Chapter 355

Pearl ran the bath water and slowly got in, soaking her body and trying her best to relax.

A knock on the door interrupted that.

"Yes?" Pearl asked.

"It's me, can I come in?" It was Dylan.

"I'm a little naked in here, but what then hell? Come on in!" She said sarcastically.

"It's not like I haven't. Like we haven't… " Dylan began as he opened the door.

"Yes. I know. What's up? Why are you here, like in my bathroom?" She asked, praying the bubbles covered everything.

"Jim told me what happened today. And I wanted to see how you were." He said.

"I'm fine. I have to be fine." She said.

"No, you don't. You don't have to be anything. You're allowed to feel. To hurt. To be affected by this." Dylan said.

"Oh yeah? When? When do I get to relax? To feel vulnerable? To be free to just enjoy my life? You said it yourself, that I am built for this. This is my fate." She said, fighting back tears. "I want to give up sometimes too!" She shouted. She began to sob. Dylan looked at her and walked over to the tub, leaning along the side and pulling her into him for a hug. His entire shirt was soaked as she sobbed into him, "Why Dylan? Why?" She kept repeating as she sobbed.

"I don't know. I don't know." He said, holding her and letting her let it all out.

"I should have stayed with you. I wanted to pick you. But you didn't seem to really want me. But I should have tried harder. It was right in front of me. A peaceful life. A good life." She sobbed. "You're the only one still here, loving me and you're the only one that I can trust."

He held her until she couldn't cry anymore. He reached for a towel and helped her out of the tub, carrying her to her room and wrapping her in a big blanket on her bed.

"I love you, Pearl. I'll always love you. And I'm here. I'm right here." He said as she clung to him. He ran his hands on her hair as she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, she woke up in Dylan's arms. "I'm so sorry." She said, feeling completely embarrassed about losing it in front of him.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." He said, sitting up and wiping his eyes.

"I feel bad for falling asleep. Sorry I stayed." He said.

"No. Don't be. I'm glad you did." She said.

"Are you going to the hospital today?" He asked.

"No. I was thinking about going to get some late brunch and maybe do some shopping. Come with?" She asked. He nodded.

"That would be good for you, I think. To get out."

He said.

"Yes. And with you. YOU are good for me." Pearl said. She kissed his forehead. "My best friend in the whole world. The true love of my life." She said, messing up his hair.

"I have to stop by the studio. Ian is there today with a band we just signed. Come with after shopping?" He asked.

"Yes!" Pearl said. She was excited. It felt good to plan a semi-normal day.

She threw on a simple black mini-dress and they walked out of the room.

Meanwhile, Sebastian was still being stubborn with the doctors.

"Just leave me be. Why should I get up!?" He shouted.

"Because you are the king of bloody England and you have a job to do." Charles said.

"Look at me, Delaney. Look at me! I'm a goddamn invalid! I can't run a country. I can't even piss on my own!" He said, grabbing and shaking his catheter. "I can't make love to my wife. I can't play with my children." He said, putting his head down. "I wish I would have died back there." He said.

"It looks like perhaps you might have." Charles said as he walked out. Sebastian sobbed as he lay supine on his hospital bed, still holding his catheter.