Chapter 422

"Good morning, future queen." Christian whispered as he kissed Nora's cheek. She sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning, future husband." She said with a yawn.

"Are you ready for this today? Lunch and shopping with my mother and sister?" Christian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't believe I have a choice in the matter. And even if I did, they are your family. So, I am going with a smile today." Nora said, getting out of bed and putting on her robe. "What are you doing today?"

"Lunch with a friend. Then meetings. Booooooring." Christian said, pulling her into his arms.

"Well I will miss you." Nora said, kissing his nose.

"Not for long, tonight, you'll have my full attention." He said with a wink and kissed her goodbye.

Nora looked in the mirror and tried to stifle the pangs of nervous anxiety moving through her. She was terrified and didn't want to make any more of a bad impression. She wanted them to like her.

After an hour of contemplation, she decided on her simple floral sundress and a pair of Birkenstock sandals. "Here goes nothing." She sighed as she opened the door and walked down to the car.

Derek drove her to a small cafe near the center of London. It was closed and only available for them to keep the press out.

"Nora." Pearl said as she walked over to her, greeting her with a hug.

"Hello." Nora said. Isla walked in and ran over to them. "Hello momma and my new sister!" She exclaimed.

Nora blushed and hugged her back.

"Well, I hope you are hungry. I ordered a large brunch for us." Pearl said.

"Starving. Thank you." Nora said.

"So, tell me about your business." Pearl said, sipping a glass of mimosa.

Nora filled her in as Isla listened with interest.

"Wow. I had no idea you did that for cancer survivors. That is incredibly admirable." Pearl said.

"I lost my mom when I was young. It has been my life's work to make the world a little less sufferable because of this horrible disease." Nora said, taking a bite of her scone.

Pearl looked at the small woman in front of her. Why would she ever doubt her son's ability to find an honorable mate? She shook her head and smiled.

"You love him, my son. I felt it when you stood up to me. I saw so much of myself in you." Pearl said.

"I wanted you to know that I am absolutely aware of what I am getting myself into. I love him more than I can ever explain. I loved him before I knew what he was. I knew who he was and that was all that did or ever will, matter to me." Nora said, looking directly at Pearl.

Pearl nodded and smiled. She understood more than Nora realized.

"Soooo. I know we are supposed to be dress shopping today, but I have a surprise for you." Isla said.

Pearl looked at Nora and nodded. "Yes. We hope you like it."

Nora looked at them, puzzled. "Alright. Now I'm excited. What is it?"

Isla clapped her hands and stood up. "Are we finished eating now so we can take her?" Pearl shook her head as Isla grabbed her hand and pulled her to a standing position.

"Fine, fine!" Pearl said, laughing. "Sorry Nora. No more time to eat then."

Nora stood and walked with them to the door.

"No worries. Surprises don't happen just anytime. I can eat whenever." Nora said with a smile.

They drove to a large flat in one of the nicest neighborhoods in London. It was a large studio with industrial decor and bohemian touches.

"This is my design studio." Isla said with a proud smile.

"It's incredible." Nora said, looking around and taking it all in.

Isla lead her and Pearl to the back corner where a mirrored wall hung. In the middle, was an elevated small platform. Hung on a mannequin in the center, was a beautiful lace mermaid style dress.

"I designed it for you." Isla said. "I didn't know your exact measurements so I will have to fit you into it and make adjustments. It's my first wedding dress design. I hope you like it! And if you don't, I will totally understand. We can shop around. I just wanted to…"

"It's the most beautiful dress I have ever seen." Nora said, covering her mouth. She looked at the intricate beadwork and lace flowers. The neckline sank low as well as the back, revealing just enough but not too much.

"I, I don't know what to say." Nora said, feeling tears fill her eyes.

"Let's get you into it and see how beautiful you look." Pearl said, putting her hands on Nora's shoulders.

"Yes. Please." Nora could barely get out. She took and deep breath and stepped onto the platform.