Chapter 235

"Erik, three weeks? I don't even have a dress. I'm going to have to find one fast." Pearl said.

"I'll go with you." Sebastian said. "Do they give out free booze as well? Edward, we are starving. When is dinner?" He asked.

They all sat down and noticed Auggie was absent. "Is your brother coming to dinner tonight?" His mother asked. "It's so nice to have all of you here. Even Sebastian. If only Louis were.. "Frances began and was interrupted.

"My ears were ringing and sure enough, you were talking about me." Louis said as he entered the dining room. Frances looked surprised and a little less than thrilled.

"Pearl!" He said, giving her a hug. "It's lovely to see you again after our fun in Italy. We should go back soon, and bring that FiFi bird."

"Oh, haha. Yes. Well. Fi is engaged now. To my guitar player. And yes. It's lovely to see you, too." Pearl said. Louis looked genuinely disappointed.

"Bollocks! Really? She was such a peng ting. Real lush. What a miss." He said.

"Yes." Pearl said, having absolutely no idea what he said.

"Louis, welcome. Will your father be attending tomorrow?" Edward asked.

"Not sure." Louis said, pouring a glass of wine.

"Mother, Auggie is at the airport. He's picking up Maggie." Erik said.

"Who is Maggie?" Edward asked.

"Magnolia, is her full name. She is the CEO of my company, Trigon." Pearl said.

"And she is Auggie's girlfriend." Erik said, taking a drink of his wine.

"Girlfriend? Auggie?" Frances asked.

"He's still at university?" Edward said.

"Yes, father. But he is in his last year there. And nearly twenty five. He's girlfriend aged." Erik said.

"He can't stay a baby forever." Sebastian said. "And a CEO? Whoa. Good for Augustus."

"She's American?" Edward asked.

"Yes." Erik said.

"What is it with these American women? They drive us royals bonkers. I mean, have you seen these smolders? Terribly fit. Peng for sure. Look at Pearl for fook's sake." Louis said.

Erik laughed heartily. "Maggie is a lovely person. Auggie is excited for you to meet her."

"We are excited to meet her, as well." Frances said.

Edward didn't look quite as excited but he seemed to be giving it a chance.

Just then, Dylan, Ian, Fi, Blake and Iris were announced.

"Oh my! Really? This is amazing!" Pearl said, leaping from her chair. Erik smiled and stood up, walking over to greet them. Dylan gave him a big hug. "I'm glad to see that you're ok, man." He said.

"It's only because of your friend." He said. Dylan nodded.

"Fi!" Pearl said, hugging her.

"You whore! Went a got yourself knocked up. I knew you had in it ya, Erik. Or in her, I should say." She said, laughing.

Edward cleared his throat.

"I apologize for my crass friends." Pearl said.

"We know. We've met. We've missed you." Edward said. Fi gave him a big bear hug. Then Pearl remembered they all stayed there with them while she was recovering after the accident.

After all the introductions were made, they ate dinner, laughing and chatting like old friends.

After dinner, they all went into one of the large state rooms for a drink.

"I'm having a night cap with the royal fam at Buckingham palace." Ian said. "Unreal."

"And I'm having a drink with one of the most popular American actresses, rock stars and guitar players at my uncle's house." Sebastian said. "Totally unreal."

They all laughed.

"Ian, I have been a fan since your grunge music days. This is a real treat." Sebastian said.

"I am flattered." Ian said.

Just then, Auggie and Maggie came in. Edward stood up and Maggie looked terrified. "Your majesties." She said, with a curtsey. Frances smiled. "Frances, dear. And this is Edward. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said.

"It is an honor to meet you. The work you do for the Cancer Society of the UK is absolutely admirable. When my father was ill, it helped us so much. I will forever be in your debt." Maggie said.

"Uk?" Edward asked.

"Yes. My father was Welsh. He met my mother while serving in His Majesty's Armed Forces. My mother was a nurse, born in New York and they lived there most of my early life, moving back to Wales when I was in college." She said.

Edward showed a wave of relief. She was only half American. Not that it mattered, but it helped Auggie's cause.

They finished their drinks and were all shown to their rooms.

"This is going to be a fantastic weekend." Sebastian said as he walked past them to his room.

"I like this happier version of him. You seem to change everyone for the better." Erik said to Pearl as he took off his shoes.

"I can't tell you enough how excited I am for this wedding." Pearl said.

Erik stopped what he was doing. "Really? Because I feel like I have been quite over the top and you have been a bit more reserved about it." He said.

"No. I am so excited. I'm going to be your wife. How could I not be?" She said.

He pulled her into his arms and held her.

"I love you." He said.