Chapter 226

Sebastian took them to the palace for lunch. It had been a couple of days since she told Edward her theory on Charles and he was requesting them to come to lunch to discuss it more.

Sebastian held her hand as they walked into the dining room and were announced.

"Pearl. You'll be happy to know that you were right." Edward said.

"I was?" She asked.

"Charles is absolutely Michael Williamson's half brother. And there's more. Please, sit." He said.

"He was dishonorably discharged from the army one week after the incident Erik witnessed. And he came here one week after that. We checked with some of his fellow infantry mates. He had talked about what had happened. That a child had ratted out his brother. He was well informed. He knew what had happened." Edward said. Pearl nodded. She knew it.

"Pearl, I need you to think back about what you found. Places. Where was he from? Did you see any places of residency? I want to find him. And then kill him, myself."

"He was born in the Netherlands. Michael. Not Charles. Charles was born in a home for unmarried mothers in London. But Michael's father was married to his mother. He had a money. Came from money. His father owned a saw mill. In Amsterdam." She said.

"There are many there. It would be impossible to trace anything to that." Edward said.

"This one had an unusual name. Something about an otter." Pearl said.

"Molen de otter?" Edward asked.

"Yes! That's it! Wait. How do you know that?" Pearl asked.

"It's the oldest saw windmill in Amsterdam." He said.

Edward hung up the phone and looked at Pearl. "I found out some information. For the time being De Otter is still in its original location but not being operated. People still tour it but the adjacent building has been abandoned for years, that is until about three weeks ago. There have been lights on inside at night. And people have seen movement in and out of the building."

Pearl's heart pounded. Charles, she thought.

"Let's go and find the bastard." Sebastian said.

"No. You're not going anywhere. I'm not going to risk losing another important heir and member of this family. Pearl needs you. We need you. You have to stay here and take care of Pearl. You are the one I would want to be in charge or even regent in my absence. Augustus isn't ready and your father is ill. It is you, Sebastian, that has the strength to do what needs to be done while I cannot." Edward said. "You and Pearl. I trust you both, entirely." He said. "Now, I must get the team together. I'm going to destroy the men who took my son." He said.

"Edward. Wait." Pearl said. "Before you leave, you need to know something." Pearl said.

"What is it?" Edward said.

"I'm pregnant. I am carrying Erik's child. I'm six weeks along." She said.

"My god. That is the best thing I could have ever been told. Thank you, for telling me." He said.

"And Sebastian has offered to make the baby legitimate. If I accept. He has offered me his hand in marriage. I'm still considering it. I am still so completely destroyed over Erik. I can't think about it right now." Pearl said.

"Of course. Sebastian, you are a good man. Thank you for this. We will discuss it when I return." Edward said.

"One more thing." Pearl said.

"Yes Pearl."

"Rip their fucking hearts out and let them watch it beat outside of their body before they die." She said.

Edward nodded.

Pearl sat in the study and tried to relax. So many thoughts filled her mind. Sebastian sat quietly with her and let her pace and talk out loud as she needed.

A knock at the door distracted her thinking.

"Your highness. I understand you are regent while Edward is indisposed." The man said.

"Yes. What is it?" He asked.

"Come with me." He said. Sebastian took Pearl's hand and they were led into the main state room at the palace.

There were men gathered there and a man they didn't recognize speaking to them.

"Your highness. I understand you are acting regent." The man said.

"Yes. I am." Sebastian said.

"I'm Dr. Benjamin Paulson. The royal physician." He said.

"It's nice to meet you. What is the nature of your visit?" Sebastian asked.

"An autopsy had been completed on the body brought to us from the explosion." He explained.

Pearl felt the nausea returning.

"And we can confirm that Mr. Theodore Brunkel died due to multiple organ blast injury as well as blunt force trauma to the head from shrapnel." The physician stated.

"I'm not following. Who is Theodore Brunkel? And what about Erik." Sebastian asked.

"Well, your highness, that's precisely what we were curious about. The man that you claim to be Erik is Theodore Brunkel. The man that died in that blast wasn't Erik at all."

"Oh my god, Erik is still alive." Pearl said, nearly fainting.

"Someone contact Edward and his team. Now!" Sebastian ordered.

"Pearl. Pearl are you alright?" Sebastian asked, belong her to a chair.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine. We have to find him. We have to tell Edward. He could jeopardize his life now." Pearl said.

"We will. We will let him know, I promise." Sebastian said.