"Tunde Eric Obasan!" Eric's mother called in a tone that told him she was about to scold him, and if he didn't do anything about it, this was going to be a really long conversation.
"I love you too, Mom, but can we do this later? I'm in the middle of something at the moment," he whispered.
"Please tell me it's a date. I'm tired of waiting for you to bring a wife home. At this rate, I'll go and get one for you from the village since you still don't want all the fancy girls in Abuja and Lagos," She said with a sigh.
Eric tried not to roll his eyes at that. "Mom, I'll call you back, okay? I'm really busy right now. My regards to Wumi. I'll call you both later. Love you," Eric said before hanging up.
"Sorry, that was my mom," He said apologetically.
"That's fine. So, I was asking you about Chief Obasan's son. Is there a way you can arrange for me to meet with him?" She asked again.