Chapter 194

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Erik asked as Pearl met him at the breakfast table.

She remembered the horrible night she had, tossing and turning, then fantasizing about him, even in her dreams.

"I slept fine." She said.

"I have some business in town for a couple of days. I was hoping maybe you'd like to come to London with me. We could stay at the palace if you feel comfortable with it?" He said.

"What? Like, Buckingham palace?" Pearl said.

"Yes. Just like that." He said, smiling.

"To meet the king and queen?" Pearl asked.

"You have already met them, but yes." Erik said.

"Yeah! Let's go. Are we going now?" She asked, doing a little dance. Erik smiled. He was so in love with her, it might even be stronger now as he was seeing this more carefree side of her.

She worked very hard at putting a dress on but needed Erik to fasten her bra and zip the back of the dress. She was excited for the opportunity for him to put his hands on her again and she was going to milk it for absolutely all it was worth. She dropped the dress over her bad arm so her breasts in her half on bra would be exposed.

"Erik!" She called out into the massive hallway. "Can you help me?"

He was there in a few moments.

"I need help putting this on and zipping my dress. I'm sorry." She said. He nodded and gently pulled her bra together at the back, fastening it and then moved her casted arm into the sleeve, and she saw him look at her breasts for a moment and clench his jaw. Seeing the muscles tighten made her body quiver in a way she didn't fully understand. He gently grabbed her hair and held it up as he zipped up the back of her dress. The tension between them was insurmountable. "Ok, then. Is that all you need from me?" Erik asked, still standing close to her.

Pearl nodded and he told her he would meet her downstairs. She composed herself and tried to cover her bruised forehead with some makeup.

He met her by the front door and smiled. She looked beautiful, even with the bruises and cast.

"I'm ready to curtsey for the king." She said, offering him a high five. He looked at her and laughed. If only she knew how she had fought for that right to be accepted by his father. For him. For their love. He wanted her to remember so badly yet he loved seeing her excitement without the worry.

"Whoa. This is much bigger in person. Holy shit, Erik." Pearl said as they drove up to the private entrance. Erik could tell she was nervous.

"Look at me, it's ok. You will be amazing, you always are." He said as he kissed her hand. Pearl looked at him and smiled. He seemed to understand how to calm her when she began to feel panic. He was good at it.

"Ok." She said.

He led her into the palace and Erik's parents and some of the staff were waiting there to greet them.

"Your majesty" Pearl said, looking down as she curtsied.

"Nonsense girl, look at me. I am Edward and this is Frances. Welcome, we are humbly honored to see you again and have you in our home." The king said. Pearl looked at him and saw something in his eyes. It's looked like gratitude? Sadness maybe? She felt something special there and she leaned in a gave him a big hug, squeezing him with her one arm as tight as she could. "It's so nice to meet you, sir. Your son is wonderful and your home is unbelievable." She said, during the embrace and then finally letting him go. The entire group was stunned. It was against the rules to touch the royals and no one had ever seen anything like that. Erik couldn't remember the last time his father had hugged him let alone the last time he had seen anyone hug his father, including his mother.

"And it is wonderful to meet you, too." Pearl said to his mother, hugging her as well. She stepped back and looked around. Everyone was quiet. Edward had tears in his eyes. "Well then, let's have tea, shall we?" Edward said, his voice wavering slightly.

Erik was so absolutely in love at that moment, he thought he might burst. He wanted to shout it from the gates out front.

"Yes, please. I can help make it if you'd like? I learned how to do it yesterday from the staff." Pearl said.

"No. That won't be necessary. Please just relax while you are here." Erik's mother said, laughing slightly at the thought of a future Queen making her own tea with the staff.

"Ok. Thank you very much." Pearl said.

"Justine will show you two to your room." Frances said.

"Our rooms, you mean, mother." Erik said, correcting her.

"No. I had only one room prepared. I apologize I thought you... "

"No worries. Don't trouble yourselves. One room is fine." Pearl said.

"It's not a problem, Pearl we have fifty other bedrooms available." Frances said.

"Really. It's fine. I don't mind." Pearl said. Frances looked at Erik and he nodded.

"Ok. Then to your room." Frances said.

"What a beautiful room!" Pearl said, looking around. "This is incredible."

"I'm glad you like it. They could have had another room drawn up for you. It's not a problem at all." Erik said. "I want you to feel comfortable here."

She looked at him and without expression said, "I am comfortable here, with you."

He clenched his jaw again. This time she saw his hand twitch a little.

"Let's get you settled and head down for tea." Erik said. Pearl nodded and looked down.

"Ok." She said softly.

"Fuck it." He said, moving across the room to her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. The passion and torment in his face showed Pearl the depth of his longing for her. She kissed him back, just as eagerly and used her good arm to pull him to her, clinging to his back and breathing him in. He stopped suddenly and stepped back.

"I am so sorry, Pearl. Please forgive me." He said.

"Forgive you for what?" She said. "I just had the most intensely passionate first kiss of my existence. Don't you dare apologize for that." She said, smiling at him, catching her breath.

"No. That was not supposed to happen. I want to do this right." Erik said.

Pearl looked at him. "Right isn't always what is meant to be. There are not instructions or simple laid out plans for 'right', Erik." She said.

"I will do right by you because I am going to be the first man who has." He said, adjusting his tie. "Come. Let's have tea."