Chapter 191

Pearl woke up, feeling a little clearer. Her head wasn't aching as much and the light seemed to bother her a little less. She tried to sit up in bed but the entire right half of her body was sore and her right arm all the way to her hand was in a full cast. She lifted her gown and saw that her entire body was covered in horrific bruises. She hit her call light and asked the nurse to help her to a sitting position.

"What all did I injure? And what happened with the accident?" Pearl asked the nurse.

"You threw yourself in front of a speeding car to save his Royal highness, Crown Prince Friederike Pilsner-Chamberlain's life. You have been seeing each other for a few months. You split your femur in half. There is a metal plate holding it together now. There are also pins and hardware in your wrist. Your humerus has a compression fracture and that is why you are fully casted on that arm. There are bruises over 75% of your body. You hit you head on the pavement and there is still some swelling in your brain causing some discomfort and memory loss."

"What? John telling me all of that wasn't a dream?" Pearl asked.

"No ma'am. Not at all." She said. Pearl was so disoriented and confused. The nurse helped wash Pearl's hair bedside and Pearl looked in the mirror. She had a bruise on her forehead and a cut that stung badly right above it along her hairline. There was giant lump on the back of her as well that she could feel. After bathing her, putting on some regular sweats and a t shirt, she told her she would leave her sitting up until therapy came in.

"You're walking exceptionally well." The physical therapist said. The orthopedic doctor wanted her to bear weight as soon as possible to speed the healing. It was sore but Pearl had no problem putting weight on it and walking. The dizziness she was feeling a factor but the doctor said that would get better with time.

She got back to her room to see someone waiting for her. He turned around and she saw he has a bouquet of roses in his hands. "Pearl, you are up walking! How wonderful!" It was the prince of England again. This can't be happening, Pearl thought.

"Is there some kind of bow or way to address you? I'm sorry, my memory is a little fuzzy." She said.

"No. Please. Sit." He said.

She sat down on her bed and looked at Erik with caution.

"I'd like to introduce myself, if I may." He said with a bow. "I'm Erik." He said, handing her the bouquet of roses.

"I'm Pearl. It's nice to meet you." She said. "But I was told we have already... met." She said.

"Yes. We know each other, quite well actually. And I am hoping, beyond all hope, that you will someday remember that part of your life." He said.

And in true Pearl form, she replied without hesitation. "Well, you're here now. Tell me about it?" He smiled, and she saw his eyes light up so brightly they glowed with delight.

"I would love nothing more than to tell you our story." He said.

After a couple of hours passed, Pearl was on the edge of her bed, intently listening to him.

"And then you told me to basically fuck off because you thought I was a stranger hitting on you! And I thought you were toying with me, not knowing you didn't recognize me!" He said, throwing his hands up. Pearl let out a laugh. "Why did you try to trick me anyway? You should have known better. Bad form, Erik. Bad form." She said.

He smiled and nodded.

"I like the way you talk. Your accent. It's like listening to an orchestra, like music. Your words flow and move together really elegantly." She said. He looked at her with earnest, with longing. He wanted to kiss the bruise on her forehead. Kiss her mouth. But he couldn't. He was so close to her to but so far.

"Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome. Will you be visiting me again tomorrow?" She asked. He felt a pain in his heart. He hadn't planned on leaving at all.

"I will." He said.

"Good." She said, smiling. "I like hearing this story. It's such a happy story."

He got up and told her to rest. She nodded.

He walked to the door. "Erik." She said. His heart leapt for a moment. "Yes." He said.

"Thank you. I know this can't be easy for you." She said. He put his head down and thought his heart might burst.

"No more difficult than what you are going through." He said. "We will figure it all out." He said, closing the door behind him.

He went to the waiting room and sat down. "Well, how did it go?" Dylan asked.

"It was the most painful thing I have ever felt in my entire life. To have the person you love look at you like a stranger. It's gut wrenching." Erik said.

"That's why I am in here and not in there. She has enough going on right now. But I'm not leaving this hospital until she does." Dylan said.

Erik patted his leg. "I would expect no less." He said.