Chapter 425

"I am accepting the position as the Royal solicitor." Erik said as he smiled as Christian.

"I am delighted to hear it." Christian said. They had negotiated and decided on a salary as well as how his practice would be able to function with his absence. Christian offered all the help he could and gave Erik his own office and suite in the palace.

"This is a bit surreal, your majesty. But I have to tell you, I am elated to be able to be a part of this again. And I can assure you, I understand the importance of this opportunity. I will get settled and await further instruction on what matters you'd like me to begin to handle." Erik said with a bow.

"Yes. Get settled. We will arrange a lunch in a couple of days. I'm sure you have ends to tie up and will enjoy some time to breathe. After that, we will focus on the company my fiancée owns and how to make that a Royal venture now that we are to be married. Have a good day, Erik."

Erik bowed and left Christian's large office. As he rounded the staircase to the main foyer, he stopped in his tracks.

"Nightingale." He said without realizing it. His heart nearly stopped. She was beautiful, pure radiance still. Even after almost two decades. Her hair was the same raven shade of dark with hints of grey now throughout, long and wavy. Her eyes still shone bright, like the moon, and the small lines around them only magnified their intensity. She hadn't hardly aged at all. He felt the years hadn't been as kind to him. His hair almost completely grey along with his goatee. The lines were harsher in his face but still he carried a regal way about him, an innate elegance.

"I meant Pearl." He corrected. "Hello, Pearl."

"Erik." She said, formally and coldly. She was completely taken off guard. Her own heart pounding in her chest. Her love for him never fully went away and her hatred for him equally swelled within her. Why was he here in the palace? She decided to walk past him and not ask. He would more than likely lie anyway. Or avoid the topic. No. She would go straight to Christian. She had a deep, intuitive feeling he was behind this.

She made her way to his office and shut the door behind her.

"Why is he here? And why did you not tell me about it?" She asked, standing directly in front of his desk.

"I see you are getting right to the point today. Very well then. I hired him to be the crown's personal solicitor." Christian said, not looking up from his work.

"Have you gone completely insane?" Pearl asked, throwing up her hands. "Why on earth would you think this is a good idea? And you know my history with him. Our history. How could you?" Pearl was becoming more and more irate as she spoke.

"Because it's exactly that. History. The past. And whether or not you or Auggie or the entire country would like to admit it, he is a wealth of knowledge in matters of the crown." Christian said.

"Yes. Illegal, dangerous and criminal ones." Pearl said. "He is a cunning man, one that operates on a level of fear mongering and intimidation."

"That's precisely why he is working for us now." Christian said, looking up at her.

"Are you saying you want to run a country in this manner? Like a common criminal? Your father will be waking from the dead." Pearl said, pacing the room.

"No. As a matter of fact, that's the last thing I want to do. However, there are many that would threaten me. Many that would want to play hard ball or deceitful games. People that are corrupt. I have little experience in recognizing that or how to combat it if it happens. Erik, on the other hand, is the one person that will be able to protect me from it. He will see it coming before anyone. And he will know how to play the game, he invented the game for Christ's sake." Christian said.

Pearl walked over to him and looked him directly in the eyes. "I have no choice in this matter, I know that. But let this be a warning to you. Having Erik around this family is a toxic and risky decision. It will go one or two ways and let me tell you, son of mine…. You have no idea what you're dealing with if it doesn't go the way you want. I do. Trust me, regret isn't even close to what you'll feel if you allow him in and the Erik I knew returns." She said, walking away from him and out of the office.