Chapter 418

"Nora, please try to relax." Christian said, holding her hand and smiling.

"I can't." She said, shifting in her seat. The jet was approaching London and Christian had opted out of telling his family anything ahead of time. He knew it was going to be disastrous regardless, why make it more stressful? There was talk in the press about them, but only labeling Nora as a woman he was seen with a few times. Tabloids were sharing stories like, "Most eligible bachelor in the world may be going off the market." And, "Who is the lady seen with King Christian? We are told she is a fellow cancer advocate and it is only a business partnership." Things along those lines. There was an article on an entertainment website identifying Nora. It said her name and showed photos of her business. Nora had kept a low profile most of her life, so there wasn't much to tell. She wasn't a celebrity or a socialite, just a small business owner in a small Michigan town. The fact that she crossed paths with Christian at all was a matter of fate. He knew it and he was grateful for it. That's the problem with these elite people, he thought to himself as he watched her looking out the window of the jet. They only stay within their own circles. Circles of money, corruption, deceit, ugliness. Nothing was real. It was all fake. They never allowed themselves to meet real people.

He loved her. That was certain. He just hoped her skin was thick enough for his family.

The jet landed and Gilley was waiting with the car along with another security detail. Gilley looked different, and it caught Christian's attention.

"Gilley, my, my. What is this?" Christian asked, motioning to his form fitting suit and aviator sunglasses.

"What do you mean?" Gilley asked.

"And your hair? It looks good!" Derek said, roughing up the clean, styled fade.

"Don't you have other things to worry about, things more important than how I look?" Gilley asked, looking at Nora.

"Yes. I guess you're right. You remember Nora?" Christian said to him. Gilley smiled shyly and remembered the morning she was at the palace.

"Yes. Yes welcome." He said.

"Thank you, Gilley." She said.

They got into the car and headed to the palace. Nora remained quiet and still. Christian knew she was terrified. He wanted to calm her, to tell her that it would be alright and not to worry, but he wasn't sure if that was the truth.

They arrived and Auggie greeted them at the door. He looked at Nora, puzzled, then at Christian.

"Nora, this is Augustus. My closest advisor and who I consider my uncle. Auggie, this is Nora, my fiancée." Christian said firmly and without hesitation. "And this is Maggie, his wife. Also a close associate and the ambassador to Germany."

"Oh my. I had no idea." Auggie stumbled. "It is, um, well, it's lovely to meet you. Welcome." Auggie said, bowing and kissing her hand.

She looked at Christian and then at Auggie and Maggie. "I know this must be weird for you. I know it certainly is unexpected. I promise it was for me, as well. I'm thrilled to be here and very, very happy to meet you." She said, shaking his hand after he kissed hers, then Maggie's. Auggie smiled and looked at her, then Christian.

"I imagine it is weird. But such is life. I've put on tea, please, have a cuppa." Auggie said, leading them to the small dining room overlooking the kitchen.

"Thank you." Nora said. Auggie gave Christian a "we will talk about this later" look and smiled, offering Nora milk and sugar.

"So, wow. I didn't even know you were seeing someone, Christian." Maggie said, sitting down.

"Yes, well, these things are usually private in the beginning, are they not?" Christian asked, smiling shrewdly. He knew Maggie and Auggie's past and how they kept their relationship on the down low the entire beginning.

"Yes. I imagine they are." Auggie said, clearing his throat.

"Can you clear my schedule for the next few days? I'd like to show Nora around the palace and help get her acclimated with her new home." Christian said to Auggie. Auggie out down his cup, making a loud noise.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. Her new home? Will Nora be moving in soon?" He asked, seemingly shook up by Christian's request.

"Soon, I imagine. Right, my love?" Christian asked Nora.

"Well, I have a home and tattoo/cosmetology business back in the states. Christian and I talked about maybe starting another business here and me alternating to both." Nora said.

"Well surely Christian told you that being a queen is a full time job. Any business dealings you had prior to the marriage will have to be put aside for your title." Auggie said.

"I don't know why it should have to be that way? Nora has a true love for what she does. Why not continue it here as well?" Christian asked, rubbing Nora's arm.

"A queen owning a tattoo shop? That's preposterous." Auggie said.

Nora looked down. Christian shook his head and looked over at Auggie.

"That's all you would see it as, isn't it? Not that it need be mentioned but Nora's business is a little more than that." Christian said. He wiped his mouth and stood up, offering Nora his hand. "Come, my love. I will show you around." He said.

"I trust you will be at dinner tonight. Your mother and Dylan will be here as well as Alexander and Isla." Auggie said.

"I am sure they will be here and I am sure we will be as well." Christian said, walking Nora out of the dining room.