Chapter 280

"Don't forget the heavy whipping cream." Pearl said as Abigail and Jim headed out to the store. Pearl was making Thanksgiving dinner for Erik. He had never officially celebrated the day, so she wanted to make it special for him. They had invited her parents, which was more Erik's idea, and she was a nervous wreck. Dylan was also coming. He had no family and Pearl wanted him to come and celebrate with someone. Ian and Fi were also going to be there and bringing Ian's little girl. Pearl was excited to meet her.

"Ok, darling. The centerpiece looks amazing and the table is all set. I think I'm getting good at this." Erik said as walked into the kitchen. "It's smells unbelievable in here."

"Thank you. It's the turkey and the pies." She said, wiping her hands on her apron.

"I can't believe you are doing this by yourself." He said, smiling.

"I always made thanksgiving dinner on my own. This is normal for me." She said. "Want to help peel the potatoes?" She asked.

"I would love to." He said, standing up to the counter. "How in the bloody hell do I do that?" He asked seriously. Pearl giggled. She had a little over a month left of her pregnancy and cooking while being so big was much easier to handle moving around a large catering kitchen like they had. She handed Erik a sharp knife and showed him how to remove the skin.

"I'm going to lose a finger." He said, looking at her. "But I am going to do this properly, dammit." He took the knife and got to work. When he was finished, he had 20 terribly hacked potatoes but they were peeled, and he was beaming with pride. "What next, I'm just getting warmed up, I think." He said, looking around.

"Now, we make the cranberry sauce." She said. This was and easier task and she put him to work.

"So, the cranberries just pop open and that's it?" He asked.

"Yes. The juice and sugar make a kind of gelatinous sauce." She said. "Oh and don't forget a zested orange peel." She said. He looked worried because he had no idea how to make that happen.

Pearl looked at him, struggling with the orange and sauce and smiled. He was incredibly adorable trying to help. His excitement for her and the things she loved wasn't something she was used to. It was really nice to have and she felt lucky, truly fortunate, to have found it.

The doorbell rang and Erik looked at Pearl. Her anxiety was through the roof. They heard Jim greeting her parents and inviting them in, taking their bags and giving them a tour.

"I'll go and say hello." Erik said.

"Yes, ok." Pearl said back. The tension was obvious.

"Hello and welcome. Pearl is busy in the kitchen. I trust your room will be suitable?" Erik said, shaking Allen's hand.

"Suitable? This place is a mansion. It is more than suitable for us." Allen said. "How many square feet is this house?"

"A little over eleven hundred." Erik replied.

Allen's face looked like he had just been hit by lightning.

Darlene was quiet. She was a small woman in stature, like Pearl, but Pearl had her father's dark hair and gray eyes. Darlene had fire red hair that was going gray and green eyes. Erik led them into the living areas of the main room and asked if they'd like tea of coffee since it was still late morning.

"Coffee for sure." Allen said.

"Yes. I'll have Abigail get that for you. Please make yourselves at home. There are wonderful sitting areas outside as well. We are happy to have you these next few days." Erik said. He bowed and walked past Abigail in the show kitchen that was in the same large, open concept area as the large dining table and the living area where Pearl's parents were seated. He went back to the catering kitchen where Pearl was busy finishing up dinner.

"Well, how did it go?" Pearl asked, starting to boil the potatoes.

"They seemed a little shocked by the house but they seem in good spirits." Erik said. "Now, what other culinary masterpieces should I begin?" He asked.

Pearl giggled. "Well, let's start the corn casserole and dinner rolls." She said. Erik nodded and rolled up his sleeves after putting on an apron Pearl handed him.

"I think I have found my calling." He said, putting his hands on his hips and showing off the apron. They both laughed.