Chapter 390

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" Christian asked Nora as she walked into the dining room.

"Really well. Forgot where I was." She said. She poured herself coffee and smiled at Christian.

"Well, what is the plan for today?" She asked.

"Put on jeans and a jacket. And comfortable shoes." He said, sipping his tea.

"Yes sir." She said, taking her coffee upstairs to change. Several minutes later, she came downstairs and found him outside, standing next to two bicycles.

"A bicycle ride?" She asked.

"That obvious?" He said. She laughed.

"Well, let's go!" She said, hopping on one and taking off.

"Wait!" Christian said, racing behind her. He took the lead and they rode for what seemed like miles through the cool, fresh, Scotland air. They came to a rocky cliff and Christian stopped, laying his bicycle down and taking her hand. They walked to the edge and saw the coastline. Beautiful dark sand and rocky cliffs decorated where the ocean tide rolled in to meet the shore. He watched her eyes dance with the waves and her smile grow as she took it all in.

"Oh my god. It is breathtaking." Nora said.

"It certainly is." He said, looking at her. She looked back at him and smiled and leaned in, kissing him and pulling her to him. She felt so tiny in his big arms. He broke the kiss and pulled her along the wall of the cliff, down to the beach. They ran along the water, even though it was only 50 degrees out, they laughed and played and threw rocks into the sea. He gave her a piggy back ride took her to a grassy part where he lay down a couple of blankets and a sack lunch from his back pack as well as a bottle of wine and two plastic cups.

"He comes prepared." Nora said. He poured them a glass and toasted.

"To holidays with strangers." He said with a smile.

She looked at him. He knew exactly what she was asking without her having to say a word. He leaned in a kissed her, pulling her to him and wrapping his arms around her. He wanted her and he wasn't ready to stop any moment between them from going where it was supposed to. His virginity wasn't some precious locked treasure. Derek was right. He was a man. And he wanted her.

They kissed, barely taking a moment to breathe. The heat between them taking away any acknowledgment of the chill in the air. She opened her jacket and unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her bare breasts. They were perfectly round with the most delicious looking nipples he could have imagined. He cupped them in his hands and felt himself stir beneath where she was sitting on his lap.

"You are so beautiful." He said.

"So are you." She said back. She slid her hand down his chest and tummy and unbuttoned his pants, moving her hand into them and wrapping her fingers around his manhood. He moaned with each stroke she made and felt he may explode just from her touch. He kissed her and flipped her onto her back, kissing her and opening her shirt more, kissing and suckling her breasts. The the waves crashing into the rocks around them was like an erotic opera of sound. He unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down and off. It was more frantic than he had wanted but he didn't care. He moved his hand between her legs and felt how soaked she was for him. It was too much. The ache to be inside of her, too great.

"Mmmmm." She moaned, arching her back and tilting her hips to him. He couldn't take it any longer. He opened his pants and freed himself, moving on top of her.

"Are you sure?" He asked her.

"I am. I want you. I want you inside me. Are you sure?" She asked. He opened her legs with his body and slid inside of her. Nothing compared to that moment in his life up until that moment. He wanted to be closer, deeper. Feeling every single inch of himself filling her. He moved quicker and quicker, thrusting harder and harder until he was unhinged. Fucking her relentlessly.

"Don't stop." She moaned. "Christian… feel me. Feel me cum." She whispered. That was enough to send him way over the edge. The moment he felt her pulsate around him, gripping him, he exploded inside of her.

"Oh god." He panted as he felt every single drop empty into her body, making them one. The sound of the waves bringing them back to reality again, he pulled out and laid beside her, both of them flat on their backs, looking to the sky.

"Christian." She said, trying to catch her breath.

"Yes?" He asked.

"That was incredible." She said, smiling and rolling over to look at him. He turned to her and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes" she said, looking at him quizzically.

"That's good. I was hoping I wouldn't disappoint you." He said with a smile.

"Why would you think that?" She asked.

He laughed and covered his face, the embarrassment of what he was about to tell her was too much for her to see.

"I didn't think I would be all that great my first time." He said, feeling the blush fill his cheeks.

"What?" She asked, sitting up, moving his hands from his face.

He looked at her, lifting up on his elbows.

"I was a virgin." He said. "I'm sorry, I should have told you before hand. I was just in the moment and I didn't want to make it weird for you. I… "

She kissed him, taking his face in her hands and smiling. "Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry at all. You were incredible. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me. I just, wow. I can't believe you chose me for that. It's, it's an honor, Christian." She said.

"I didn't have a choice in the matter. My body wanted you. It claimed you. I had very little control over it, actually." He said with a smile. She looked up at the sky and rocky cliffs around them on the isolated beach.

"Couldn't have picked a more perfect place." She said.

"Or person." He said. He kissed her again and pulled her on top of him.

"I've seen enough of Scotland for today. Take me home and to your bed." She said.

He jumped up and pulled his pants up, quickly rounding up their things.

"I guess I didn't have to tell you that twice, eh?" She said, laughing, picking up some grapes to eat.

"Nope." He said, shoving it all into the back pack.

He snatched the grapes from her hand. "But the grapes, can I at least eat the grapes?"

"Nope." He said, smiling. He picked her up over his shoulders. She laughed and kicked as he carried her back to the bikes.