Chapter 484

Christian opened the door to the guest house and pulled Allegra inside. He could feel her shivering in his arms.

"I'll start a fire," he said, turning a light on and walking her to the couch in the center of the large living room. It was a rustic guesthouse, a stone cottage, with wooden beams running along the ceiling for support and lots of leather and fluffy pillows to adorn the couch and hearth. It was cozy. And private.

He piled up some logs and kindling and got the fire going at a good pace. "Would you like a drink?"

"Absolutely." She smiled up at him as he took her hand and led her to the kitchen. Grabbing an 18 year Highland Park, he poured her a glass and offered it to her with a smile that let her know he had terribly wicked thoughts swimming in his head. He wanted her. And he would have her. He walked around the large island separating them and pulled her close to him. The spice and oak from the scotch mixed with her delicate floral scent made him shudder at how perfect the moment seemed. He grabbed a remote from a drawer and with it, dimmed the light as a soft jazzy instrumental piece played on the surround sound.

"You seem pretty good at this whole seduction thing." She looked up at him, giving him a eye roll and a smile.

"Actually, I'm terrible at it. And not sure even what I'm doing, actually. I've never seduced a woman like this before." He thought about Nora for a moment and then, it was almost like a light shut off in the room she lived in in his mind.

"Well, with the Coltrane and the fire, the scotch and the eyes you're giving me, I'd say you're a natural." She stood up on her toes and kissed him. His pulse quickened and he pulled her closer, wanting to wrap his arms around her, wanting to be closer yet.

"Christian…" she sighed into his kiss.

"Yes, Allegra?" He asked, trailing his mouth along the curve of her ear.

"I want you to lay me in front of that fireplace and do what it is you want with me."

A grunt escaped his mouth, from deep inside of him. He picked her up carried her to the middle of the room, laying her down so the fire illuminated her perfectly delicate features. He kissed her, exploring her mouth, her throat and down her chest as he opened the buttons of her sweater, revealing her lace bra and the rise of the curves of her breasts. Looking up at her, his breath hitched at how sexy she looked, rolling her eyes and looking back down at him.

"My god, you are so fucking beautiful," he said.

The blush from earlier returned to her cheeks as she smiled.

He undid the buttons of her jeans and pulled them down, revealing her choice to not partake in panties.

He let out a slight moan at the secret knowledge he has just attained. "I don't like knickers." She said quietly. She wasn't embarrassed but she was shy about it, which made him smile.

"Waste of time." He mumbled as he kissed her thighs. He moved his hand to cup her mound as she pushed her body into the movement.

"Are you wet for me?" He asked as opened her folds and ran his finger along her slit. "Damn, darling. You most certainly are." He pressed his finger into her as she moaned his name.

"Christian, ummm.."

He wanted her to cum just like this. It was then that he realized he wouldn't be fucking her, he was going to give her the pleasure she needed so she would know someone saw her value, even if they were a stranger. And no woman had ever made him feel so desperate for her, so turned on and so protective.

He curled his fingers to hit the spot he knew would drive her crazy, whispering to her what he wanted to do to her and adding a second finger. She writhed beneath his large frame and he felt like the most powerful man on earth, watching her crumble to pieces for him.

"Oh god, oh god I am going to…"

"It's okay. Cum, Allegra. Show me how good I make you feel."

And in an instant, those words brought her over the top as she shattered on his hand. He leaned in and kissed her through it, moving and thrusting inside of her until she rode her orgasm out.

After she came back to reality, she smiled at him and thanked him. He rolled onto his side and moved her hair from her face, looking into her eyes.

"But what about you? This feels so… selfish of me," she said. "You don't have to go without to prove a point to me. You can enjoy this, too."

He smiled at her. "Oh, believe me, I enjoyed this. I just have this feeling that perhaps there is more to you. To this. Allegra, I'd like to know you, if that's alright."

"You want to know me?" She went to her elbow and braced her head on her hand, looking into his eyes. "Why?"

"Who wouldn't want to? You are the most mesmerizing woman I have ever met. You don't see it, do you? Your value." He wrapped a blonde curl around his finger.

"Oh I see it. I know my worth. But I'm just surprised you actually do as well."

He crashed his lips into her. Just the answer he wasn't expecting and why he knew she was special.

He could fall in love with this woman. He knew it and for once, it didn't scare him at all. It excited him.

They spent the next several hours talking and laughing and learning about each other. The conversation never ran too deep but the interest never faltered, even when talking about embarrassing vomit stories and bad puberty mishaps. They just clicked.

When the sun came up the next morning, his arms and legs were wrapped around her like a cocoon. She yawned and stretched and kissed his nose as he opened his eyes to greet her with a smile.

"Good morning, Miss Allegra."

The sun peeked in and dust danced around them in the light. It was the perfect morning.

Loud footsteps and a door slamming broke the enchanted spell.

"What the fuck?! Christian? Are you bloody serious??!?" Alex was standing over them, shaking with rage.

"Alex? What's going on?" Christian jumped up and wrapped a blanket around Allegra.

"No need to cover her up, the lying whore. I see you've met my fiancée, brother."



"Oh don't act like this wasn't staged. I always knew you hated me, Christian but this… this is downright cruel." Alex walked backwards to the door and left them there in complete shock and bewilderment.