Chapter 373

After a long day in the kitchen, Pearl cleaned up after dinner, washing the last of the dishes. There were 15 people on the ranch to feed and it was a lot of work. She had so much more appreciation for her staff at the palace. She was exhausted. She made herself a pot of coffee and walked out to the porch. She rocked in the chair as she watched the sunset.

"Hey there. I haven't formally introduced myself. I'm Aiden." A man said, holding out his hand.

"Pearl." She said, shaking it.

He was small in stature, but she could see he was fit and strong. He had dark hair tied back into a pony and dark skin, he was possibly indigenous or Hispanic.

"A queen. Wow. And here at Cloud Ranch. With Erik; the man you married and took down and Dylan, the man that loves you. All while the king of England waits at home patiently for your return." He said, squatting beside her. "Your life is quite the soap opera." He laughed, looking at the sunset.

Pearl felt angry and defensive. "My soap opera life is none of your business." She said.

"Everyone's business is everyone's business here." He said, looking at her and tipping his hat.

"And if I may, I'd like to tell you my opinion on it all sometime."

"Well I wouldn't want it." Pearl said, crossing her arms.

"Fair enough." He said, getting up to leave. He looked back at her and smiled. "I wouldn't want to tell you that I think you purposely choose the drama that surrounds you, anyway." He tipped his hat and stepped off the porch and walked down the green, grassy yard and toward the bunkhouse. Pearl grumbled. Who the fuck did that guy think he was to speak to her that way? He didn't know her at all. She rocked a little harder in her chair and watched the sun set the rest of the way.


"Aiden is a dick." Pearl said to Dylan as she passed him in the hall.

"Yeah. He uh, he gets that a lot." Dylan said smiling.

"Well I don't like him." She said.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. It's a free day for everyone. I think you should relax a little. Maybe write. Or read. We could go for a ride or take the ATVs out." Dylan said. Pearl nodded.

"Sounds good. I'm just looking for a good night's sleep." She said.

"Still have to get up early. The cows and horses need food." He said. She sighed and nodded.

"Okay." She said, walking to her room and closing the door. She picked up the phone and called Bash.

"Hello there, how are you?" He asked in his perfect accent.

"Exhausted. How are the kids?" She asked.

"They miss their mum. I miss their mum. Come home and see us soon, ok?" He said.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I am well. Just, I don't know really. It is incredibly lonely here. I have not lived here or functioned as king without you. I don't know how to be." He said.

Just then, Pearl realized this trip, this rehab, was just as important for him as it was for her.

"I will be home soon to talk about things. There is still more I want to work on here." She said.

"I understand, I think." He said. "Don't forget how much I love you." He said. Pearl nodded.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." She said.