Chapter 258

"This place is incredible. Beyond what I expected." Erik said as the owner of Skytop lodge gave them a tour.

"Yes. It is quite wonderful. We are very proud of it." the owner said. "And on the lawn here is where we have the ceremony set up. There will be fresh flowers and more added on Saturday, of course."

"Oh. About that, we are no longer requiring a ceremony." Pearl said.

"But it's all paid for? Everything has been ordered. Even the food and beverages for the reception after." The owner said.

Pearl looked at Erik. His face began to light up. "Yes. Thank you. That will be lovely, just send us all the information and the itinerary you've planned. We will be here and ready. And we have the place through next Wednesday, correct?" Erik asked.

"Yes. We expect to reopen for regular business on Friday. It is our slow season but we still have reservations happening." The owner said, smiling. "Enjoy your week. We are happy to have you."

She left Erik and Pearl alone inside the enormous lodge. There were 5,500 acres to explore, with hiking, a golf course, spa, indoor and outdoor pools, two bars, restaurants, a coffee shop and more. It was a resort and Pearl had given almost her entire sign on album bonus to reserve it and the employees there for 5 days.

"I feel terrible they are going to such trouble for no reason." Pearl said, putting her head down.

"I have an idea." Erik said. He took out his phone and had his assistant make some calls. "Yes. Call some of the smaller venues in the Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan areas. Yes. Get a list of names from maybe five or six places of anyone that recently cancelled or lost money on their wedding because they could no longer make payments or couldn't pay it off. Yes. Have that to me in an hour." Erik said, hanging up.

"What are you up to?" Pearl asked.

"We are going to have an incredible wedding here, and it's going to be someone's dream come true, who truly deserves it." Erik said, smiling.

Pearl looked at him and smiled. This was the reason she loved him so much. His heart.

"I have a gift for you." Erik said, smiling.

"Oh yea?" Pearl asked. He handed her a blue Tiffaney and Co. box. Inside was a wedding bell charm. "Forever" was inscribed on the back. Pearl hugged him and held out her wrist. He placed the charm on her bracelet and kissed her.

"Only a few more places left." Pearl said.

Erik smiled. "More bracelets will be needed, then." He said.

They had lunch on the massive patio of the main lodge, the sun warming them and making for a beautiful afternoon. Erik's phone rang. "Yes. Fantastic. Thank you." Erik said. He opened his laptop and scrolled through a list of names.

"This one looks promising. Couple in their mid-thirties, stopped making payments on their wedding reservation at a venue due to groom losing his job. Wedding date was supposed to be in August. They had paid off two thousand of the six needed, non-refundable. First marriage for both. Groom worked as a mechanic and bride is a nurse assistant at an elderly home." Erik said. "Let's call them."

Pearl smiled and nodded. Erik called his assistant back and asked him to call them and get more info from them.

"I can't believe you had this idea. It is going to make someone's day." Pearl said.

About an hour later, Erik's phone rang again. "Yes. Lovely. Have them meet us here tomorrow for lunch." Erik said. He looked at Pearl after he hung up. "They have a special needs child. The bride is the mother. The groom is not the biological father but has taken over as the child's father. They live about an hour from here. I have invited them for lunch tomorrow." Erik said, smiling. "Apparently they hoped to have a big wedding but it all fell through when the groom lost his job, having to take time when his mother fell ill. They have no idea why they are coming here or who they are meeting. My assistant just told them it was urgent and assured them it was worth their time." Erik said.

Pearl was happy, what an amazing thing they were going to do for this completely unsuspecting couple.