Chapter 292

"Pearl. You can't keep doing this to yourself. You've slept like four hours in the last two days." Sebastian said. "And you haven't went a day without crying." Jim looked over the top of his paper and nodded.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. It happens when you have a new baby." Pearl said.

"No. This is what I read about last night. This is postpartum depression. And you know what? I don't even know if it's that. It could just be that your husband needs to be here and you are exhausting yourself with all this." Sebastian said.

"Jim, help me out here."

"Pearl, I think he's right. You don't look good. You aren't eating. You've lost weight. You aren't sleeping." Jim said.

"I'm fine. I can do this." Pearl said. Erik had been gone for over a week. And he called the night before and told her it would be even longer.

"You know what? Enough. I don't care how stubborn you are. When Frances gets here tomorrow, we are going to Scotland. There is a doctor there that specializes in this. And the air and country there might do you some bloody good. You're going. I'm taking you. Pack a bag and prepare yourself. And I swear to god if you keep arguing with me about it, I'm going to through you over my shoulder and put you in the car myself." Sebastian said. His eyes were almost clear in color today. They changed color when his moods changed. It was adorable to see him be angry because he was dreadful at it.

Pearl giggled.

"What is so funny?" Sebastian asked, putting his hands on his hips in exasperation.

"You're terrible at anger. You're about as intimidating as a new born puppy." Pearl said.

Jim chuckled and looked back at his newspaper.

"Oh, is that so? Ok. Very funny. Hilarious." Sebastian said. He walked over to Pearl and picked her up over his shoulders and carried her up the large flight of stairs while she kicked and screamed for him to put her down.

He arrived at her room and held her by the door.

"Say it. Say I am intimidating." He said.

"No! That would be a lie." Pearl said. Hysterically laughing now and pounding on his back.

"Say it or I am not putting you down." He said.

"Ok. Haha ha ha. You are so intimidating, Bash. Really scary. Haha." She said.

"AND manly." He said, still holding her over his shoulder.

"Oh come on! Now you're really milking this!" Pearl shouted.

"Say it." Sebastian commanded.

"Fine! You're so manly. Such a man." Pearl said.

He put her down and smiled.

"There. Much better. Was that so difficult? Now... Pack you shit and be ready when Frances gets here." He said.

Pearl was still laughing as he walked back down the stairs, flipping her the bird.


"Where is my beautiful grandson!" Frances said as she walked in the door. Pearl told her he was in his bassinet napping. She showed her the breast milk in the fridge that she had pumped.

"Pearl, there's enough milk in here to feed an army of babies." Frances said as she saw the two shelves full of little labeled baggies. There are about fifteen more in the freezer." Pearl said.

"Bash said you're only going to be gone for two days. I think we will be just fine. I can't wait to be here all week. I'm so excited. Now get out of here and let me spend some time with my grandson." Frances said, shooshing her to the door. Sebastian had already put her bag in the car and was waiting for her. Jim even had the car running.

Pearl kissed Christian goodbye and told Frances to call her if anything at all came up.

"Pearl. Go. You need a break. I've done this before. The girls and I will be just fine." Frances said. She had brought the royal nanny and two of her house assistants with her. Pearl knew it was going to be ok. She was just a nervous new mom.

Sebastian took her hand and led her to the car. "The jet is waiting. Let's get you feeling better, alright?" He said, opening her door. On the drive to the airport, she looked over a Sebastian, who was looking out the window.

"Bash." She said.

"Yes." He replied.

"Thank you." She said.

"You don't ever need to say that to me." He said, smiling.

She looked down at his hand on the seat. She placed hers on top of his and squeezed it. This surprised him. He looked at her and smiled again.

"Yes. Yes, I do." She said.