Chapter 230

"I have found you, cousin." Erik said, walking into the study. "Mind if I have a drink with you?"

Erik asked.

"Not at all." Sebastian said as he sipped his bourbon, sitting on the couch. Erik poured himself a glass of scotch and sat down next to him.

"Sitting here, I'm reminded of the last few weeks. This couch, where a woman I had just met, who bravely stood up to a king, all alone in a foreign country, sat with her computer. Here, in this very spot, for countless hours, days on end, without sleep, without food, desperately trying to find a way to save... you." Sebastian said, looking at him.

"A woman I know I don't deserve." Erik said.

"That's right." Sebastian said, looking forward.

"I came to find you because I needed to tell you something. You don't have to believe me, but I need to say it. And all I'm asking is for you to listen. That's it." Erik said, standing up.

"Why should I?" Sebastian said. "You, of all the people I have ever met in my life, and I have met many, are the least deserving of my ear, let alone that beautiful, courageous woman."

"I know. And if this entire experience has taught me anything, it is precisely that." Erik said. "That is why I'm asking you, begging you, to just at least give me a moment of your time to hear me out."

Sebastian looked forward and nodded. "Very well then."

"Charles told me you were at the bombing, trying to rescue me. I couldn't believe it, I knew you hated me and were right to do so. And then he told me he heard you were trying to move in on Pearl. After my rescue, Jim told me in the car that you had been by her side every moment, standing with her, trying to take my place." Erik began. "And when I left the hospital to come home, I told Jim I was going to let you." Erik said.

Sebastian looked at him, confused.

"Jim said I owed you a debt of gratitude. And I agreed. Then it hit me. The first thing I thought of when Charles told me you were with her, was that I knew she was safe and cared for. I know you, cousin. And you would die for a woman like Pearl. You wouldn't hesitate for a moment. You would love her, stand by her. You don't have a sordid past, you've never intentionally hurt anything or anyone in your entire life. I realized on that car ride that you were the better man." Erik said. "The better man for her."

Sebastian didn't respond. He continued to look forward, trying to process what Erik was saying.

"And I told Jim to take me to the airport. I was going to leave for awhile and have him tell Pearl I couldn't be with her anymore. That the situation changed me. And let her decide what she wanted. But I couldn't do it. I tried. I tried to let her go because it was right. But I couldn't leave her. I couldn't let her go. And maybe that just validates what I already knew about myself. What you know. That I am a selfish man. A bad man. A man that would take her for myself when I know there are better men for her. But it also validates that you are that better man. Because you could let her go. For me. For her. I envy you, cousin. I always have." Erik said.

"You shouldn't." Sebastian said.

"But I do. And there will never be any way for me to thank you for what you did for me. I couldn't, wouldn't be there for you when you needed me most. But you were there for me." Erik said.

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for her." Sebastian said. "I care for her, I asked her to marry me."

"I know." Erik said. "I know why you did it. I know who you are and that you understand, because I love her, it was all also for me."

Erik walked over to the table and poured another drink.

"I know I'm not the best man for her. But I wanted to tell you that I'm going to devote my entire life to the pursuit of it. And I'm asking for your help." Erik said.

"My help?" Sebastian asked.

"I want to be more like you. I want to learn from you and I want you in my life. I'm asking you to be my friend again. I'm asking you to be Pearl's friend. I want you in both of our lives, forever." Erik explained. "I trust you. And I am not bothered by your love for Pearl. It will only serve to protect her. When I am king, I am appointing you the Private Secretary to the Sovereign. My right hand. And there's something else." Erik said. "I want you to be Godfather to my child. And if something were to ever happen to me, you are the only one I would want to step in and father him, care for him, teach him. I love you, Bash. And I am so sorry for the pain I caused when I myself was not healed. Please try to forgive me." Erik said, looking at him with pleading and sincere eyes.

Sebastian took a deep breath and nodded. He stood up and looked at Erik. "You shouldn't trust me. I don't know what I am capable of just like any man doesn't. I'm not making any promises I can't keep. And when it comes to Pearl, I swear to god and on my life, if you hurt her in any way, like Mara or in any other manner, I won't hesitate to protect her and make her mine." He said. "With that being said, I don't know if I will be able to ever fully forgive you, but I'm willing to put it behind us, for Pearl, for this child and because it is the right thing to do." Sebastian said. "I would be honored to the baby's godfather."

Erik smiled and hugged him. "Thank you being there when I could not be." He said.

"Be here now and stay that way." Sebastian said, taking his drink and leaving Erik in the study.