Mother in-law vibes.

"Huh?" Kimberly had asked, turning around to look at him as though she hadn't heard him correctly.

"Are you uncomfortable around me?" Eric repeated.

"Why?" Kimberly asked as she brushed back her hair which was looking very scattered. 

"Because it's a question that needs an answer. I've seen your Instagram pictures and how you wear skimpy clothes, so how come you're tugging down a t-shirt which stops slightly above your knee?" he asked with a raised brow.

"I'm not!" Kimberly denied, making Eric snort, as he sat up on the bed to watch her.

He rested his back against the wall and placed both palms behind his head comfortably as he followed all her movements with his eyes. 

Kimberly dropped the brush at the place she had picked it from before returning to the bed to join him. She made sure she kept a reasonable distance from him so that neither of their bodies touched each other.