Chapter 387

The door opened and there she stood, a little over five feet and as beautiful as he remembered. Her hair was fashioned in a messy low bun and her eyes shined in the dim room lighting like golden honey. She was tan, and had on a pair of jeans and a square cut top that hung off of one shoulder. She had on three gold chains, one was a coin, one a moon and the other, a green colored stone pendant. She had on gold hoop earrings and brown leather bootie style boots.

"Beautiful." Christian said.

"Well, thank you. Come in." She said, motioning him inside. The room was small but nice. There was a bottle of wine on the table with two glasses set up.

"Would you like a drink?" She asked.

"Yes, please. Not too long, though. Our train leaves at 230." Christian said.

She poured herself and him a glass and handed it to him. "I can't believe I am going to Scotland for four nights and three days with a complete stranger. My friend says I've gone insane. She said she would look for me on the crime doc channel after my remains are found." She joked. But he knew she was half serious, and it was a bit irregular.

"I promise I am not a serial murderer or sadistic rapist. You are safe with me." He said.

"That's what I would say if I was a serial murderer and sadistic rapist." She said with a smile. Christian looked down.

"In all sincerity, I trust you completely which obviously makes me question my sanity and I have been looking forward to this since you mentioned it." She said with a smile. "At least if I go out like this, I died having an adventure, right?" He smiled and laughed.

"Oh yes… much less boring than going quietly in your sleep or choking on a ham sandwich." He said, smiling.

"Right!?" She said, holding her drink up to toast. "To risks and adventures, even if it means getting chopped up into tiny pieces and boiled in lime." She said.

"Here. Here." He said. They clicked glasses and smiled. A moment of silence fell between them as they remained sharing eye contact.

"I have to apologize. I feel this overwhelming urge to kiss you." Christian said, not able to stop himself.

Nora leaned up to his face on her tippy toes and looked into his eyes.

"Those who suppress desires often turn, quite suddenly, into hypocrites." She said.

"Freud?" He asked.

"Rumi." She whispered. He moved closer and met her lips with his. They tasted like wine and salt and mint. It was the most intoxicating feeling he had ever felt. It was his first real kiss, not like the blonde haired girl with ponytails behind the gymnasium in primary school. No. This was nothing like anything he had ever experienced. He pressed harder against her mouth as her lips part and her mouth opened. Heat moved throughout his body and he reached his hand to the back of her head, pulling her closer to him as she opened wider and moved her tongue slowly inside of his mouth. He felt his heart race and his breath quicken. She moved her bottom lip in between his lips and bit slightly on his top lip. He felt his manhood grow and harden and for the first time in his life, he had to hold himself back from becoming an absolute savage. He wanted to do things to her that were far, very far, from proper.

She pulled back and looked at him, her face flushed with pink hues and her eyes entranced. His looked the same.

"What, what was that?" He asked breathlessly.

"I don't know WHAT to call that." She said. "But I liked it."

He nodded slowly and took a sip of his wine. There was no way in hell he was going to make it through this weekend without completely losing control. He would try, but even a king was human, after all.

"Are you all set and ready to go?" Christian asked.

"Yes. I did what you asked. Packed enough for three days. Where are we going?" She asked.

"Come. I will show you." He said with a big smile. She looked up at him and smiled back.