Chapter 246

"Everyone seems to be having a splendid time." Erik said as they finished dinner. They had all went to dinner at the Bluebird in Chelsea. Apparently it was Erik's favorite restaurant in London and the first time Pearl had been there. Tony had absolutely loved his tour of London and he and Dylan were looking to get into some trouble later, asking Erik and Bash where all the good pubs were. Ian and Fi were all in as well.

"The Cross Keys in Chelsea is nice. Bunga Bunga. The Brook House." Sebastian said.

"Those all sound really formal." Tony said. "We were thinking more lively."

"Ah yes. Well then, go to the Breakfast Club restaurant. Ask to see the mayor." Bash said. Erik laughed.

"Sounds exciting." Tony said.

"Will you be coming?" Dylan asked Erik and Pearl.

"No. We have a lot of planning to do. And I'm sure Pearl needs rest." Erik said.

Sebastian looked at her. "Yes. A lot going on, best not to get too overwhelmed." He said.

She gently stomped his foot under the table. He plead his innocence with a look.

"I think I'd like to go, actually." Pearl said. Bash stifled a laugh.

"You would?" Erik asked.

"Yes. It would be good to have a night out." She said.

"Alright! Sounds like fun." Dylan said.

"Indeed. I think I'll go as well." Sebastian said, smiling.

Tucked away on a side street opposite Liverpool Street Station, the outside of the cafe is a little less obvious than the bright egg-yolk yellow frontages of our other cafes, but a breakfast diner, none the less. The inside was filled with industrial caged booths; clapboard siding; exposed brick and a healthy dose of neon. All a good cafe would require.

A man saw who they were and immediate began frantically putting tables together.

"No sir, we are here to see the mayor." Sebastian said.

"Oh! Of course. Right this way." He said, walking them to a refrigerator in the corner and opening it. It lead to a staircase and into a basement bar with brick walls and dark lighting. It was crowded, many people were there, talking and laughing, with loud music playing. Some noticed Erik and Bash. Some didn't.

The guys stood around a cocktail table while Pearl walked over to the bar with Fi. "I'll have a vodka tonic and she will have just a tonic with lime." Fi said. Pearl smiled and nodded.

"This place is so different than the bars I am used to. I like it." Fi said.

"Not me. They are all the same." Pearl said, laughing.

"Hello. You two are unbelievably gorgeous. I'm certain you hear that all the time." A man said, standing to Pearl's right.

"Is my friend bothering you? I told him not to come over her and try to chat you up." And another said, standing by Fi. Fi was about to tell them to fuck off when Pearl looked at her and shook her head. This was going to be fun.

"No bother. How are you?" Pearl asked.

"I'm good. My name is Liam. This is Andrew." He said.

"Lovely to meet you." Pearl said. Fi sipped her drink and looked away.

"Prince Erik is here. Did you see that?" Andrew said.

"I hadn't noticed." Pearl said.

"Well you are the only one." He said, laughing. He sat down next to Pearl and leaned close to her.

Just then, Erik and Bash came over, and stood behind Pearl and Fi.

"Hello there." Erik said to Pearl.

"Hello." She replied, shyly.

"My cousin, prince Sebastian and I, were having a drink with our mates over there and couldn't help but notice how incredibly beautiful you ladies are. We were wondering if you'd care to join us." He said.

"Not really."'Pearl said. "Aren't you engaged?" She replied.

The two men, Liam and Andrew, looked shocked at her response.

"I am. But I have to tell you, your beauty is so captivating, I couldn't resist it. It's like a magnet. I would be honored if you would join us." He said, bowing.

"I mean, these lovely gentlemen had already offered to keep us company. I wouldn't want to be rude." Pearl said. Erik's jaw began to clench, he turned her around on her bar stool and he leaned in, kissing Pearl on the mouth, pulling her into him.

"But if you insist." Pearl said, after their kiss broke. Erik nodded and pulled her to him again, leading her back to the table. He finished his drink and told the rest of them that they were leaving.

"But we just got here!" Pearl protested. He took her hand and let her out of the restaurant and into the car.

"Drive us to Highgrove House." He said and he turned to Pearl, kissing her and putting his hands down her her blouse and up her skirt.

"Erik. What has gotten into you?" She asked, as he devoured her neck.

"Fuck it, take us to the Dorchester." He said. The driver nodded and made a call. The car pulled up to the front and Erik practically pulled her out of the car. The concierge greeted them and led them to their room. Erik closed the door and lifted Pearl's skirt, kissing her forcefully and pulling her panties off. "God you drive me crazy. Why did you do that?" Erik said, unfastening his pants and lifting her against the wall.

"What do you mean?" She breathlessly asked.

"The thought of another man even thinking he has your attention made me crazy. I wanted to kill him and fuck you. Right there. On the bar." He said, pushing himself inside of her.

"You're mine. You are mine now. Tell me you are mine." He said.

"I'm yours." She said. He grabbed her mouth and chin and pulled her to his mouth, kissing her and moving her to the floor. This wasn't about pleasure. This was about possession. He pounded again and again into her in the middle of the floor, relentlessly until he came inside of her, telling her she needed more. He needed more. He turned her over and kissed down her back, his mouth moving to her backside and wetting her. He slid his fingers into where he just possessed her and moved his and her wetness to her backside. He then nudged himself to her hole and slowly entered. Pearl cried out, and he leaned forward, entering her all the way. He took his hand and covered her mouth and thrusted, hard, into her. She gasped and cried out again. The pain was almost too much as the pleasure of it then began to wash over her.

"Every part of you, every single place I can be, is mine." He said, moving in and out of her tight hole. He pulled her hair and head back and began to move faster. She felt a climax beginning and cried out again, asking him for more. This drove him wild, and he reached down, pushing his fingers into her, and rubbing her clit, while pounding into her ass. This made her cum harder than she had ever in her entire life. "Erik... " she moaned, clenching around his fingers. He grabbed her hips and plunged fully into her, reaching another climax and filling her once again. Pulling out of her, he whispered "I love you. I love taking you, owning your body, and making you mine." They slumped onto the floor and caught their breath.

He stood up, put his clothes on and told her to get up. She looked at him, confused.

"Clean yourself up and meet me downstairs in the lounge. I haven't finished making sure you know who your body belongs to, yet. Meet me there and then after, I am taking you back up here and doing all of that to you, all over again. Only this time, you'll be naked and tied up." He said. He walked to the bathroom for moment, finished and then walked out the door, leaving her still there on the floor. Damn, he couldn't be any sexier right now, she thought.