Chapter 206

Erik stood up and looked into her eyes. "Why? Why can't you? Is it because of you don't feel worthy? Or qualified? Is it because of my father? It is, isn't it! Pearl. He gave his blessing. I assure you, it wouldn't matter either way to me." He said.

Pearl put her head down and sobbed.

"Pearl. Talk to me, please." Erik pleaded.

"I might not be able to give you children." Pearl said, looking at him with a sadness he had never seen before.

"What? How, how do you know?" He asked.

"I have never been pregnant, even when I have been off the pill. I was off the pill for a while with Rhys, he wanted me to, and nothing happened. I've always wanted a child so badly, but I think it's a lost cause for me. I have a disorder. The last time I went to see my female doctor, when I got of the pill, she told me I have something called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It's not definite but there is a strong possibly I won't be able to have children." Pearl said, sobbing through her words.

"Are you on something now?" Erik asked.

"Yes. I had her put in an IUD because it isn't a hormonal thing, and it won't affect the PCOS. I had her do it when I felt Rhys was lying to me about Carys. I went to her a little while before Italy." Pearl explained. "So you see? You can't marry me. You will have to have children and I can't take that away from you. And you need an heir. It's not like we can adopt." Pearl said, wiping her eyes.

Erik took a deep breath. He reached for her and put his hand on her face, wiping away her tears.

"Do you really think me producing an heir is more important than having you for the rest of my life?" He asked.

Pearl looked into his eyes, not expecting his response.

"I love you. What did you tell me last night? When we get to that bridge, we will cross it. Whether it be not having children or trying the natural way or IVF or a bloody surrogate, I don't care. I want YOU. I want you to be my wife. I don't even know if I'll be able to wait for a proper wedding to be planned. I want you now. All of you. Fuck everything else. Be mine." He said, kissing her.

"Are you sure?" Pearl asked.

He got back down on his knee. "I've never done anything like this before and leave it to you to make me do it twice." He said, laughing to himself.

"I'm glad I'm your first." She said. He shook his head and fought back tears from forming.

"God, I love you." He said. "Pearl, I don't care what reasons you give me. You could give me twenty more and I will find a way to work out every single one of them. Marry me. Say you'll be my wife." He said.

Pearl hesitated.

"Yes. Yes I will be your wife." She said, sobbing again. He stood up and gently took her into his arms. "I cannot wait for forever, with you." He said. Pearl held onto him, clinging to her lifeline, her soulmate. She finally felt safe, for the first time in her life. She exhaled and smiled, closing her eyes and praying for the first time since she was a child, begging god to save her and her mother from her father, and cursing him when he didn't. And now, she was thanking that same god, showing gratitude for bringing this man into her life, after she leaned how to save herself.

Pearl took a drink of her coffee and looked at the massive ring on her finger. It was so beautiful, she was terrified to wear it.

"What's on your mind, my love?" Erik asked, sipping his tea and smiling at her. He hadn't stopped smiling since she said yes. He asked her permission for his parents to make a formal announcement and they agreed to do it the next morning, before they had to leave for Rome. That would give the each time to tell their friends about it. Erik wanted to announce it as soon as possible so a wedding could begin to be planned. Pearl had called Iris and Fi, who were both deliriously happy for her. She then called Dylan. "Did he get on his knee? He promised me he would."Dylan said.

"You knew?" Pearl asked.

"Yes. He asked my permission a couple of days ago. He asked all of us. And Jim." He said. Pearl looked over at Jim, reading the paper. "You knew, too?" She shouted at Jim. Jim pretended not to hear her. "I'm talking to you, Jim." She said.

Erik looked at him and shrugged his shoulders. "Better answer her or you'll be seeing coffee mugs flying toward you soon." Erik said laughing.

"I gave him my blessing. You're welcome." Jim said, shaking is head.

Pearl looked at Erik. He had asked her entire family, the family she made and chose, their permission for him to ask her to marry him. It was perfect. He was perfect. He was everything. She reached down and pinched her leg and smiled.