Chapter 378

"Pearl. The plane leaves in an hour. What are you still doing out here?"

Pearl was lost in her thoughts as she sat on the large patio. The crisp, mountain air blew her dark brown and gray hair around and she felt a chill come, bringing her back to reality. "One more minute. This week went by so fast." She said.

"Pearl… " she felt a blanket wrap around her shoulders. "… it's time." Dylan said. He leaned in and kissed her forehead, his eyes smiled, and the small wrinkles around them that had formed over the years had made them even brighter.

She nodded and stood up.

On the plane, she sat quietly, feeling an odd peace wash over her. For ten years she had been the queen regent. Ten years after Sebastian's death. They had remained married and content until Christian was 8. Until Sebastian's health problems from the accident had finally become too much for his body to bear. They had 5 good years after his accident. And then, he left her. It was sudden, in his sleep. The loss to her and her family and to the world was great. And she then had to step up, to be the queen regent, and raise a man to lead as well as keeping a country protected and well cared for. It had been a long 10 years. Loneliness and work. So much work. She hadn't remarried. Her life was decided for her. Her obligations, too great. And today, on Christian's 18th birthday, they were preparing for him to become the king. It was his time now and she was grateful for the young man he had become. He had Auggie and Louis as his advisors. And she knew he would do great things. She looked over at Dylan, who ran his hands through is blonde hair, still shaggy at his shoulders. He had on his cowboy boots and jeans with a button up blue shirt. Quite the trade from the grungy clothes of his youth, she thought with a smile. He had remained her friend and never married. He had stood by her through Sebastian's death, a war, three children in school and a monarchy that she had turned into more of a democracy for the people. He stood there as her friend, til the end.

He noticed her looking at him and smiled his little crooked smile.

"Everything ok?" He asked, patting her leg.

"Yes. Everything is ok." She said.

The plane touched down and there stood Louis and Isla, waiting for them.

"Mummy!" Isla said. She was almost 17 and had grown into a beautiful woman. Fire red hair and bright green eyes. She had inherited all of Sebastian's Scottish traits and personality. She was fiery and strong-willed, free spirited and light. She believed in fairies and crystals and still put flowers in her hair almost every day.

"Oh hello my love. I missed you." Pearl said, hugging her.

"Uncle Dylan." She said, hugging him. "Thanks for taking her away for a week. She was becoming such a crab."

Dylan laughed and hugged her. "You're quite welcome, little red." He said.

Louis hugged Pearl and smiled. "Finally, eh? We are here, 18." He said. Pearl sighed and nodded. They got into the car and headed to the palace.

"Hello, my love." Auggie said, greeting Pearl at the door. He shook Dylan's hand and they all walked into the large dining room.

"Welcome home, mum." Christian said, standing up from the table and hugging Pearl. "I trust uncle Dylan made sure you had a nice holiday?" He said, giving Dylan an elbow nudge. Dylan looked down and smiled. Christian was always trying to get them together. He loved Dylan like a father and made it awkwardly obvious that he enjoyed teasing them.

"It was a lovely week in Wyoming, as usual." Pearl said. Christian smiled. He was the spitting image of Sebastian. Big, strong, kind eyes, wavy hair that was almost black, like Pearl's. He was handsome, with strong, masculine features like his father. Chiseled jaw, strong mouth, full lips. He looked much older than his young age. He was regal and mannered and his Royal bloodline was more than obvious in his presence.

"Is Alex on his way?" Pearl asked.

No one answered. Christian put forth a fake smile and nodded. "Tomorrow, we hope." He said, pulling out Pearl's chair.

Alexander was all Pearl. He was a writer. At 15, he had published his first collection of poems. He dropped out of school soon after and was finishing school with a private tutor at home. He played guitar, had long, dark hair and bright grey blue eyes. He looked like his mother, and acted the part as well. He rebelled against the entire upper class system and often stayed away, living with friends and wreaking havoc on his handlers, as he called them.

"Pearl." A voice said from behind her. She turned to see Jim standing there.

"Jim! I see you came out of retirement from fly fishing to see us." Dylan said. Jim lived not far from Dylan's ranch in Wyoming. He had bought land there a few years back from Dylan.

Christian ran to him and hugged him. "I'm so glad you came, Papa Jim!" He said. Jim smiled and took off his hat. Old age had suited him well. He looked tan and happy.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Jim said. He placed his hand on Pearl's shoulder.

