Chapter 290

Hello readers! I hope you are enjoying the story. Just wanted to say thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the continued journey of our Pearl and her perseverance.

Much appreciation! -The author.


Pearl woke up with a start. She looked over and saw Sebastian, laying back on the opposite side of the couch with the bassinet pulled over to him and his hand on Christian's little tummy, both of them fast asleep. The baby must have woke up at some point while she was asleep and he must have settled him, she thought. She carefully pulled the blanket up over Sebastian's body. She felt his hand grab her arm and she looked at his face to see his eyes open and looking at her. He held onto her for longer than felt right while looking into her eyes, but she let him. "Thank you." He finally said. She assumed he meant the blanket and patted it. "You're welcome." She whispered. "Not just for the blanket but for being my best mate. My only friend, really." He said.

"Thank you for being mine, too." She said. She kissed his forehead and turned to leave for the bathroom but he held onto her arm. She turned back to him. "And I'm not going to leave your side, so stop trying to convince me to. It's not going to happen." He said. She nodded. "And it isn't just because of a bloody promise. It's because I love the shit out of you and Christian. I'm not going to let anything happen to either of you, ever." He said. He let her arm go and turned onto his side, closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep.

She left him there and walked to the bathroom. She slid down the door and to the floor, feeling tears come. She should feel guilty about feeling safe with Sebastian. But she didn't. She wanted to feel safe. She wanted to have to stop worrying about the fear that always followed her. Why wasn't Erik there? Why didn't he want to be around the baby? What was he becoming? It hurt. All of it. She was a princess for god's sake. What did she have to be sad about or afraid of? Did she just want too much? Was she never satisfied? He had a responsibility to the crown and to a certain lifestyle. Was she a fool? She had it all, regardless. He seemed so loving to her, though. Was it real? She had everything a woman should ever want. But the man in the living room, fast asleep on the couch, caring for her son and loving her, was far more of a precious possession than any title or jewel or house. She made up her mind right then and there. She was happier and felt safer when he was around. Sebastian wasn't going anywhere, ever.


"Pearl!" Fi said as she and Ian met them at the church. Everyone was there. Dylan, John and Janie, Iris and Blake, Tony. Everyone except Erik, that is. Erik and Auggie and Maggie. Pearl had texted Erik that morning and he said he was sincerely sorry he couldn't make it but he had told Sebastian to make sure everything went well. She didn't respond. She was upset with him and didn't care if he knew it. She hoped he did.

The priest gave his speech and Sebastian took Christian into his arms and placed him over the bowl of water while Pearl held onto Sebastian's arm and he ran a few drops over his head. The priest asked what his name was and Sebastian answered, telling him it is Christian. Pearl smiled when she saw the pride Sebastian showed when giving him his name. He accepted his duties as Christian's godfather and everyone smiled and took pictures of them.

After the ceremony, they all went out to lunch at a small private place outside of London that the press rarely made an appearance at. Sebastian was walking around with Christian and talking about his eating habits and how bright he thought he was. "You can see it in his eyes when you talk to him. He's so smart." He said.

"Why is Erik's cousin acting like the father today? Where is Erik?" Fi asked. Pearl hesitated and decided to let it all out. "Sebastian, can I have a moment with Fi outside? Are you ok with him?" Pearl asked.

"Of course. Take your time. We are going to try to pick up some chicks. You know, guy stuff." Sebastian joked.

Pearl nodded and smiled, taking Fi's hand and leading her out the door.

"He's really good with him. Like, I kind of want him to father my children." Fi said, looking at Bash through the window. "Not to mention how absolutely gorgeous he is to look at. My ovaries were practically screaming in that church watching him with the baby."

They sat down on a bench outside. Pearl smiled and nodded. "Yes. He has been amazing." She said. She then proceeded to tell her everything. All the way back to when Erik was abducted. Her and Bash's closeness, his proposal, what she found out about Erik from Rhys. The two women. What she found out about his father covering it up. Her kissing Bash. Her guilt because she thinks Sebastian may want more from her than friendship. And how Erik was handling fatherhood and that Sebastian has basically stepped up to fulfill what Erik either couldn't or didn't want to. She told her that she flinched every time Erik touched her now and that making love to him hadn't happened since she found about it all.

"Fi, this information can't go anywhere. No one can know that I told you." She said.

"Pearl. He fucking killed someone and mutilated another. And then covered it up? What the fuck are you doing? Take that baby and the man holding him right now and get out here. I'm not kidding." She said. "Why am I just finding out about this? Does Sebastian know? Does Dylan know?"

"Sebastian knows. Dylan doesn't. And Fi, you can't tell him. It would put him in danger. You can't tell anyone, especially Erik, that you know all of this. It will put you in danger. I shouldn't have told you but I had to talk about all of this." Pearl said. "And Erik would never hurt me, not physically anyway."

"You're damn right you needed to tell me. And any man that is capable of what he did is capable of anything. You are lying to yourself. What did Sebastian say? Did he know before you told him?" She asked.

"No. He was furious with him. And his family. I get the feeling he only tolerates Erik and the whole mess that is his family to be near me." She said.

"Well if he is the stand up guy you describe him as, he's probably worried about your safety." Fi said. "And now the baby's as well."

"There's more. Erik assaulted one of Sebastian's female friends. Years ago in another sex game gone wrong. That's where the friction between them started." Pearl said.

"Pearl." Fi said, taking her by the arms and looking into her eyes. "You need to listen to me and listen good. You are a kind and empathetic person that would tolerate and do anything for the people she loves. To a fault. Being this way has hurt you many times and it's time someone told you that. That being said, there is something you need to understand here. Listen to me. Sebastian isn't by your side day and night because he has some unrealistic romantic ideation about the two of you. He's not leaving your side because he is afraid for your life."