a great place to stay. They got settled and decided to take a walk around the city.

There was so much eclectic history there and the noise and excitement was all around, making the city buzz with energy. Blake jammed with a drumming street performer and Pearl sang along with them, while Ian danced and head banged. He had brought Fi, who was done filming and Blake had brought Iris. The whole gang was there and it was low key and relaxed.

The concert was an absolutely incredible time. People were dancing in the streets and the colors and sounds and smells were wild and pulsing with life. After their performance, they all walked around at Mardi Gras. Pearl was having a wonderful time but she missed Erik. She wished he was there, experiencing it with her.

The ball was the following evening. Pearl had a vintage gothic Victorian black and red corset dress for the performance with a beautifully ornate goddess feather mask to match. Iris had picked everything out and she did a spectacular job.

"Pearl." Iris said, coming into her cottage.

"Come in" Pearl said. "I'm glad you're here. I need help with this damn corset."

"Pearl, I know you bought a house in Washington and it's going to change things. And, well..." she trailed off.

Pearl looked at her. "What's on your mind?"

"Blake and I were wondering if we could move out there and stay at your house until we find something. We don't want to impose, but Blake has wanted to get out of Michigan since he was a kid and I grew up in Oregon so it feels like this might be right for us." She said.

"Iris. I love you. Pack your shit and bring your ass to Washington." Pearl said with a smile.

Iris clapped and hugged her.

"Also, I don't know what the future holds and what you're willing or not willing to do, but I'd love for you to stay on as my assistant here in the states. I mean, if Erik and I work out." Pearl tried to explain.

"Pearl, this is my job for life. I'll never quit. Even if I have to move to another country, I'm here. All my life I've wanted to travel. And Blake is understanding to that." Iris said. "Shit Pearl, queens need assistants, too."

Pearl laughed. "Indeed they do. You have a job for life. I am so blessed to have you."

"Let's see if you still feel that way after I tighten this corset." Iris said wickedly.

The last time Pearl had been to a ball was with Erik, who made her feel like a princess. Tonight, she was on her own, longing for him. She sent him a text and a picture of her in her costume before the cars picked them up, but he hadn't responded. They pulled up and Jim grunted. He was getting good at dodging and deflecting paparazzi but he still hated them. They were all over them in New York and now they were all over the red carpet in front of them. Pearl kept her mask on and Jim pulled her out of the car, getting her inside as quickly as he could. The governor greeted them at the door and led them to the stage. The large ballroom was elegantly decorated with gothic and French vibes. The place looked like something out of an Anne Rice novel.

"You'll be performing at eight tonight. And after that, the larger donors make their grand entrance. We have had three this year that were not expected. Big surprises and fun!" He said. It was 630 and the giant hall was filling up with people fast. The invitation said 7 but Pearl realized if you wanted to be there and seen, you wanted to be early. It was a sea of masks and costumes. Pearl grabbed Dylan and they went to find the bar to get a drink.

"This may be the coolest gig we will ever have played." Dylan said. He was dressed in a steampunk costume complete with goggles for a mask. They did a celebratory shot and Pearl ordered a scotch. She felt someone staring at her and she looked to her right to see a tall man in a red phantom of the opera costume, complete with an 18th-century velvet jacket and tails, with gold French lace intaves and a high neck, and a red cloak in velvet, draped and fastened to the shoulder. He had on knee high black boots and a white mask covered most of his face, only showing his bottom lip and chin. His hair was slicked back and he carried a sword. It was a beautiful costume and Pearl was a bit intimidated by him, staring at her like that.

There were so many people there by 7, it was shoulder to shoulder all around. Pearl started to feel a bit claustrophobic. She made her way out to the terrace that was still a bit crowded, but not like inside. The air was better, too. She finished her scotch and leaned over the balcony, taking a deep breath and inhaling the sweet southern air.

"Hello." A deep voice said. Pearl jumped so high she thought she might fall from the railing.

"You scared the shit out of me." She said, holding her chest. She turned and saw it was the phantom man from the bar. He was even more intimidating up close.

"My apologies." He said, bowing. He moved stiffly and deliberately. His voice was quiet and a bit muffled.

"It's fine." She said.

"Are you a donor?" He asked.

"Sort of. We are the band playing here tonight. We insisted we would do it for free when the governor wanted to pay us." She said.

"How benevolent." He said. There was something about him that seemed familiar in a way.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I was just thinking that you seem familiar to me." She said.

"How lucky for me." He said.

She looked at him a moment longer and shook her head. "Sorry. I should get back to my people. Have a wonderful night." She said.

"I was hoping I could stand here with you for short while, chat a little." He said.

Pearl wasn't interested in talking to this stranger, even though something drew her to him in a chemical reaction kind of way. "Without coming off as rude, I am not interested in talking to a strange man in full costume on this balcony. I don't think that would be very respectful to the man in my life."

She said.

"Ah yes. Of course there is man in your life. Why wouldn't there be? Tell me, is he here tonight?" He asked.

"No. He is in Europe." She said.

"I bet you miss him." He said.

"So much so, that every morning waking up without him rips my heart from my chest, and I spend the entire day just trying to function without it, only to go to bed his again, with my heart full of the days thoughts of him and pray the next day it will hurt less when it happens all over again." She said. The man shifted his weight and she could see his Adam's Apple move when he swallowed.

"I apologize. That was an intense and inappropriate thing to say to a complete stranger. Forgive me." Pearl said.

"You are a poet." He said. "And he is quite fortunate to have you."

"No." She said. "I am the lucky one. Now, if you will excuse me, I should go back inside." She turned to walk away. He grabbed her arm.

"Wait." He said in a whispered growl. "Dance with me."

"I'm sorry. I can't." She said.

"Please. I beg you." He said.

She looked around and saw everyone watching them on the patio. She didn't want to make a scene. "Ok. One dance. But only because I don't want to make a scene." She whispered.

He lead her inside and to the dance floor. He bowed and took her hand, pulling him to her. His eyes were completely black, which were obviously contacts. It was eerie and intriguing. He led her in the dance as the music played. She felt electric energy between their bodies and she was sure had met him somewhere before. His body felt familiar and his energy was alluring.

"If you would have told me you were without a man, I would have spent the entire night attempting to steal your attention." He said.

"Well it would have been in vain. I'm not that kind of woman, man or not." Pearl said.

"You are radiant. You float through this room and everyone here wants you or wants to be you." He said.

Pearl was becoming uncomfortable. "Sir, I have no desire to be wanted or envied. And I can assure you, no one holds a candle to the man I love." She stopped the dance. "Thank you for the dance." She said and turned around, heading to the stage.