Chapter 301

"I just don't know how to love like this. Or how to accept love like this. I don't understand what it is to be cared for by someone that wants nothing from me. To be wanted by someone that isn't broken or needing repaired. That doesn't want to control or hurt me." She said out loud to herself, still sitting on the stairs where Sebastian left her.

"Pearl. I just heard back from my intel op. We have Edward's medical chart." Sebastian said. "Why are you still sitting on the stairs?" He asked.

"Just thinking." She said. "Well, let's take a look." She walked down to the study and sat at Sebastian's desk. She opened the file and began to dig.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Sebastian asked, watching her.

She didn't respond right away and he could see she was hyper focused on what she was looking for.

"Bingo." She finally said.

"What?" Bash asked.

"There is a record here, on one of his more comprehensive physicals. 'Previous inadvertent traumatic injury to abdomen and testes in biking accident at age 13. Defects of tubules noted. Sterile.'" She read out loud.

"Oh my god." Sebastian said, leaning back in his chair and taking a deep breath.

"He cannot bear children. Why in the hell was this able to slip past everyone that has ever seen his medical chart?" Pearl asked.

"Because it's what king's do. They make things disappear when needed." Bash said.

"Well, now that we know that, we need to find out more. Who is his real father? And does Auggie know all of this? Do they even have the same father?" Pearl asked.

"Pearl, are you sure you're ok? I mean, you are diving into this but are you handling what's going on alright? I mean, the fact that your child isn't your husband's? That your entire marriage is a lie, yet again? Pearl, he is also cheating on you. You can't bury this with distraction." Sebastian said. "I need to know that you are ok."

"Well Bash, when you put it all out there like that, it sounds like my life is the most disastrous pile of dog shit that ever was. So thank you." Pearl said.

"You know what I am trying to say. You know what I mean." Sebastian said.

"I do. And I will get through it. I'm still numb and in shock. So I might as well get this figured out before I finally reach my breaking point and have the nervous breakdown I deserve." Pearl said.

Sebastian nodded. "Fair enough." He said. "I'm always going to ask if you are alright, you know."

"I know." She said. She picked up her phone and made a call.

"Hello, Frances. Yes. The baby is wonderful. I have a question. Erik's coming home soon and I wanted to get him a gift. Something thoughtful. I was wondering if he was born in London? Or where he was born exactly? There's an app that allows you to buy a picture of the starry sky at a certain time and date and location and have it framed." She said.

"Oh. Well that's lovely since I'm in Scotland. Yes. Thank you. See you soon, yes." She said. She hung up and took a breath.

"Scotland. He was born in Scotland. In Aberdeen." She said. "Isn't that where you took me the other day?" She asked.

"Yes. Thomas and Iona live outside of town there. That's where Anna lived and worked." He said.

"We need to find his birth record." Pearl said.

Sebastian nodded.

"Pearl, I wanted to ask you something." He said.

"Ok." Pearl said.

"Before Erik comes home, can we take Christian to London for a few hours?" He asked.

"Of course. Why?" She asked.

"I'd like him to meet his grandfather before he passes away." Sebastian said, putting his head down.

"Of course." She said, with an understanding nod.


"Hello, father." Sebastian said. The nursing care home was comfortably decorated with low lighting and calming colors.

"Hello son. Princess." His father said, attempting to stand to greet her.

"Please. Sit. Relax." Pearl said.

"What do I owe this lovely honor." His father asked. He had lost weight since Christmas. He looked tired and frail.

"Father, I need to talk to you about something and I need you to promise me that you will honor the secret, no matter what happens." Sebastian said. "It is of utmost importance to our country."

His father sat upright and saluted him. "You have my word, then." He said.

"Father, I would like you to meet Christian. Your grandson." Sebastian said, holding the little black haired baby out to him. His father looked at Sebastian and then at Pearl.

"Is this true?" He asked.

"Yes." Pearl said.

"Oh my goodness." He said with a smile. He took Christian and held him to his chest. "He's beautiful."

"Thank you, father." Sebastian said.

"Does Erik know?" His father asked.

"No. And he can't know. Not yet." Sebastian said.

His father nodded. "It's safe with me." He said.

"Father, this family. There seem to be so many skeletons, so many lies." Sebastian said.

"When I met your mother, I fell madly in love. She was the only woman, the only thing I ever wanted. She was Scottish. Bright red hair and a fiery temper. Stubborn as a mule. Edward hated her. Hated my love for her. And when we married and got pregnant with you, he practically disowned me. There's a reason I stayed away from it all. Edward has a lot of hate and darkness in his heart. Be careful." His father warned.

"I will. I love you." He said.

"I love you, too. And this little miracle. Thank you for letting me meet him." He said.

Pearl leaned in and give him a hug. "Thank you for raising such and exceptional man." She said. He nodded.

"Take care of them both." He told her.

"I will." She said.

They turned to leave.

"Bash. One more thing." His father said.

"Yes?" Sebastian asked.

"He will make a fine king someday. After you, that is. Promise me when you are soon crowned, you burn it all to the ground and build a better country. For us all." He said. Pearl's eyes widened. Sebastian swallowed to catch his breath as it stuck in his throat.

"Father... You know?" He asked.

"I've always known. I'm the only one other than Edward and Frances that does. And I'm glad you do now, as well. I loved my brother enough to turn the other cheek, to let it happen because I didn't want that life for you. I wanted you to have the chance I did for love and to be able to walk away and stay away." He said. "But I was wrong. You are the only one that can make this all right... That can be the good that is needed. Make it right. Do what you were born to do, heir apparent."

Sebastian hugged him one more time. "I won't let you down. I promise. Thank you, father. I love you."

"I love you too, son." He said.