Chapter 214

"We have located his cell phone. There is a team going there right now." Jim explained to Pearl. She almost leapt from her chair, asking where.

"In Belgium. A hour from the border of France." Jim said.

"Belgium?" Pearl asked.

"Yes. I will keep you posted." He said and left the room. Pearl paced the floor. Where could he be and why? Why was he gone? Several hours passed as Pearl continued to pace and watch for any word. Frances had retired to her room after being up the entire night before. Edward, Auggie and Sebastian stayed up and near their phones and laptops, with Sebastian helping Jim and the rest of the intelligence officers.

"Pearl." Jim said. "They found his phone in the car. It was dropped off in an abandoned building's parking lot. We believe now that he has been taken."

The words hit Pearl like a bolt of lightening directly into her heart.

"Taken?" Pearl whispered.

"Yes." Jim said. "That's what's happened."

Pearl watched several military leaders and intelligence officers talking to Edward. It all seemed like a dream. Like she was watching it all happen outside of herself. She stood up and went to where Edward and Sebastian were standing. "Who has Erik?" She asked.

"We aren't sure. We are trying to figure that out." Sebastian said.

"Who would have a reason to take him? It's not an easy task to take a prince. Charles and the men that go with us on public outings are always watching and always have things completely covered. How could this happen?" Pearl asked.

"Yes Pearl. Try to breathe. Have a seat. Have some tea. We are working hard at getting to the bottom of this." Edward said.

"Yes. Please try to rest and we will alert if you anything changes. Best to stay back and let us work." A military officer said.

"No. I won't just try to breathe and let you all handle it. I am involved and this is my life, now too. I am fighting. I'm not just going to sit over there and wait like a dog. Fuck that." Pearl said. Sebastian looked at Pearl and then at Edward.

"Just because I am a woman doesn't mean I am not capable of intellectually and physically assisting in this. I know it might be hard to believe, but I know how to use this lump three feet above my ass. Now bring me up to speed." She said.

Sebastian stifled a giggle and Edward looked daggers at him.

"Ok. Fine. We believe whoever took him planned this ahead, strategically, and had been planning it for some time. And we also have reason to believe it was an inside job. Whoever called Charles was someone he knew and was trusting of, or he never would have bought the story. And whoever picked him up from the airport knows something, it's the same car that we found abandoned with his cell inside. The same car from the airport surveillance cameras. The driver was familiar with the angles of the cameras. We can't see their face. We have experts dissecting it and we are waiting on that. That is all we know so far." The officer said.

"And why Belgium? Who in that direction would have ill will toward you? Toward him? Is this about money? Revenge? Anything about your past or business dealings we need to look at?" Pearl asked Edward. His face turned red with anger and he looked like he might explode at any moment.

"Are you questioning a King?" He asked Pearl.

"I'm questioning someone close to him that is likely to have enemies. I would know. I used to be one of them." She said. "And many of your enemies are people with power."

Edward stepped closer to her and looked intimidatingly into her eyes. "If you are insinuating that I would put my son in danger, you are....." he began.

"Whoa. Ok. Let's all take a breather. Pearl, walk with me." Sebastian said. He took Pearl's arm and lead her out of the room.

"What was that in there? It is not a good idea to question Edward, especially at a time like this. Are you mad?" Sebastian asked.

"My fiancée is missing, most likely kidnapped. I don't give a fuck if Jesus Christ was Erik's father. I'm questioning him. I'm questioning everyone." Pearl said. "It's someone close to him, Sebastian. I know it. And you know it, too."

"We don't know that for sure." He said.

"Yes, we do. And I am going to find out who it is. And it could be someone that is protecting themselves. Someone that no one suspects. I might be the only one that can see through these people. I might piss some people off, I may die trying, but I'm going to find out who took Erik. And if you love your cousin, you will want to, also." She said, pulling her arm away from him. "Now stop wasting time." She said.

He took a step back and looked at her. This woman that he had heard about from his family, the woman that saved Erik's life, that settled him down, that made him fall in love. This woman was everything they said she was, and more. She wasn't afraid of anything. He was impressed and curious about her. Her courage moved him and he hadn't felt strength like that since his fiancée fought for her life three years ago. He knew at that moment he would help her with whatever she needed.

"Well then, let's get to it." He said.