Chapter 393

The jet to Italy took just long enough for Christian to build enough rage towards Alex that he was determined to find him so he could beat him to a pulp.

"Christian, you are exceptionally quiet. And what is going on with all that hair?" Pearl asked. He hadn't had time to shave before gathering his things and flying out with them.

"I kind of like it. I'd keep it." Dylan said with a smile. Christian forced a smile back.

"So Derek tells us you went to Scotland for a quick break." Pearl said.

Christian looked over at Derek with daggers. "Yes. Just a short two days. Got away, got some fresh air." Christian said. His mind went to the beach. Her skin, her scent, moving on top of her…

"It's good to get out. I hope you are making sure to not overwhelm yourself." Pearl said.

"I am fine." Christian said.

"I hope your brother is. I'm worried sick. It's not like him to do this." Pearl said.

"Mum, have you gone mad?! He does this all the time. All the time." Christian said.

"He has never left his cell and wallet behind and just disappeared." Pearl said.

"It's going to be ok." Dylan said, holding her hand. She nodded and wiped a tear falling down her cheek. Christian stood up and went to the restroom. He turned his phone off airplane mode and checked his texts. Nothing from her. He decided to send a text.

"Thinking about you and all we missed by having to leave early. Also, I forgot the olives. Still have them. Will have to arrange another time to meet." He sent it and sighed. Fuck, the thoughts of her were driving him insane.

He walked back to his seat.

"Just got a message from Henry. They found him, he's safe." Derek said. Henry is Alexander's personal body guard.

"What was he doing?" Christian asked.

"It doesn't matter. He is safe." Pearl said.

"Yes it does matter! He had us all worried about him, altering our lives because we thought the worst. He damn well better have a good explanation for it. And ask Henry what in the hell we are paying him for if he is not keeping a better eye on Alex." Christian said.

"Christian! What has gotten into you?" Pearl asked.

"Look, I know he is your favorite, but it's time one of us starts holding him accountable for shit like this." He said to Pearl.

"Excuse me? He is not my favorite. I don't have a favorite. And he is different than you are. He isn't like you." Pearl said.

"Then maybe he should be." Christian said, getting up again. He checked his phone and smiled.

"I always need more olives. I'm flying home tomorrow but I will be in Connecticut the last week of March for a two day seminar and I'm staying the full week. You should come stateside and see me for a few days. This time, the room is on me."

He smiled so hard his eyes hurt. A 7 hour plane ride never sounded so good. Could he pull it off and go unnoticed? Certainly the US would be easier for him to hide. And could he wait that long to see her again?

"I will be there. Send me the information when you have it. I literally cannot wait to see you again." He sent it. Instant regret. Dammit! Did he sound too desperate?

"I literally cannot wait, either." She sent back.

He sighed. This was trouble. And he loved it.

They arrived at the castle to find Alex there, on the couch, wrapped in a blanket.

"Where the hell were you?" Christian asked as soon as he walked in the room.

Alexander looked up and shook his head.

"Your brother was found naked, by the police, in field behind a manor in Tuscany. He was on some type of psychedelic and was found with two naked women." Henry said quietly.

"You're joking. You must be joking." Christian said. He looked at Alexander. "Are you bloody out of your mind, you barmy bastard!?"

"Christian!" Pearl said.

"No. Stop right there, mother. He is the brother of a king. The king of the United Kingdom. I get that Isla is a little daft and frivolous but expecting me to be the only one who has any responsibility in this family is complete and utter bullshit. It isn't fair that these two get to live their lives solely for themselves and I have to clean up after them after sacrificing my own life for this country just because of the order of our birth. It isn't 1600 anymore. Bullshit!" Christian yelled. "Get your shit together or I swear to you I will hire a chaperone to follow you everywhere. Speaking of that, you're fired." He said to Henry.

"Christian, please, calm down." Pearl said.

"And moving forward, if I want to go on holiday or disappear for a few days at a time, you bloody well better leave me alone about it and believe that I have earned that right, especially after stunts like this." Christian said, walking out of the room.

Alexander looked up and Pearl and Dylan. Pearl shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "He's right, Alex. It's time to get it together." She said. Alex stood up and walked over to her.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." He said, quoting Oscar Wilde. "I refuse to be anything other than what I am. We all know how that works out for anyone that tries, right mum?" He said and walked away leaving them all standing there in the living room.