Chapter 474

"Nora?" Christian found her sitting in the library under a blanket in front of the fireplace.

He sat down and rubbed her leg. "I'm sorry about my outburst in there. I'm sorry about everything."

Nora stared at the fire and nodded.

"It's not me that needs that apology, Christian." She looked over at him. "Your mother did not do this to hurt you. None of this was planned to happen the way it did."'

Christian still felt anger about it all.

"She was cheating on Dylan, it isn't right."

Nora again nodded. "Sure. But that is between your mother, Dylan, Erik and God. Not you. Not me. Not anyone else. From what I can tell from the history there, this is not unexpected. Their lives have always been intertwined and dramatic," Nora said, turning her focus back on the fire.

Christian knew she was right. He was hurting but it wasn't his mother's or Erik's fault they lost their baby. And Erik had been there for him, his first call.

"What do think about Erik?" Christian asked. "I mean, Erik as a person?"

Nora smiled. "If I didn't know the history, I'd think he was the best thing to happen to this family." Christian looked at her.

"And knowing the history?" He asked. She paused and looked into his eyes.

"I think he is the best thing that's happened to you," she said.

"YOU are the best thing that's happened to me," Christian said.

Nora smiled.

"I love you, Nora. And you are a pillar of strength. My queen." Christian squeezed her hand.

"I love you, too," She said.


"Alex, if you have a moment?" Erik asked as Alex was putting on his jacket.

"Sure. What's up, Daddy-O?" Alex smiled sarcastically.

"I, I wanted to thank you. Not only for coming out to us but for being so supportive of this. Of me. I didn't think you cared much for me." Erik put his head down.

"I'm not the one you need worry about caring for you, right mate? Anyway, my mum is as the most willful and determined person I've ever met. If she wants you, we all know it's in stone. And things were way too heavy in there." Alex placed his hand on Erik's shoulder. His demeanor changed, his eyes were set on Erik's. "And I don't like you. I never have. What you did was terrible, and I'm not talking about what you did to my mother. I'm talking about all the corrupt and evil shit you did for the crown. Fuck that. That shows someone's bloody character and I don't care how many shrinks tell you you're healed now or whatever other bullshit things they say. There was something inside of you that made you decide…that's right, it was a choice…to do those things. To ruin lives. Best you remember that so those demons that lie dormant inside of you never again see the light of day. My brother is good. He's bright, he's strong, but he isn't me. I see it all. So don't think for one second I'm not watching." Alex turned to the door. "That being said, keep it at bay, keep on the straight and narrow, be good to this family, and you and I will have nothing to worry about, eh?" He opened the door and walked out. Erik took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. Alex was Sebastian's son, and this was his first real glimpse of it.


Auggie was standing in Erik's office when he returned. "Brother…What do I owe this late night honor?" Erik began.

"Cut the shit, Erik. What are you doing? Pearl is pregnant? Marriage? I knew when you asked for that ruby ring back we were all in trouble but I didn't think she would fall for it again."

Erik looked up at him. "Fall for what, exactly?"

"You have always had an agenda, your entire life. I have tried to stay quiet and mind my business lately but enough is enough. I will not allow you to come in a destroy what we have all built. I won't."

Erik walked closer to Auggie and looked into his eyes. "I have no agenda. And you thinking that about me is a clear example of why I can't get ahead. No one has ever saw any good in me, no one but her. I am a good man. I love her. My only agenda is to be what she needs, what this family needs, for the rest of my life. I have a second chance and I'm not going to let your negativity or anyone else's take this from me again."

Auggie shook his head. "You don't belong here. Why couldn't you just start another life and leave us all be?"

Erik shrugged.

"Because you are my brother. Like it or not. And Pearl is the love of my life. She is carrying my child and Christian…" Erik stopped himself, then said, "I have a right to be here. Even more so than you."

Auggie looked at Erik. "What about Christian? Are you hoping to manipulate him? What about him?"

"No! No. I want to help him if I can. That's all. I have no desire to do anything but support him if he needs me," Erik explained.

"Erik, I swear to god, I will die before I let you infiltrate that boy's mind and throne. If you don't anything to hurt him…"

"I would never hurt him!"

"How do I know that? I don't trust you, Erik. How do I know you won't use and manipulate him! He's just a boy and he's good and kind and he's the king. I will kill you myself…"

"I wont hurt him, he is my SON!" Erik felt the words leave his mouth and wished he could reach out of grab them before they got to Auggie. But it was too late.

"Oh my god," Auggie said, covering his mouth. "You know."