Chapter 375

Three weeks had gone by.

Pearl had been working with Aiden everyday. This was to be their second to last session. She sat upright in the chair, facing the fireplace in the living room. Aiden walked in and gave her a big hug. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"I am." Pearl said.

And a few moments later, Erik walked in and sat down, nervously. Dylan and the rest of the team had worked hard on keeping them apart as much a possible while she was there. This meeting was one of the final parts of her treatment as well as Erik's.

"Hello." Erik said, wiping his hands on his pant legs.

"Hey." Pearl said. Aiden sat back and let them direct the flow of conversation.

"Pearl, I am truly, truly sorry." Erik began. "I had a terrible childhood and the kind of life growing up where nothing good or kind or honest was ever around. I know it sounds like an excuse, and it used to be one. But I have no more excuses.

I took advantage of you. Of all of it. I have no one to blame but myself. I was a wretched person. I even considered murdering my own brother! And I began to hate you because you represented everything good I knew I could never be. I'm glad Christian wasn't mine. I hated you for it at first. I'm glad now it didn't end up that way." He took a deep breath. He was struggling but he was staying focused. Pearl listened quietly. "But I want you to know, that in between the lies and pain and crumbs and pieces I threw at you, I gave you the best of me." He said, tears falling. "I loved you. I want you to know that. It wasn't the right way to love. But I loved you." He said. "And I still do to this day. I hope you can find it in your heart to try to see some good of what we were. Some light. And to know it wasn't false. It wasn't a lie. And to forgive me." He began to sob. "When I look back at my life, when the pages of my life end, I want you to know that you will be the most beautiful chapter."

Pearl sat in silence as he put his hands on his face and sobbed. She knew he was in a different place. He was a different person. His life had completely come unraveled, and being in the public eye made it worse. She wanted to feel sorry for him but she could not. She also

wanted to hate him, but she could not. She could only do one thing.

"I forgive you." She said. He looked up at her with red and swollen eyes. The man she had loved and protected so fiercely just a few short years ago now sat before her practically a stranger.

"Thank you." He said.

"Thank you for working so hard at being better." She said. Aiden had informed her that the courts were close to dismissing his case altogether based on the manipulation of his father and the mental health assessments he had received since being released. Sebastian had heard about the progress Erik was making and had agreed to a lesser charge or dismissal as long as he continued treatment and did not offend again. It was huge and a step in the right direction as far as everyone was concerned. He had served 3 years behind bars. Lost everything.

"I want you to know that when I say that I forgive you, I mean I truly forgive you. It's over. All of it." She said. Aiden seemed pleased and nodded at Erik. "I am proud of you, Erik. Thank you. I hope this gives you some closure today." Erik nodded and smiled. He looked at Pearl and for a moment, looking into his eyes, her heart remembered it all. She felt her eyes well with tears and he looked at her, knowing she would always love him, too.

He smiled again and stood up, bowing to her and looking into her eyes. He stood up, turned and walked out of the room.

"How are you feeling?" Aiden asked Pearl.

"I don't know." She said, wiping her eyes. The wave of emotions was intense.

"Tomorrow is our last day together. I have something planned." He said. "Come to the stables at 7 am." He stood up and patted her shoulder. "I am so proud of you and what you've achieved here." She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you." She said.

She sat alone for a long while, finally feeling the weight of Erik lift from her shoulders. She hadn't realized how much of it she still carried. Her talks with Aiden had been huge for her. They focused a lot of her father and her first husband. She had learned so much about herself and was able to finally stop blaming herself for the way she had been treated by them. She was working on healing that part of her now and understanding that it wasn't her fault made her see so much more clearly that she had made bad choices after. She was able to see where she had went wrong and where she had tried to do the right thing. She sighed and stood up, walking to her room upstairs.

"Hey there." Dylan said, sitting on her bed.

"Dylan." She said.

"I knew that was happening and I wanted to be close in case anything… happened. I wanted to check to see if you were ok before leaving your room." He said. She smiled.

"Thank you. After the talks with Aiden, I only realize more how special and good it has been to have you in my life. Thank you for loving me, and for doing it so unselfishly." She said. He stood up and pulled her into his arms.

"Loving you and being your friend has been the greatest part of my life. I know the lines have blurred here and there but I want you to know, I have always had your best interest and well being at heart." He said. She squeezed him tighter.

"I know." She said.

"I love you." He said.

"I know." She said again. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Get some rest. Your flight leaves at 6 tomorrow evening." He said. "The kids are dying to see you, I'm sure."

She smiled and thanked him again and he left her there with all the thoughts for the last few weeks.

She picked up her phone and called Sebastian.

"Pearl. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing well. I can't wait to see the kids." She said.

"Just the kids?" He asked.

"And you." She said.

"I cannot wait to see you, Pearl. I have much to say. I have missed you, dreadfully." He said. "I miss my best mate."

She smiled. "I will be home soon."

"Good." He said. And she could hear him fighting back the tears.