Chapter 177

"Thank you. Let me begin by saying that the need to keep the cultural heartbeat of this city alive and well is something we should all be pro-active in fighting for. After Hurricane Katrina, my family and I have had a special interest in the humanity and love this city has, not only for the people that live in it but for the city itself." When Erik spoke, everyone listened. It was something extraordinary to behold. "So please, give to this amazing city and culture. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another incredibly important issue to attend to. Thank you again." He said, taking a bow and waving to the crowd. He stepped down and walked over to Pearl.

"If I wasn't so glad to see you, I'd slap you." She said.

"Feisty. You know that is my favorite mood of yours." Erik said, grabbing a glass of champagne for both of them. "I apologize. I was suffocating under the weight of your absence in France. I decided I would come to you and surprise you and spend the last week before you came to France with you instead of waiting for you, and then fly you there myself."

"That was a cruel joke. I had no idea it was you. Were you testing me?" She asked.

"No. I was surprising you. And the fact that you had no idea who I was and still responded to me just by our energy together makes me want to pull you into the elevator and erase every last bit of distance between us." He smiled. "I can't stay away from you. And I won't."

He was sexier than he ever had been with his little tease tonight, even at her expense. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor again, this time with everyone in the room watching them. He bowed to her and took her hands, pulling her to him. They began to glide across the floor, and Pearl felt like the belle of the ball again with him. "Don't be cross with me." He whispered.

"I'm not. But just know, I was seconds away from slapping the Holy Spirit out of your body if you continued to pursue me when I thought you were just phantom man." Pearl said, looking at him with a straight face.

"I wanted to pull you into my arms and tell you how much it meant to me that you were so fiercely loyal. Not that I ever doubted you. I won't lie, though. It made me ecstatic and proud to hear that no other men matter. It made me feel like a good man, knowing a woman like you would want me so."

"You are a good man." She said. "And I am so glad you are here."

"I am, too." He said.

"You're keeping that costume on tonight." Pearl said, raising an eyebrow.

"I planned on it." He whispered, sending chills up her body.

The entire room was watching them as the song ended. Everyone clapped as Erik led her off of the dance floor. People approached them and tried to get just a few moments and pictures with Erik. He was professional and graceful the entire time.

"He got you good, Pearl." Ian said, laughing. Pearl smiled and nodded. They watched Erik in his costume, looking regal and perfect. "That guy is cool as fuck. Just when I think I can't like the dude more, he goes and does some sexy ass shit like this."

Pearl laughed. "I was thinking the EXACT same thing." She said.

"Good morning, nightingale." Erik whispered as the sun shone into their room. Their clothes were strewn all over the room and Pearl found she still had one wrist with his tie knotted around it. She remembered bits and pieces from the night before. Walking around Mardi Gras in their costumes and masks, free to be out because no one recognized them in the street. She remembered bourbon and wine and beads and music. Erik with his arms around her, dancing in the street and the guys all having a blast. She started to move and felt a pain stab into her forehead. She was hungover, badly. Erik was up and in his boxers, in the kitchen making tea. He smiled as she untied her wrist and walked naked to the kitchen, putting her arms around him.

"I love you more than the sun." She said.

"You are the sun." He said back, turning and kissing her.

"God, I can't be away from you." He said. "The moment I got into the car in LA, I was already figuring out a way to come back. I've got it bad, terribly, ridiculously, can't live without you, bad." He said, smiling.

"It is the same with me, Erik. I mean, I was telling a man I thought was a stranger last night about my heart being ripped out from longing for you daily." Pearl said, giggling a little. He put his hand on hers.

"What are we going to do?" He asked, with sobering sincerity.

"I don't know." She said honestly.

A few moments of silence passed between them.

A noise broke the tension. Someone was knocking on the back sliding door.

Pearl threw on a robe and opened it to find Fi and Ian there, looking as much like shit as Pearl and Erik.

"Jesus, whores. Your room looks worse than ours." Fi said, laughing and holding up the bed ties still attached to the foot of the bed.

"We have an issue." Ian said.

"Yes?" Erik asked.

"Blake is missing." Ian said with a shrug. Pearl put her head down. That was Blake's modus operandi whenever copious amounts of alcohol were involved.

"Dylan and John are already out looking for him. Tony is comforting Iris." Fi said.

Pearl looked at Erik. "Welcome to the family." She said. Erik picked up his phone. "Yes... Charles. We have a band member that tied one on a little too tight last night and he seems to have misplaced himself. Could you help us with this? Yes. Thank you." Erik hung up and looked at them, staring at him. "What?" He asked.

"You could make chopping up a body sound regal and sexy." Ian said.

"And who tied what on last night?" Fi asked, holding up the ties again. They all laughed.