Chapter 487

"Pearl, I am so sorry. I tried to stop him..,"

the nanny called out to Pearl as she saw Augustus barging into the breakfast nook where she was having her morning tea after feeding Rose.

"We need to talk, Pearl. I know Erik isn't here," Auggie said sternly.

Pearl didn't look up. She sipped her tea and calmly laid her book down on the table. "You are not supposed to be here, Augustus. You know that."

He walked closer to her and slammed his hand onto the table, causing Pearl to flinch.

"Pearl, I gave this family and this monarchy my entire life these last 15 years. I have been loyal to you. Please give me enough respect to at least hear me out. If it wasn't important, I wouldn't be here."

Pearl lifted her head and gazed forward, then slowly made eye contact with him.

"You gave your life, after you and your cohorts took mine. That wasn't loyalty to ME. That was loyalty to YOU and your cause. Let's not confuse things, shall we? You recently lost your wife, your job and your dignity. You should be focused on getting your own life back together now. And I don't have time for this. I'm a new mother over the age of 45. I am tired and need to take care of myself, no added stress. Doctor's orders."

She picked her book back up and began to read.

"Pearl, this isn't about me. This is about your son."

She looked up at him again. "Okay, Augustus. I'll humor this. What is going on with which of my sons?"

"Have you spoken to Christian recently?"

Pearl felt a pang of anxiety move through her.

"What's going on with Christian?"

"Well, your darling boy seems to be just as much of a degenerate as his father. Alex came to me yesterday morning and what he told me made even myself question if it was true. It's completely out of character for him."

Pearl stood up and faced Augustus.

"What is?"

"Alex went to your guest house a few nights ago because he was following a location on some phone app. He walked in and found his fiancée and Christian… you know."

Pearl was confused. "Wait. What do you mean, you know?"

"I mean, they were without clothing…"

Pearl held up her hands. "Got it. I got it. I am more shocked that Alex was.. is.. engaged. Who is this mystery woman?"

Auggie shook his head. "I don't know. But I came here as a warning to you and your.. and Erik. And Christian. Alex is full of rage. Everything he's held in all of these years is surfacing and it isn't good. He is bent on revenge. And I, well, I support him and am not exactly thrilled with you and this side of the family anymore. But I have enough respect for you, Pearl, to come here and tell you this. He is set on war. I don't know what he's capable of, but he's intelligent and jilted. A bad combination. The worst. And add to that, he has an uncle that shares his resentment for the ones that have slighted him. Watch your back, Pearl. And tell them to do the same." He took a step back.

"Are you threatening me?" Pearl asked.

"Warning you, Pearl."

Pearl felt a fire rise into her cheeks from her chest.

"Don't you ever come to my home again and threaten me to my face. You forget the kind of man I share my life with. I can assure you, whatever little childish, jealous schoolboy charade my son is playing that you can't help but insert yourself into, will never match the years of torment and loss Erik has been though. He isn't the kind of man you play games with. So, take your threats that you are addressing me with and put them into an envelope, stamp them, and send them to someone that gives a shit. Because Alex is a lamb and you are a shepherd, sending him to slaughter, going up against a lion that has been starving for over a decade. Best remember that. Now leave. I will talk to my son. You stay the fuck away from him." She maintained eye contact and crossed her arms.

"You'd be surprised, Pearl. Alex is not someone to underestimate. And neither am I. Good day." He turned on his heels and left the house and Pearl, still standing there with her arms crossed, still seething with anger and hurt for all he had done to their family.