Chapter 210

"That is awesome!" John said.

They had flown in the night before and were completely surprised when the director, producer and star of the movie came for tea at Highgrove not long after they all arrived.

"I can't believe you want us to do the theme song! This is unbelievable." Tony said. "This is a legendary thing."

"A Bond song? NOW we can all say we made it." Ian said. Even he was fan girling .

Pearl smiled and was just as excited. However; the moment was bittersweet. It was the first time since she and Erik began, she felt real sadness about the possibility of not making music anymore with the guys.

"So, tell us the premise of the film." Dylan asked.

"The villain in the movie is someone that 007 knows, someone close to him that he would never suspect. He can't figure out who is after him and who is spying on him, and he is frustrated. Out of nowhere, this gorgeous woman keeps appearing in his life, offering clues and guiding him to solve the mystery. He falls for her and later learns that she is a ghost. A spirit. Not real. And the villain is her ex lover that murdered her." The director explained. "And the only way for her soul to rest is for 007 to kill him."

"Wow! That's a bad ass bond theme. I love it." Dylan said.

"I wrote some lyrics after Erik told me the premise the other day, just to have something to start with. You guys feel free to change them or tell us to go with a completely different concept of you don't like it." Pearl said. She picked up her acoustic guitar and strummed a stripped down, basic melody.

"The ghost that walks

Around this town

Eyes hollow, she talks

About rising above

But she's always down

She said ain't nothin free

Her voice in my head

Singing songs to the three

She wants to die

But she's already dead

In my bed

My head, she sings

Her moon songs

The ghost that walks

She walked out on me

Now her soul roams

Tonight and Always

In the night with mine

Still by her side.

Nighttime whispers 'round

Speak of lost words

We never found

And you, you still haunt my dreams

A ghost that walks

Walked out on me

Because the knife I used

Plunged effortlessly

The man she loved

That killer is me

In my bed

My head, she sings

Her moon songs

The ghost that walks

She walked out on me

Now her soul roams

Tonight and always

In the night with mine

Still by her side.

The ghost that walks

Tonight and always." Pearl sang.

"Wow. That's... incredible." The star of the movie said. His name was Tom and he was British, and had been friends with Erik for a while.

"Yes. I agree. Can't wait to hear the music you all create with it. That's why we chose you. We wanted a haunting, dark, almost dreamy, rock sound. Very excited." The producer said.

"Pearl, we can definitely work with that. It's going to sound great." Dylan said.

Erik looked over at her, beaming with pride. Pearl noticed and smiled.

"Let's meet again next month. I'll have my assistant await your contacting us to set up a day and time. Thank you so much, your highness. This was splendid." The producer said.

After they left, everyone cheered and high fived.

"I've been wanting to scream this entire time about how awesome this is!" John said. "What an opportunity!"

They all talked about their excitement and John began to look into studio space to rent in London for when they were ready to begin. The movie was in preproduction so they had plenty of time and weren't in any rush.

"You just keep making my world better and better." Pearl said to Erik as they sat on the patio at the end of the day.

"And you just keep amazing me and making me want to make it better." He said.

He kissed her forehead and put his arm around her, as they watched the sunset.

Pearl couldn't help her mind drifting to worry. Life has always taught her the hard way, especially in recent years, that when something seems to good to be true, it's usually because it is.