Chapter 182

"I'm a nervous wreck." Pearl said to the stylist while she was getting ready for the State's dinner.

"Understandably so", she said. "You are going to be on display as Erik's partner no matter who you are. But you being an American and the first woman he has publicly dated makes it even more difficult. It's already caused quite the stir in the press."

"Yes. My friend Dylan called me yesterday and said press were camped out in front of his house. I'm terrified it's happening to other people that know me as well." Pearl thought about her parents. She hadn't spoken to them in five years, not since she reached out to ask for their help to leave Paul after he kicked her out of her house one weekend so his girlfriend could stay there. They told her to "suck it up because it's part of being married." And closed the door in her face.

"Yes. It is an unfortunate part of all of this." They stylist said, pinning her dress.

"Sometimes I wish Erik was just a barista at a coffee shop." Pearl said, sighing.

"Something tells me that you're not with him to be a princess and have the fairytale life he offers." She said.

"No. In fact, I don't really see him that way. He's different when we are together. And if he lost everything tomorrow, I'd love him just as I do now."

Pearl said. "My fairytale has always been just to be loved and to trust a man. You don't need a prince to have that."

"Well then, that is a good thing that your heart seems to be in the right place, dear." The stylist said.

"What is your name?" Pearl asked her.

"Alice." She said.

"How long have you worked with Erik and his family, Alice?" She asked.

"A long time." Alice said. "I have known her majesty, Queen Frances, since we were girls. She and I came from the same kind of life. I am also her personal stylist and friend." She said.

Pearl looked at her in disbelief. Erik had asked his mother's stylist to help her? Alice could see her reaction.

"I volunteered to help you. I wanted to meet you. Erik is like my own child, as I chose to not have a family and serve the crown. I was his nanny for years. This is the first time he has been this taken with a woman. I was happy to help and I will continue to help you if decide to continue on this journey with Erik. You will need lots of help." Alice said.

Without thinking, Pearl reached down and hugged her. "Thank you. I so need a friend right now on his side. I don't have a clue as to what I am doing." She said.

Alice stiffened. She wasn't accustomed to physical contact. She patted Pearl's shoulder. "Alright, dear. Let's get you finished up so you can wow them tonight." She said.

Alice went over some basic rules with her. "Do not address anyone or speak out of turn unless you are asked to. Do not curtsey to the president of France but instead, hold out your hand and bow. Call him "Mr. President." Do not look down but always up and smiling. Also, public displays of affection are frowned upon. Do not touch Erik for any reason." Pearl stifled a giggle at that last one. Alice looked at her sternly. She continued, "Keep your hands on the table at all times. Don't eat until your host says, "Bon appétit!" Always keep the knife in your right hand, and the fork in your left. Lay the knife and fork parallel to each other on the right side of the plate once done with the meal." Pearl's head was spinning. It was a lot to take in and remember but she tried her best to make a mental note of it all.

She was finally ready. Her dress was pale blue and form fitting with shimmering lace overlay. Her hair was pulled into an elegant up do and Alice finished the look with blue topaz drop earrings that matched the color of the dress perfectly. "You are going to turn heads tonight." Alice said.

"There is only one that I want to turn." She said, smiling.

She thanked Alice and walked out of the bedroom and into the living area. Erik was sitting at the bar of the suite wearing a crisp tuxedo with a black bow tie. He looked at her and she could see the pride in his face. "Your royal highness." She said with a curtsey. Erik clenched his jaw and cleared his throat.

"You are, quite literally, the most beautiful woman currently walking the planet. Maybe even in the entire history of it." He said, kissing her hand. "I'm glad we are going to be around civilized men tonight. Otherwise I'd have to fight them all off with a cricket bat." He joked. Pearl laughed and thanked him.

They arrived at the British Embassy in Paris and there was already a slew of reporters and people gathered outside the gate. Erik waved from the car and Pearl remained looking up and smiling.

They were formally announced at the door as they walked in.

"His royal highness, Prince Friederike Pilsner-Chamberlain of Wales and Miss Pearl Clarke." Erik did not reach for her hand or arm. They walked in with their hands to their sides. "Your highness." A man said, bowing and shaking Erik's hand.

"Pearl, this is Francois Durand, the President of France." Erik said. Pearl held her hand out and bowed. The president kissed her hand. "Pleasure to meet you." He said. Erik introduced Pearl to his wife along with many others including the British ambassador to France, the general of the French army. There were a litany of introductions before they were sat for dinner.

Pearl panicked when she saw that she was sitting the left of the President with Erik to his right, and the French general to her left. Where were the wives? She thought she would have to sit at a separate table because she had no rank and was merely a guest. She sat down and looked at the place setting. Fuck, she thought. She couldn't remember all the rules Alice told her.

There were toasts and people standing and sitting and Pearl tried to follow what Erik was doing but she hadn't a clue what to do. The first course was served and Pearl tried to remember what hand to put what in. The president noticed her struggle and smiled. "Use the second fork and stop fretting so, you are doing a great job tonight." He whispered. Pearl gave him a thankful smile.

The next few courses came and Pearl was desperately trying to keep up and yet she was starving. She tried to cut a piece of bread for five straight minutes and then, finally, she gave up, and picked up the bread with her hands and ate it. There were many people staring and the president smiled and picked up his bread and did the same. "Thank god someone did that. I hate eating like I have a croissant shoved up my cul." He said. Pearl smiled and laughed. A photographer took a photo of them laughing and eating their bread together with their hands.

After dinner, the ambassador invited Erik for a drink and a cigar. Pearl got excited. "Yes please! Will there be cognac?" She asked. The ambassador chuckled.

"Pearl, this is for men only." Erik said. Pearl looked disappointed and nodded.

"Nonsense. Bring the lovely lady along. Finding a woman that appreciates a good brandy and cigar is quite a fortunate thing." The president said as he extended his arm to Pearl. She smiled and took it and Erik shook his head in disbelief and pride.

They all sat down and a man cut and lit Pearl's cigar for her.

"How are things with your family?" The president asked. Erik filled him in with the usual formalities. Pearl half listened, enjoying the liquor and the cigar.

"And what of you, then?" The president asked Pearl, bringing her back to reality.

"I'm sorry. What exactly do you want to know?" She asked sheepishly.

"What do you think about the law France just passed regarding gender equality?" He asked.

Pearl had read about it. "I think any move to promote equality is a good move, Mr. President." She said.

"Yes it is. What is your personal view of gender roles?" The president asked. Erik watched her intently.

"Are you asking me about equality or my opinion on gender roles specifically, because those are quite different questions." Pearl asked.

"I rarely have the opportunity to speak so openly with a woman on this topic without the bias of knowing her personally. So yes. Please offer your perspective of gender roles." He said. Pearl paused and looked at Erik. This wasn't in the rules. Erik motioned for her to answer.

"I think gender roles are quite important. But there are moments where the line blurs. For a man to be given the respect of man, for a woman to become docile to him, he must be trustworthy and good. Society has diminished much of this. People aren't as honorable as they once were. Women have had to step up and be strong to survive when they were created to be strong for their family and their mate. Circumstance can create variations of it. But I am a bit old fashioned in my views of it." Pearl said.

"Go on." The president said.

"Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to to be above him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him." She said, taking a drink of her cognac.

The president smiled and nodded. "I couldn't agree more. Thank you for sharing your opinion with me." He said.

Erik could barely contain his smile and complete adoration for the woman sitting across the room from him in a beautiful sparking dress, smoking a giant cigar and bravely sharing her incredible mind and heart with such men of stature.