Chapter 266

"Erik! Hey. No hard feelings man. I was just leaving." Rhys said, pompously.

"Erik, it's not what you think. Rhys decided to come here tonight to apologize and now he is leaving. It was a brief and unhappily unexpected visit." Pearl said, looking as displeased as ever.

Erik looked into Pearl's eyes, trying to get a read from her. He didn't want to question her or make their relationship seem weak, regardless of what this looked like. They would have to discuss it later. For now, he nodded and looked at Rhys. "You seem to have a listening problem that I don't like. If I'm not mistaken, I told you to leave Pearl alone. You seem to have a difficult time with that, why?" Erik asked, his security guards moving closer.

"I just needed to tell her the truth about some things I realized about myself. Maybe you should take some lessons on that? I hear it might be needed on your end." Rhys said, moving inches from Erik's face. "If princes even have to do that. I'm not sure of the rules for you, I know they must be different. We all like to throw stones but none of us like to cast them towards ourselves." He said.

Erik's nostrils flared and his jaw clenched. "What is that supposed to mean exactly?" Erik asked.

"Just thinking out loud. That's all. No worries, man. She's all yours." Rhys said, winking. "I mean, she was mine first. And I loved her with all of my heart, despite my inability to be a good man to her with my meager flaws. But yours? Man. Maybe not so meager? I don't know. Oh Pearl, one more thing. Ask Erik about Samantha Kramer. I'm sure you'll want to hear about that story. Oh... and Melissa Bradford. If he doesn't fill you in properly, I'll have to stop by when you're alone again, just to make sure he told you the truth. Turns out you're not the only one that does their research, Pearl." Rhys said. He turned back to Pearl, and said "Forever isn't just a word. I meant it and still do. I'm not going anywhere. Remember that." He said as he smiled and walked down the hotel hall. He turned back one last time and said, "Oh and definitely wear the robe again. You've got the most incredible legs."

Pearl looked at Erik. His face had turned white and he looked like he might be sick.

"Are you alright?" Pearl asked.

Erik nodded. He walked into the suite and shut the door, putting the flowers on the counter.

Pearl walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. He winced and pulled away.

"Erik, I swear to god nothing happened. Nothing. He was only here for maybe five minutes and he insisted." She said.

"No. I believe you. You don't need to explain anymore." He said, looking away from her.

"Ok. I'm glad to see you. I wasn't expecting you until next week, I... " she began.

Erik held his hand up, interrupting her.

"I haven't been completely honest with you, Pearl. We need to talk." He said, looking down.