"You did good, kid." He said, only at a level she could hear. She felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"Thank you." She said, patting his hand.

They ate dinner together and caught up. Maggie had a clothing line she was involved in and Auggie spent most of the evening praising his wife's accomplishments. They had no children, so Pearl's kids were like their own. Fi and Ian showed up halfway through and apologized for their tardiness. Fi had just finished filming a movie she was directing. It was her fourth time in the director's chair and she was thrilled at the outcome of this one. Ian said he was happy to be a retired, stay at home doggy dad. They all laughed and talked and caught up.

Pearl watched her children as they laughed and her friends as they showed them love and adoration. She was so lucky to have this family. To have so much love around her.

Dylan glanced over and smiled. He put his hand on hers and squeezed it, nodding, as if he read her mind. She felt her heart fill with love and gratitude. She squeezed Dylan's hand again and when he looked at her, she mouthed, "I love you."

And he smiled, his eyes welling with tears.

"I have always loved you. And I always will." He said. She nodded.

After dinner, Pearl helped the staff clean up. She always had done so, it was part of her nature.

"Mum. Can I talk to you?" Christian said, standing in the door way. His jacket was off and his sleeves were rolled up.

"Yes. Of course." She said. She wiped her hands and followed him to the study. The study where she had her first conversation with his father, almost exactly 18 years before. The same study he was conceived in.

"What's up, kiddo. You doing ok?" Pearl asked. Christian sat down at the desk.

"My father. What a hard act to follow." He said, running his hands across the desk. "And my mother, what an even tougher one." He looked up at her and smiled.

She laughed and shook her head.

"Thank you." He said. She looked up, surprised.

"For what?" She asked.

"For everything. I know what you went through for me. I know the sacrifices you've made. I couldn't ask for a better mum. I love you, so much." He said. Pearl felt the tears filling her eyes.

"You don't need to thank me, love. It's what moms do." She said.

"No. You went above and beyond that. And now, I want you to know, that even though I am young, I can handle this. This coronation will be a lot to handle but it will all be alright. I am going to do great things because I was raised by tremendously great people. It's ok now, mum. You can breathe. It is all going to be ok." He said. He stood up and walked to her, giving her a big hug.

"You're so much taller than I am. When did that happen?" She asked, still feeling tears fall.

"Like 5 years ago, mum. You're super short." He said, making them both laugh.

He stood back and looked at her. "I want you to be happy now, too." He said. And the side door opened. Dylan came in and walked over to them.

"I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to interrupt. Auggie said you wanted to see me, Christian. I can come back." Dylan said, tucking his hair behind his ear and motioning to the door.

"No. I wanted you here. Both of you." Christian said.

"Christian, what's going on?" Pearl asked.

Christian looked at Dylan.

"I'm not stupid. None of us are. Isla, Alex and I. We know you've never been our real uncle. And we know how desperately in love with our mother that you are. We have seen it all of our lives. How you look at her. How you love us. You taught me to drive. You took Isla to her first daddy/daughter dance, you bailed Alex out when the school wanted to expel him. YOU were a father to us after we lost Daddy. You have always been there. And I want you to know how very much we love and appreciate you, Dylan." Christian said. Dylan wiped his eyes.

"It's always been the best part of my life. Being there for you kids. And for your mom." He said.

"I know. And that's why I want to give you my blessing. I'm going to be king by this time next week. And I can't take that over with unfinished business in my family. Dylan. Mum. You have our blessing. You can be together now. It's time." He said. He hugged Dylan and then Pearl.

"I love you both and would be proud to call you Dad, instead of uncle. And thank you both again, for all you have done for me and will continue to do. I couldn't ask for better parents." He said. He smiled and left them standing there, in front of the fire.

Neither of them said a word. Dylan reached over and took Pearl's hand in his. She squeezed his hand and smiled.

"I guess it is time, isn't it?" She said.

He looked at her and she could see the relief in his face and the love in his eyes. His chin quivered and he leaned in, kissing her. After a few moments, he pulled back and looked into her eyes and smiled.

"It most definitely is." He said, wiping his eyes. "I've waited so long." He pulled her close to him and put his arm around her. They stood there, watching the fire and smiling at the thought of the second half of their lives being spent together, just like the last 20 years, only better.