Chapter 232

"Good morning, Erik." Frances said, greeting them in the large dining room. Edward hugged him and motioned for them to sit down.

"I can't believe my suit fits you." Auggie said.

"Yes brother, looks like we both need to spend some time in the gym now." Erik said. Pearl looked over and saw Sebastian pouring tea.

"Good morning, Bash." Erik said.

"Cousin." Sebastian said.

"I woke up sore as hell this morning after the mission. That was more action than I've had in years." Jim said, stretching.

"I've been telling you for awhile now that you need to get laid. You should listen to me more." Pearl said.

"Pearl!" Erik said, laughing. Sebastian snorted tea from his nose and Auggie couldn't even hide his giggling. Edward chuckled and tried to change the subject as Jim rolled his eyes and ate a donut.

"So, Erik. Ready for the press conference?" He asked.

"No. Not really. But I know it is what needs to happen." He said.

"I will go with you. Speak with you." Sebastian said, speaking up.

Everyone looked at him. He could see they were surprised. "I imagine it will be difficult to stand there alone." He said.

"Thank you, Bash." Erik said.

"And so with the help of his majesty's guard, I was found and able to return home."

Erik said, walking over to Pearl and Jim.

He had explained everything. Even what he had witnessed as a boy. And Sebastian stood at his side, keeping his word and showing his support.

The press went crazy with questions and Erik did his best to answer them.

"I think it is important to remember that the ordeal was traumatic for Erik. Both as a child and now. The journey of healing has begun and he has many people supporting him. He is a great man, prince and will be a great leader when he is king. I would risk my life many times over for the man and have no regrets doing so." Sebastian said.

Erik looked at him and smiled, patting his shoulder and showing him public affection. Something the royals rarely did.

Edward then took the podium.

"There were three incredibly brave and brilliant people that aided in my son's return home. At this time I would like to award these heroes with the recognition they deserve. The first award I will give today is the King's Gallantry Medal of Honor, a decoration awarded for exemplary acts of bravery by civilians, and by members of the Armed Forces not in the face of the enemy. Ms. Pearl Clarke spent hours and days researching and working diligently on finding my son. Her time and dedication combined with the love and untiring devotion she had for him is the reason we were able to locate him alive." Pearl was completely blindsided. She wasn't expecting this and hadn't been made aware of it. She walked to Edward and bowed, accepting the honor and thanking him. "No. Thank you. It's because of you and you alone that my son stands here today. Your bravery and devotion to him has saved his life not once, but twice. You are a true hero. I owe you all of my gratitude. I will never doubt you again." Edward told her, publicly. Pearl smiled, tears falling from her eyes. "Thank you, your majesty."

He gave her the podium.

"I wasn't expecting this." She said to the press. "The work that I put in to locate the crown prince was not an act of duty, but an act of love. It was not work at all. It is what any one would do for someone they care about. I never gave up. And if I can use this horrific situation for any good at all, it would be to say that it is a matter of dire importance to remain strong and steadfast for something you believe in, however small or great. Even if you are the only one that believes it. Erik is home. I gave all that I could for him to come home safely. That was my belief for him. Never let go of yours. Ever. Thank you for this honor." Pearl said.

A reporter asked about the wedding. Erik returned to the podium. "If I could marry her tomorrow, I would. We are hoping to make an announcement soon." Erik said.

Edward proceeded to award Jim and Sebastian the Victoria Cross for Valor in the face of an enemy, the highest medal you can be bestowed.

They all bowed and waved and after it was over.

Once back in the palace, Edward told them he had a surprise for everyone.

"Tomorrow evening, we are hosting a dinner in all of your honor. And for Erik's return. I have taken the liberty of inviting everyone." Edward said.

"Everyone, father?" Erik asked.

"Everyone." He said.

Pearl wasn't sure what that meant but she was hoping her people would be on the list.


"I'm going to be a father." Erik said. Edward and Frances smiled. Erik had asked for a private meeting with them.

"We know, son." Edward said.

"You do?" He asked.

"Pearl told me, right before I left for Amsterdam. She wanted me to know in case anything... happened." Edward said.

"I see." Erik said. "How do you feel about it?"

"I'm elated. I'm going to be a gran'dad." Edward said, smiling.

"We are over the moon, Erik."

"We will need to rush the wedding for that as well, but I want you to know that's not why I want to." Erik said. "But this child, I want he or she to be legitimate and a rightful heir." He said.

"Done." His father said.

Erik smiled and thanked him.

"I have one request. If it is a girl, could you name her after your great grandmother." Frances said.

"Of course. I'll have to talk to Pearl but I am sure she will be perfectly fine with that." He said and took his leave, smiling all the way back to find Pearl.