Chapter 212

Pearl woke up in a full panic. She looked around and saw she was in their bedroom at Highgrove House. She walked to the bathroom and splashed her face with water. It was only a dream, but it seemed so real. Erik, hanging off the side of a cliff, and only holding onto Pearl's left arm. "Help me." He cried out. She couldn't hold onto him or lift him up. She felt his hand slip away from her as he then fell to his death. It was the worst nightmare she had ever had.

She put on some clothes and walked downstairs for coffee. Jim was up already and greeted her. "Any word from Charles?" Pearl asked.

"No. But I'm thinking we should hear from them today. They are flying back tonight, if I remember correctly." Jim said.

Pearl had a light breakfast and went to the gym to run on the treadmill for a bit. She needed to let go of some negative tension and exercise always made her feel better. After her workout, she went upstairs to shower and relax a little with the book she had been reading. She checked her laptop as she dried off and answered a couple of emails Iris had sent. One from her attorney and accountant regarding her finances. She had over eight million dollars in the bank now, with more predicted to come and her accountant wanted to meet with her about some avenues to take regarding investments before her marriage. She decided she would wait for Erik to return so she could talk to him about it first.

She fell asleep while reading and took a long nap, finally waking up before dinner.

"You've been asleep awhile. Must have needed it." Jim said as Pearl came downstairs.

"Yes, I guess I didn't realize how tired I was." Pearl said.

"You've had a lot going on the last several months. One day of napping is hardly enough." Jim said, offering her tea. Both she and Jim had really taking a liking to English tea and tradition. It was a way for them to bond and chat as well. Pearl trusted and cared for Jim very much and he had been a rock for her through everything.

"Can we go shopping in town before dinner? I want to her Erik something for when he comes home. To let him know I missed him." Pearl asked.

"Sure." Jim said, getting up to get the car ready.

He took her into the closest town and they stopped at a little shop that sold men's accessories and clothing. She wasn't sure what she wanted to get but thought this might be a good place to start. She looked around and saw some ties she liked, picking out a bright turquoise one to match Erik's eyes. She found a newsboy cap for Jim. She also found a cologne that smelled like freshly washed heaven, which she bought for Erik as well.

Then she saw them. Cuff links with a dark blue background and a bird painted on them. She asked the man behind the counter for help. "The bird cuff links. What are they?" She asked.

"These are vintage. Cast from sterling silver, they are enamel cuff links that were hand set with .61 carats of pave diamonds with hand painted miniature art of Nightingale bird and moon." He said. She cold barely stand the joy she felt.

"I'll take them. Could you please gift box them for me?" She asked. He smiled and nodded.

She didn't even ask how much they were. For the first time in her life, she didn't have to worry about that and it felt good.


They got back to the house to find a Bentley State limousine parked out front. It was the King and Queen's car. Pearl thought maybe Erik had returned along with his father and got excited. Jim opened the door for her and they walked in, to find only Edward there.

"Your majesty." Pearl said. "Are you here for Erik?"

"Yes." He said. "I've been trying to get a hold of him for a few days now. I wanted to get his opinion on something and it's not like him to wait this long to return my calls. I was hoping I hadn't upset him when last we spoke." Edward said.

"About the France thing? He didn't seem upset about that." Pearl asked.

"France thing?" Edward asked.

Pearl looked at Jim. "Yes. Yesterday morning. He left for France. He said you asked him to go for some diplomacy meeting there and with someone from Russia. A last minute thing?" Pearl asked, confused.

"I did no such thing." Edward said. "Nothing is done last minute like that."

"Your majesty, Charles got a call early in the morning from someone, I don't know who, asking Erik to leave. Someone he said worked for you."

Jim said.

"No one notified me of this. We have no meeting set up with France or Russia. There would have been more security that would have needed to be added. More planning." Edward said.

They all looked at one another, realizing what was happening. Pearl felt something take over her body. It was panic. Dread. Fear. The air escaped from her lungs.

"Erik." She said, breathlessly.