Chapter 264

Pearl woke up feeling terrible. It was only the third show of their tour and she was already feeling exhausted from the traveling and energy for the performances.

Erik was there for their opening night in Philadelphia but had to leave to be a partnof a charity event in Africa for a couple of weeks.

"Hey, there you are. You ok?" Dylan asked. Pearl was sitting at the back of the large dressing room, drinking tea and putting her feet up.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just a little tired." She said.

"Understandable. Need anything?" He asked.

"No. I'm good. When are we leaving for Chicago?" She asked.

"In about an hour or so. At least we get to stay in one place for a few nights. Traveling to these last few gigs each day has been rough. It's only going to get worse." Dylan said.

Their album had been at number one on several charts for over two months. Billboard told them they broke a record. It was all very surreal. And the money was pouring in. John had given a producer permission to use one of their songs in a movie. The venues were all sold out, all stadiums. They were as famous as fame could make them. And maybe it had something to do with Pearl's marriage. They were all sure it did. But their album was good. Really good. All the reviews were positive. Rare to have with any band and album. "A dark, haunting rock masterpiece that brings back the roots of the sixties bands such as the Zombies and The Velvet Underground mixed with sludge rock sounds that Black Sabbath made famous. The lyrics are pure poetry and the goth aspect can't be denied. It sets a mood and a vibe that leaves us wanting more." One critic wrote. Another focused on Pearl's lyrics and ability to keep poetry relevant within the song.

It made them all happy to know they had the talent without the fame brought on by their personal lives. Ian was dating an Oscar winning actress as well and Dylan was becoming fast friends with one the most famous novelists and screenwriters of their generation, Jack Dorser. They were the consummate bachelors, hanging out at dark bars and writing. Kerouac and Ginsberg would be proud.

The drive to Chicago was a nice break from reality. The record company had provided them a tour bus and it was "quite posh" as Erik put it. He wouldn't be back until their Michigan leg of the tour ended and they were headed back to New York. Pearl hated New York and was happy they only had one show there. It was odd how they were booked. Philadelphia, Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Louisville, then New York. After that, they were headed east and then south. It was a big cluster of shows and the time to complete them all was making it all arduous.

"Hungry?" Dylan asked as Iris handed out sun sandwiches she made for lunch.

"Not really." Pearl said, curling up under the blanket and continuing to read the Anaïs Nin book she had been thumbing through all morning.

"Seriously. What's going on with you these last few days? We are all worried about you." Dylan said.

"I'm ok. Just tired. It's been an insane year for me. The roller coaster never stops." Pearl said.

Dylan nodded. He understood.

The bus pulled up to the hotel and Pearl was excited about a shower and a bed for the night. Their gig at the United Center was the following evening, and they had the entire night to themselves to rest. She checked into her suite at the Peninsula and immediately ordered room service and took a shower. The down time felt wonderful already.

Pearl got up to answer a knock at the door, assuming it was the room service dinner she ordered. She tightened her robe and opened the door.

"What? What the hell are you doing here?!" She asked, her brow instantly furrowed and her mouth open in shock.